List of Body PartsThe human body is unexpectedly the most incredible organism on the planet. No other organism has the same level of complexeness like us. Yet we are advanced creatures who are evolving day by day. The human body exists as a composition of all living and non-living elements that make a whole structure of human beings, including every living cell, tissue, organ, and system. The morphological features of a human body consist of basic five parts- the head, neck, core body, arms, and legs. There are five senses of the body - ear, eye, nose, tongue, and skin. These parts make a body compatible to sense the stimuli or environment and then react. However, millions of nerves are interacting chemically and biologically beneath the skin to make a body function. Our body consists of numerous biological systems that carry out several functions like the respiratory system, excretory system, nervous system, circulatory system, digestive system, etc. Below are the major categories of body parts of humans: 1. HeadThe human head comprises a fleshy exterior layer covering the bone structure called a Skull. The front of the head consists of the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth which is called as Face. The main function of the head is to envelop and support the brain and its primary sensory organs like the mouth, eye, ears, and nose. These organs function by accepting messages from the nervous system in the brain and then reacting accordingly. The head is probably the most sensitive part of the human body. The vascular and muscular structures of the head contain millions of small interconnected parts and nerves that need to be located very precisely to their location to work properly. The human head includes several parts such as Skull, Cranium, Mandible, Maxilla, Nasal bone, Zygomatic bone for the eye and the face includes, eyes, nose, ears, mouth, and tongue. 2. Upper LimbUpper limbs include the shoulder, arms, upper arm, elbow, forearm, hand, wrist, palm, and fingers. In casual language, the term arm usually refers to the entire upper limb starting from the shoulder to the fingers. But the part between the shoulder and elbow is known as the upper arm and the part between the elbow and wrist is called Forearm.
3. Lower limb
4. TorsoThe torso or trunk is the largest part of the body. The main role of the trunk is to provide the core structure and a shape to the human body and to store all the internal organs like the heart, lungs, kidney stomach, liver, etc. to perform vital functions in the body. The torso also contains several bloody vessels and capillaries that exchange oxygen flow in the whole body. One of the most important parts of the body is the Spine which provides support to the body. The spine is composed of separated bones called vertebrae; the cartilage tissue is present between vertebrae that prevent clashing of the bones. There is a total of 26 vertebrae in the spine. Chest is the another main part of the body protected by a cage of many bones named the rib cage. The rib cage encloses the heart, lungs, and other internal organs. The muscles connected in this region are known as the pectoral muscle and trapezius muscle. The torso includes parts such as the shoulder, chest, and rib cage enclosing the heart and lungs, the upper abdomen includes abdomen muscles, stomach, kidney, liver, and the lower abdomen includes small intestines, and large intestines, colon, and rectum. At last posterior part include the spine and glutes.
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