Webkiller Tool in Kali Linux

Webkiller is a GitHub-based free and open-source tool. Webkiller is a tool for acquiring information. It is a tool that scans webpages for data collection and vulnerabilities in websites and webapps. Geoip lookup, Banner grabbing, DNS lookup, sub-domain information, port scanning, reverse IP, and MX records lookup are all included in the whois data gathering.

Features of Webkiller

The following are the features of Webkiller:

  • Webkiller is a comprehensive set of data collection tools.
  • Webkiller can be used to look for error-based SQL injections
  • The interactive console of Webkiller has a number of useful features
  • Webkiller is useful for locating sensitive files like robots.txt
  • Webkiller's interface is extremely similar to metasploitable 1 and metasploitable 2, making it simple to use.
  • Webkiller is a free and open-source tool, which is available for download and usage without a charge.
  • Webkiller can be used to find the IP Addresses of targets
  • Webkiller can be used to check up geo-IP addresses, banner grabbing, DNS lookups, sub-domain information, port scanning, and reverse IP addresses using WHOIS lookup.
  • It is written in ruby language.

Installation of Webkiller

Step 1: In order to install this tool, we first have to move to the Desktop. We need to move to the desktop because on the desktop we need to create a directory into which we need to clone the tool. With the help of the command below, we can move to Desktop.

This is where we'll find all of the tool's files. We may need to install the tool's requirements. In order to install the requirements, use the command below.

Webkiller Tool in Kali Linux

Step 2: Now we are on the desktop. Here we need to create a new directory named Webkiller. We must clone the tool from Github into this directory. In order to create a new directory, type the following command.

Webkiller Tool in Kali Linux

Step 3: Now, use the following command to move into the newly-created directory.

Webkiller Tool in Kali Linux

Step 4: Now we are in the webkiller directory. We must clone the tool from GitHub into this directory. To clone the tool from GitHub, run the command below.

Webkiller Tool in Kali Linux

Step 5: The tool has been downloaded and cloned effectively. Use the following command to list the contents of the tool.

Webkiller Tool in Kali Linux

Step 6: As we can see, a new directory spiderfoot has been created. The spiderfoot tool must be installed using the command below.

Webkiller Tool in Kali Linux

Step 7: We have now entered the tool's directory. The following command will list the contents of the directory.

Webkiller Tool in Kali Linux

Step 8: This is where we'll find all of the tool's files. It's possible that we'll need to install the tool's requirements. In order to install the requirements, use the command below.

Webkiller Tool in Kali Linux

Step 9: Once the requirement has been met, start the tool with the help of the following command.

Webkiller Tool in Kali Linux

The tool is working properly. Now we'll look at some instances of how to use the tool.


Example 1: We can use the WebKiller tool to show the HTTP Header.

In order to find HTTP Header, first, we have to choose option 1 which is information gathering.

Webkiller Tool in Kali Linux

We need to choose the option 7 in order to find the HTTP Header of a domain.

Webkiller Tool in Kali Linux

Next, we have to give the domain to the tool:

Webkiller Tool in Kali Linux

Example 2: We can use the Webkiller tool in order to find the admin page of a domain.

We need to choose the option 12 in order to find the admin page of a domain.

Webkiller Tool in Kali Linux

Give the Domain Address to the tool

Webkiller Tool in Kali Linux
Webkiller Tool in Kali Linux

In the same way, we can find the admin pages if available publicly on the internet. Similarly, we can utilise the tool to locate the tool's admin pages. Webkiller is a scanner for vulnerabilities, DNS Lookup, GEO-Lookup, WHOIS Lookup, Port Scanner, Subnet Lookup, Links Extractor, and other modules are available in Webkiller. Webkiller may detect closed and open ports of networks.

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