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Convex Hull Algorithm in C++

Unveiling the Elegance of Convex Hull Algorithms: A Comprehensive Exploration

Convex hull algorithms stand as pillars in the realm of computational geometry, offering efficient solutions to a fundamental problem: finding the smallest convex polygon that encloses a given set of points in the plane. This problem, known as the convex hull problem, has diverse applications ranging from image processing and computer graphics to robotics and geographic information systems. The pursuit of optimal solutions to this geometric challenge has led to the development of various algorithms, each with its unique characteristics and efficiency. In this comprehensive exploration, we will unravel the theoretical underpinnings of convex hull algorithms, delving into the intricacies of their design and shedding light on their applications.

Understanding the Convex Hull Problem

The convex hull of a set of points in the plane is the smallest convex polygon that encloses all the given points. A convex polygon is one in which any line segment connecting two points within the polygon lies entirely inside the polygon. The convex hull problem can be formally stated as finding the set of vertices that form the boundary of this smallest convex polygon.

The importance of the convex hull problem extends to numerous fields. For instance, in computer graphics, the convex hull is crucial for rendering realistic and visually appealing scenes. In robotics, understanding the convex hull aids in collision detection and path planning. Geographical information systems leverage convex hull algorithms to delineate the boundaries of geographic regions efficiently. The applications are vast, making the quest for optimal convex hull algorithms both theoretically intriguing and practically essential.

Types of Convex Hull Algorithms

Convex hull algorithms can be broadly categorized into incremental methods, divide-and-conquer approaches, and gift-wrapping algorithms. Each category brings its own set of techniques and trade-offs, contributing to the rich tapestry of convex hull algorithms.

1. Incremental Methods:

Incremental methods build the convex hull step by step, adding one point at a time to the existing convex hull. One such popular incremental algorithm is the Graham's Scan. It begins by selecting the point with the lowest y-coordinate (and the leftmost if tied) as the pivot. The remaining points are then sorted based on their polar angles with respect to the pivot. The sorted points are processed one by one to construct the convex hull. While efficient, incremental methods can be sensitive to the order of point insertion.

2. Divide-and-Conquer Approaches:

Divide-and-conquer algorithms break down the problem into smaller subproblems, solve them recursively, and then combine the results to obtain the convex hull. The QuickHull algorithm is an example of a divide-and-conquer approach. It selects two extreme points, divides the points into two sets based on their positions relative to the line connecting the extreme points, and recursively applies the algorithm to each subset. The results are then merged to obtain the convex hull.

3. Gift-Wrapping Algorithms:

Gift-wrapping algorithms is also known as Jarvis march or the gift-wrapping algorithm. It starts with a point known to be on the convex hull and iteratively select the point with the smallest polar angle with respect to the current point. This process continues until the convex hull is complete. Gift-wrapping algorithms are intuitive and easy to implement, with the Jarvis March being a classic example.

Graham's Scan: Navigating the Convex Hull with Grace

Graham's Scan, an iconic representative of incremental convex hull algorithms, gracefully constructs the convex hull in a series of carefully orchestrated steps. The algorithm's elegance lies in its simplicity and efficiency.

Key Steps of Graham's Scan:

Pivot Selection:

Identify the point with the lowest y-coordinate (and the leftmost if tied) as the pivot.

Sorting by Polar Angles:

Sort the remaining points based on their polar angles with respect to the pivot. This involves calculating the polar angle for each point and using it as the sorting criterion.

Building the Convex Hull:

Iterate through the sorted points, adding each point to the convex hull.

For each point, check whether the angle formed by the current point, the top point on the convex hull, and the next point in the sorted order is a left turn. If it is, add the point to the convex hull; otherwise, remove the top point from the convex hull until a left turn is encountered.

Completing the Convex Hull:

The convex hull is now complete, consisting of the points added during the iteration.

Graham's Scan elegantly navigates the intricacies of the convex hull problem, efficiently building the convex hull with a time complexity of O(n log n), where n is the number of input points. Its incremental nature and reliance on polar angles contribute to its intuitive design and effectiveness.

Graham's Scan, named after the mathematician Ronald Graham, elegantly constructs the convex hull in a series of incremental steps. It is particularly revered for its simplicity, efficiency, and intuitive geometric foundation. The algorithm's overarching strategy involves selecting a pivot point, sorting the remaining points based on their polar angles with respect to the pivot, and iteratively building the convex hull by considering the sorted points in order.

1. Pivot Selection:

The algorithm begins by selecting a pivot point, usually chosen as the point with the lowest y-coordinate. If multiple points share the same y-coordinate, the leftmost among them is selected as the pivot. This pivot point is guaranteed to be part of the convex hull.

2. Sorting by Polar Angles:

Once the pivot is selected, the remaining points are sorted based on their polar angles concerning the pivot. The polar angle is calculated using trigonometric functions, establishing a coordinate system with the pivot as the origin.

