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Chewing Tobacco Alternatives

Humans have used tobacco for a long time, and one of the oldest methods is chewing it. While many argue that chewing tobacco is safer than smoking, there are still negative side effects that make it not worth the risk. Smokeless tobacco users tend to consume far more nicotine than smokers, making dipping more addictive than smoking. If smokeless tobacco is your go-to stress reliever, any little hiccup in your day can trigger the urge to dip. Although quitting chewing tobacco is a difficult habit to shake, choosing the right smokeless tobacco alternative can set you up for success from the start.

You know how frustrating and difficult it can be to quit chewing tobacco cold turkey. Chewing tobacco for an extended period can lead to a dependence on tobacco and nicotine, both of which are highly addictive. Many people believe that chewing tobacco is less dangerous than smoking, but both smoking and dipping can result in comparable levels of nicotine in the blood. Chewing tobacco, like smoking, can lead to nicotine addiction, cancer, and a variety of noncancerous oral conditions.

When you chew tobacco, nicotine is absorbed through the mouth tissues directly into the blood, where it then travels to the brain. Plus, nicotine continues to be absorbed into the bloodstream long after you spit the tobacco out. Also, the nicotine stays in the blood longer when you chew tobacco than when you smoke it. Chewing tobacco is both a physical and psychological addiction. Many smokeless tobacco users simply desire the mouthfeel and lip burn that dipping provides.

Although it is difficult to quit chewing tobacco, especially if you have been dipping for a long time, it is possible with determination and a little help. Finding the best smokeless tobacco alternative can be the difference between success and failure.

Whatever option works best for you, remember that making a commitment to quit is the most important part. Once you've decided to prioritize your health, the rest will fall into place. Not all smokeless tobacco substitutes are the same or affect people similarly. Even though beef jerky and sunflower seeds aren't really smokeless tobacco substitutes, munching on them while trying to stop dipping can be beneficial.

Tobacco chewing is associated with serious health problems:

  1. Tobacco contains many different chemicals called as carcinogens which can cause cancer. These chemicals increase the risk of oral cancer such as cancer of the mouth, throat, cheek, gums, lips or tongue.
  2. There's also an increased risk of cancers of the pancreas and esophagus.
  3. It also causes precancerous lesions in the oral cavity
  4. Tobacco contains nicotine which is habit forming and very addictive. It also predisposes individuals who chew tobacco to start smoking which further increase their risk of developing other cancers.
  5. It causes gum decay, tooth decay and tooth loss
  6. Increased risk of heart disease
  7. Increased risk of stroke
  8. Increased risk of pre term delivery and still birth in pregnancy

Taking into consideration the long list of side effects, people should be determined not to indulge in this bad habit and those already chewing tobacco should quit it. Here's the list to choose the best smokeless tobacco alternative.

1. Sunflower Seeds

Chewing Tobacco Alternatives

Sunflower seeds are a typical pacifier used by dippers to simulate the effects of chewing tobacco. Your mouth will be kept busy by sucking up the flavour and seed before spitting out the hard shell, but after a while, the salt can make your mouth feel raw and puckered up.

2. Chewing Gum

Chewing Tobacco Alternatives

In addition to keeping your mouth occupied, chewing gum is a well-liked method of reducing cravings for smokeless tobacco because of its familiar taste. Leading brands of smokeless tobacco are available in mint and spearmint flavors.

3. Sugar-free Mints or Hard Candies

Chewing Tobacco Alternatives

Dr. Oz on television and other medical professionals advise choosing sugar-free mints or hard candies to keep your mouth occupied and your mind off your cravings.

4. Shredded Beef Jerky

Chewing Tobacco Alternatives

For the actual ritual of dipping, beef jerky that has been shred is a great alternative. It mimics the actions of dipping as well as looking and feeling like loose-leaf shredded tobacco. Even though gum or mints have mint flavors, beef jerky doesn't, but it definitely keeps your mouth occupied when you chew it.

5. Nicotine Patches

Chewing Tobacco Alternatives

Not just cigarette smokers can use nicotine patches. If you're trying to stop using smokeless tobacco, the patches may be just as effective for you. Numerous drawbacks exist. They are not entirely effective on their own and a little expensive. The majority of the time, patches are used as a temporary fix rather than a long-term cure for chewing tobacco users who will likely need additional therapy or methods to stop the habit for good.

6. Tobacco-free Pouch

Chewing Tobacco Alternatives

For a variety of reasons, tobacco-free pouches are highly effective. Since tobacco-free pouches are comparable to smokeless tobacco pouches in size and shape, it makes sense to replace the mouthfeel dippers love. Tobacco-free pouches are available in a wide range of flavors, including mint and cherry, which are familiar and beloved by users of smokeless tobacco.

Watch out because some tobacco-free pouches still contain nicotine, making them a bad choice. Make sure to purchase tobacco- and nicotine-free pouches like TeaZa when looking for tobacco-free options because they contain herbs and vitamins and are therefore a healthier option.

7. Kreteks

Kreteks, also known as cloves or clove cigarettes, are a rolled mixture of tobacco, cloves, and other additives. Kretek use, like bidis, can result in some of the same health issues as cigarette smoking, such as difficulty breathing, coughing up blood, and other lung problems.

8. Lozenges, Nicotine Mouth Sprays, and Inhalers

Chewing Tobacco Alternatives

Lozenges, nicotine mouth sprays, and inhalers are examples of 'quick response products.' They can deliver nicotine as soon as you crave it, which is useful if your desire to smoke changes throughout the day.


Whatever solution you find most effective for you, it's important to always keep in mind that actually trying to stop is the most difficult step. Even though not every attempt is successful, what matters most is that you are making an effort and prioritizing your health over your addictions.

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