C Program to Demonstrate fork() and pipe()In the following tutorial, we will understand the implementation of fork() and pipe() in C Programming language. So, let's get started. fork()
C Program to Demonstrate fork() and pipe():Create two processes, P1 and P2, using a C program. P1 hands a string to P2 after receiving it. Without utilizing a string function, P2 joins the received string to another string and sends the result back to P1 for printing. Example: Explanation: We utilize a fork to generate a child process (). Fork () returns the following information: 0 fail to create child (new) process =0 for child process >0, i.e. the process ID of the child process to the parent process. Parent process will run when >0. Information may be sent from one process to another using the pipe() function. Since pipe() is unidirectional, two pipes-one for each direction-can be set up to provide two-way communication between processes. Inside Parent Process: We first close the first pipe's reading end (fd1[0]), then we write the string via the pipe's writing end (fd1[1]). Parent will now wait till the child's process is complete. After the child process, the parent will shut the second pipe's writing end (fd2[1]), and read the string through the pipe's reading end (fd2[0]). Within the child process, the child reads the first string that the parent process delivered by shutting the writing end of the pipe (fd1[1]), concatenates the two strings after reading them, and then sends the string to the parent process via the fd2 pipe before exiting. |