Sorting by polar angles ensures that when traversing the sorted list, points are encountered in a counterclockwise order with respect to the pivot. This order is crucial for the convex hull construction process.

3. Building the Convex Hull:

With the points sorted, Graham's Scan iterates through them, considering each point in turn to build the convex hull incrementally.

The algorithm uses a stack to maintain the points on the convex hull. Initially, the pivot and the first two sorted points are pushed onto the stack.

For each subsequent point, the algorithm checks whether adding the point to the convex hull results in a left turn. If a left turn is detected, the point is added to the convex hull; otherwise, points are popped from the stack until a left turn is achieved.

This process continues until all points are considered, and the convex hull is formed by the points on the stack.

4. Completing the Convex Hull:

The convex hull, represented by the points on the stack, is now complete. The order in which points were added ensures that the convex hull is formed in a counterclockwise manner.

Graham's Scan achieves a balance between simplicity and efficiency. The sorting step contributes to its time complexity of O(n log n), where n is the number of input points. The incremental nature of the algorithm allows it to adapt well to dynamic datasets, where points are added or removed over time.

Geometric Insight and Efficiency

The success of Graham's Scan lies in its exploitation of geometric properties. By considering polar angles, the algorithm ensures that the points are processed in a counterclockwise order, aligning with the fundamental principles of convex polygons. The left-turn test, a critical aspect of the algorithm, determines whether adding a point to the convex hull results in a left turn. This test is foundational in establishing the convexity of the hull and contributes to the correct construction of the polygon.

Convex Hull in a Nutshell:

To appreciate Graham's Scan fully, it's essential to understand the concept of a convex hull. The convex hull is the smallest convex polygon that encloses a given set of points. Convexity implies that any line segment connecting two points within the polygon lies entirely inside the polygon. The convex hull problem emerges in various applications, from computer graphics and computational geometry to robotics and geographic information systems.

Adaptability to Dynamic Data:

Graham's Scan is well-suited for dynamic scenarios where points are incrementally added or removed. Its incremental nature allows it to adapt seamlessly to changes in the dataset without requiring a complete recomputation of the convex hull. This adaptability is a valuable characteristic in applications where the dataset evolves over time.

Limitations and Considerations:

While Graham's Scan is a powerful algorithm, it is not without limitations. The algorithm assumes that no three points in the input dataset are collinear. Collinear points can disrupt the left-turn test, potentially leading to incorrect results. Therefore, preprocessing steps may be needed to handle collinear points or select a suitable pivot.

Practical Applications:

The practical applications of convex hull algorithms, including incremental methods like Graham's Scan, are diverse and span various fields, leveraging the efficiency and geometric insights these algorithms provide. Here, we delve into specific practical applications across computer science, robotics, geography, and image processing.

1. Computer Graphics: Optimizing Rendering and Visibility

In the realm of computer graphics, convex hull algorithms play a crucial role in optimizing rendering processes and determining the visibility of objects in a scene. The convex hull of objects helps identify the outer boundary of the scene, allowing graphics engines to focus rendering efforts on the visible portions. This optimization is particularly important in real-time graphics, such as video games or virtual simulations, where computational resources are limited, and rendering efficiency is paramount.

Visibility Determination:

Convex hull algorithms assist in determining which parts of a scene are visible from a given viewpoint. By calculating the convex hull of the objects in the scene, graphics engines can quickly identify the visible surfaces and streamline the rendering pipeline. This contributes to smoother and more efficient rendering, especially in complex 3D environments.

Collision Detection:

In addition to visibility determination, convex hull algorithms are employed in collision detection within computer graphics. By representing objects as convex shapes, collision detection algorithms can efficiently check for intersections and overlaps between objects. This is vital in applications where accurate collision detection is essential, such as in simulations, virtual reality environments, and interactive gaming experiences.

2. Robotics: Path Planning and Collision Avoidance

Convex hull algorithms find extensive use in the field of robotics, providing solutions to path planning and collision avoidance challenges. In robotic systems, understanding the convex hull of obstacles and navigating efficiently around them is fundamental to safe and optimal robot movements.

Path Planning:

Convex hull algorithms assist in defining the free space available for a robot to navigate within an environment. By computing the convex hull of obstacles, planners can identify clear pathways for the robot to traverse. This is critical for autonomous robots, drones, and other robotic systems that need to navigate in real-world environments.

Collision Avoidance:

Real-time collision avoidance is a crucial aspect of robotics, especially in scenarios where robots share spaces with humans or other robots. Convex hulls provide a simplified representation of the obstacles, enabling quick collision checks and efficient decision-making to avoid potential collisions.

3. Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Boundary Definition and Spatial Analysis

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) rely on convex hull algorithms for tasks such as defining boundaries, spatial analysis, and cartography. Convex hulls help delineate geographic regions and contribute to the efficient representation of spatial data.

Boundary Definition:

In GIS applications, convex hull algorithms assist in defining the boundaries of geographic regions. This is particularly useful in tasks such as land surveying, where the convex hull can represent the outermost limits of surveyed areas or define administrative boundaries.

