Hangman Game in CThe C programming language is used in the creation of The Hangman Game In C With Source Code. Guessing the letters (A-Z) that make up the words in this hangman game written in C is the goal. A hangman game requires the player to guess one letter at a time in order to finish a missing word. After a certain number of wrong guesses, the player loses and the hangman game finishes. The game is also ended if the player correctly guesses every letter in the title that is lacking. This project's design is simple and clear, making it simple for users to understand, use, and navigate. Program BreakdownAll the necessary library has taken into the code Abouve code will generate using a hash function, which will check the alphabet. The above code will print the body of the man. The above code will print the word. Program for Hangman Game in COutput: Be aware you can be hanged!!. Rules : - Maximum 6 mistakes are allowed. - All alphabet are in lower case. - All words are name of very popular Websites. eg. Google - If you enjoy continue, otherwise close it. Syntax : Alphabet Example : a Mistakes :0 _________ | | | | | | | False Letters : None _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Give me a alphabet in lower case : a Mistakes :0 _________ | | | | | | | False Letters : None _ _ _ _ a _ _ a _ Give me a alphabet in lower case : b Mistakes :1 _________ | | | ( ) | | | | False Letters : b _ _ _ _ a _ _ a _ Give me a alphabet in lower case : c Mistakes :2 _________ | | | ( ) | / | | | False Letters : bc _ _ _ _ a _ _ a _ Give me a alphabet in lower case : q Mistakes :3 _________ | | | ( ) | /| | | | False Letters : bcq _ _ _ _ a _ _ a _ Give me a alphabet in lower case : p Mistakes :4 _________ | | | ( ) | /|\ | | | False Letters : bcqp _ _ _ _ a _ _ a _ Give me a alphabet in lower case : s Mistakes :4 _________ | | | ( ) | /|\ | | | False Letters : bcqp _ _ s _ a _ _ a _ Give me a alphabet in lower case : d Mistakes :5 _________ | | | ( ) | /|\ | / | | False Letters : bcqpd _ _ s _ a _ _ a _ Give me a alphabet in lower case : m Mistakes :5 _________ | | | ( ) | /|\ | / | | False Letters : bcqpd _ _ s _ a _ _ a m Give me a alphabet in lower case : u Mistakes :6 _________ | | | ( ) | /|\ | / \ | | Better try next time. Word was instagram Next TopicHospital Management System in C |