Dmitry Tool in Kali Linux

Dmitry stands for DeepMagic Information Gathering Tool. Dmitry is a free and open-source tool that is available on GitHub. We used this tool for information gathering. Dmitry is a command-line tool. With the help of the Dmitry tool, we can gather information about the target, which we can then use for social engineering attacks. It can be used to collect a variety of useful information.

Uses of Dmitry Tool

The following are the uses of the Dmitry Tool:

  • Dmitry tool can be used to search the target's subdomains.
  • TCP scanning can be done with the Dmitry tool.
  • Dmitry Tool can be used to discover the target system's open ports.
  • Dmitry Tool can be used to obtain email addresses linked with the target's domain.
  • Dmitry Tool can be used in conjunction with the whois service to obtain target information such as the registered domain, name, address, the contact information of the person who registered it.
  • Dmitry tool can be used in conjunction with the Netcraft service to obtain target information such as operating system, hosting service details, web host details, web server details, etc.

Flags of Dmitry Tool

Dmitry is a command-line tool. The Dmitry tool has a number of commands that can be used with different commands. Different flags are used with commands. The flags are listed below.

S.NOFlagsUses of Flags
1.-oAllow the user to choose a location where the application's output should be written.
2.-iWe can perform the whois lookup on the target's IP address, using this flag.
3.-wWe can perform the whois lookup on the host's domain name using this flag.
4.-nThis flag retrieves all available Netcraft information for a specific target.
5.-sThis flag is used to search the target's subdomains.
6.-eThis flag is used to search all emails associated with the target.
7.-pThe flag performs TCP port scanning and finds open ports of the target.

Installation of Dmitry Tool

The following steps are used to install the Dmitry tool:

Step 1: First, we have to open our Kali Linux terminal and then Move to the Desktop Directory.

Dmitry Tool in Kali Linux

Step 2: Now, we have to create a new directory named dmitry.

Dmitry Tool in Kali Linux

Step 3: We have already made the dmitry Directory. Now move into this directory, where we will find the Dmitry tool to be installed.

Dmitry Tool in Kali Linux

Step 4: Now, we can see that we are in a dmitry directory. The Dmitry tool must now be cloned and downloaded from GitHub. Use the following command to clone the tool.

Dmitry Tool in Kali Linux

Step 5: The Dmitry tool has been successfully downloaded into our Kali Linux. We can now use the tool. Now run the following command to check the listing of the directory.

Dmitry Tool in Kali Linux

Step 6: Dmitry is a new directory that we can find here. Use the following command to move to this directory, and then use the following commands to list the contents.

Dmitry Tool in Kali Linux

Step 7: The file has been downloaded into the directory; use the following command to install the directory; all of the dependencies will be downloaded as a result of this.

Dmitry Tool in Kali Linux

Step 8: After we have downloaded all of the dependencies, we need to give the permissions with the command below.

Dmitry Tool in Kali Linux

Step 9: The tool has been permitted for execution. It's time to initialize the configuration file using the following command.

Dmitry Tool in Kali Linux

Step 10: Now, this is the time to make a configuration available for the tool so that we can run the command that follows.

Dmitry Tool in Kali Linux

Step 11: Now, we can install the tool with the help of the following command.

Dmitry Tool in Kali Linux

Step 12: Lastly, now that all of the dependencies and tool configuration have been completed, we can execute the tool with the help of the command below.

Dmitry Tool in Kali Linux

As we can see, the tool is currently in the running state, and several flags may be seen here. These flags can be used in conjunction with commands to set a target and obtain information about it. Now we will look at some instances of how to use the tool. The following are some examples.

Run the Tool and Get the Information About Any Target

We can run the tool and enter the following command to collect any basic information.

Dmitry Tool in Kali Linux

We can use any domain name here instead of as our target.

Run the Tool and Get Specific Information about Any Target With the help of a Flag

Run the tool and type the following command with the flag for acquiring specified data. To gather information about ports, we use the -o flag.

Dmitry Tool in Kali Linux

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