Strsep() function in C


Strings are an essential component of programming, because they make it possible to communicate with users, show results, and read files. They are a type of data entry and output mechanism. Since strings are constantly used in some capacity in the programs we create, efficient handling of strings and the functions that process them are crucial.

This tutorial will teach you how to divide texts depending on delimiters using the strsep() method.

We will go over the input and output arguments for strsep(), its syntax and theoretical explanation, and the permitted data types for each of these arguments.

We next put what we've learnt into practice by using code snippets and graphics to fragment strings using the strsep() method, which is demonstrated in the practical examples.

Strsep() Function Syntax in the C Language:

An explanation of the Strsep() function in C:

  • A string is broken apart using the strsep() function, beginning with a pre-determined delimiter.
  • The string pointed to by the stringp input argument is split up by this function, and the pieces are then combined to form new strings that all end in the null character.
  • Each new string begins at the address given by the output pointer and terminates where the delimiter specified by delim and strsep() When a delimiter is found, the function substitutes it with a null character to indicate the end of the new string.
  • The stringp pointer is automatically set at the start of the fragment after the delimiter character is discovered when the function returns from its call. The stringp pointer is now prepared to obtain the next fragment in the following function call. Until strsep() runs out of delimiters and returns a null pointer. As a result, this process is repeated for each call.

It is significant to note that this function alters the input text irrevocably by substituting null characters for the delimiters. The "string.h" header contains the definition of the strsep() function. We must incorporate it into our code as follows in order to use it and the other string management functions:

How to Use the C Language's Strsep() Function to Split a String into Several Fragments

In this example, the phrase "Let's start programming" is created as a string, and its contents are broken apart using the strsep() function. Each of the newly created strings is then produced on a separate line in the command terminal. The string pointed to by the stringp input parameter is broken up word by word since the delimiter we use in the delim input argument is the space character (" ").

We declare the "s_in" string along with the text "Let's start programming" and the "in_Ptr" pointer in the main() function. The strsep() function's stringp input argument is this pointer.

As the delim input argument for the strsep() method and the designated delimiter character, we additionally declare the "string del" with the space character. We next declare the "o_Ptr" pointer, which is used as strsep()'s output argument. The printf() method will use this pointer as an input argument to display the recovered fragment on the command console.

After that, after supplying the del string as the first argument, the "in_Ptr" pointer as the second parameter, and the "o_Ptr" pointer as the output argument, we call the strsep() function. This call is made inside of a while loop with the escape condition that there are no more delimiters when strsep() returns a null pointer.

The code for this example is as follows:

Strsep() divides the "s_in" string word by word, producing a new string each time, which is then displayed on a new line in the command console, as shown below ;




In this article, we demonstrated how to process strings using the strsep() function, one of the functions specified in the "string.h" header. We talked about the theoretical justification for its syntax, calling technique, and operation. Additionally, we demonstrated the kind of data that each input and output argument accepts.

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