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How to curve text in Microsoft Word document

Curved text is used when you design a flyer, newsletter, and logo in your Word document.

You can curve text in Word document using the following two methods -

Method 1: Curve text using WordArt

In Microsoft Word, you can use WordArt with the transform text effect option to create stylish and beautiful curved text in the Word document.

Follow the below easiest steps to curve, bend, and wrap text in Microsoft Word document -

Note: Using the below steps, you can curve text in Microsoft Word 2013, Word 2016, Word 2019, and Microsoft Office 365.

Step 1: Open the new or an existing Word document.

Step 2: Highlight or select the text that you want to curve.

Step 3: Go to the Insert tab on the Ribbon and click on the WordArt icon in the Text section.

How to curve text in Microsoft Word document

Step 4: A list of WordArt will appear. Select the letter style (WordArt) that you want to apply to the text.

How to curve text in Microsoft Word document

Note: Depending upon the Microsoft Word version, WordArt may appear different.

Step 5: Once WordArt is added in your text, a new menu Drawing tool is created automatically. Now, go to the Format tab on the Ribbon and click on the drop-down icon associated with the Text Efforts in the WordArt Styles section.

How to curve text in Microsoft Word document

Note: Make sure the Format tab is selected.

Step 6: Click on the Transform option form the Text Effects drop-down menu. Select the curve that you want to apply in the selected text.

How to curve text in Microsoft Word document

Note: In our case, we are going to select the Arch up curve.

The screenshot below shows that a curve is applied to the Word document.

How to curve text in Microsoft Word document

Method 2: Curve text without using Word Art

Microsoft Word allows you to curve the text without using the WordArt.

Step 1: Open the Word document.

Step 2: Click on the Insert tab on the Ribbon. Click on the drop-down menu associated with the Text Box in the Text section.

How to curve text in Microsoft Word document

Step 3: A Built-in dialog box will appear on the screen. Click on the Draw Text Box option.

How to curve text in Microsoft Word document

Step 4: Draw a Text Box. Right-click on the text box, a list of options will appear. Click on the Format Shape option from the list.

How to curve text in Microsoft Word document

Step 5: A Format Shape dialog box will appear on the screen with the selected Fill option at the left pane. Click on the No Fill radio button in the Fill section.

How to curve text in Microsoft Word document

Step 6: Type text inside the Text box that you want to curve.

Step 7: Select the text. Go to the Format tab on the Ribbon and click on the Text Efforts drop-down icon. Select the Transform option from the drop-down list and select the curved text that you want to apply on the Word document.

How to curve text in Microsoft Word document

Note 1: Make sure the Format tab is selected.

Note 2: In our case, we are going to use the Arch Down text curve.

The screenshot below shows that the curve is added to the text without using the WordArt option.

How to curve text in Microsoft Word document

How to remove curved text

In Microsoft Word, you can remove the curve form the text without deleting the text.

There are the following steps to remove the curved text -

Step 1: Select or highlight the curved text that you want to remove.

Step 2: Click on the Text Efforts drop-down menu in the WordArt Style section.

Step 3: Select the Transform option from the Text Efforts drop-down menu. A list of options will appear on the screen in which click on the No Transform, as shown in the screenshot below.

How to curve text in Microsoft Word document

Now, you can see that curve is removed form the text without deleting the text.

How to curve text in Microsoft Word document

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