Spatial Analysis:

Convex hulls are employed in spatial analysis to simplify and analyze complex spatial datasets. For example, in ecological studies, convex hulls can be used to outline the territory or range of a particular species based on observation points, aiding in habitat analysis and wildlife management.

4. Image Processing: Object Recognition and Shape Analysis

Convex hull algorithms find applications in image processing, contributing to object recognition, shape analysis, and the extraction of meaningful features from images.

Object Recognition:

In image processing, convex hulls are utilized as a tool for object recognition. By representing objects as convex shapes, algorithms can identify distinctive features and patterns. This is valuable in applications such as computer vision, where recognizing and classifying objects within images is a common task.

Shape Analysis:

Convex hulls play a role in shape analysis, helping quantify and describe the overall structure of objects within an image. This is beneficial in medical imaging for analyzing anatomical shapes or in industrial settings for inspecting the shapes of manufactured components.

The practical applications of convex hull algorithms, exemplified by incremental methods like Graham's Scan, extend across a spectrum of domains, contributing to efficiency, optimization, and decision-making in diverse fields. From optimizing rendering in computer graphics to enhancing navigation in robotics, defining boundaries in GIS, and aiding object recognition in image processing, convex hull algorithms serve as versatile tools. As technology continues to advance, the role of convex hull algorithms in solving complex geometric problems and contributing to innovative solutions across various disciplines is poised to expand further.

Graham's Scan, as a representative of incremental convex hull algorithms, embodies the marriage of geometric insight and algorithmic efficiency. Its step-by-step construction approach, leveraging polar angles and left-turn tests, enables the formation of the convex hull in a counterclockwise order. This algorithm has found applications in diverse domains, from computer graphics to robotics and GIS. As we navigate the intricacies of Graham's Scan, we uncover not only its theoretical foundations but also its real-world impact and versatility in addressing complex geometric challenges.

QuickHull: A Divide-and-Conquer Marvel

In the realm of divide-and-conquer convex hull algorithms, QuickHull emerges as a marvel of efficiency. Its divide-and-conquer strategy, coupled with careful geometric analysis, allows it to construct the convex hull with a compelling balance between simplicity and speed.

Key Steps of QuickHull:

Initial Selection:

Identify two points with the minimum and maximum x-coordinates; these will serve as the endpoints of the convex hull.

Dividing the Points:

Divide the remaining points into two subsets based on their positions relative to the line connecting the two endpoints.


Recursively apply the QuickHull algorithm to each subset, obtaining the upper and lower halves of the convex hull.

Merging the Halves:

Merge the upper and lower halves obtained from recursion to form the final convex hull.



Convex Hull Points:
(0, 0)
(3, 0)
(3, 3)
(0, 3)


  • #include <iostream>: This line includes the input/output stream header, allowing the program to use functions like cout for output.
  • #include <stack>: This line includes the stack container header, which is used later in the code to maintain the intermediate results during the convex hull calculation.
  • #include <vector>: This line includes the vector container header, providing functionality for dynamic arrays used to store points and the convex hull.
  • #include <algorithm>: This line includes the algorithm header, which is used for sorting the points based on polar angles.
  • using namespace std;: This line declares that the code will use the standard namespace, avoiding the need to prefix standard library elements like cout with std::.
  • struct Point { int x, y; ... };: This defines a structure named Point representing 2D points with integer coordinates (x, y).
  • static bool compare(Point a, Point b) { ... }: This is a static member function within the Point structure. It defines a comparator function used for sorting points based on polar angles.
  • int main() {: The main function, where program execution begins.
  • vector<Point> points = {{0, 3}, {2, 2}, {1, 1}, {2, 1}, {3, 0}, {0, 0}, {3, 3}};: Declares a vector of Point structures and initializes it with a set of 2D points.
  • vector<Point> convexHullPoints = convexHull(points);: Calls the convexHull function to find the convex hull of the given points and stores the result in convexHullPoints.
  • cout << "Convex Hull Points:\n";: Outputs a message indicating that the following lines will display the convex hull points.
  • for (const Point& p : convexHullPoints) { ... }: Iterates over each point in the convexHullPoints vector using a range-based for loop.
  • cout << "(" << p.x << ", " << p.y << ")\n";: Outputs the x and y coordinates of each convex hull point.
  • return 0;: Indicates successful program execution.
  • }: Closes the main function and the program.
  • vector<Point> convexHull(vector<Point>& points) { ... }: Defines the convexHull function that takes a vector of points as input and returns a vector representing the convex hull.
  • int n = points.size();: Gets the number of points in the input vector.
  • int minY = points[0].y, minIndex = 0;: Initializes variables to store the minimum y-coordinate and the index of the point with the minimum y-coordinate.
  • for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { ... }: Iterates over the points to find the point with the lowest y-coordinate (and leftmost if ties).
  • swap(points[0], points[minIndex]);: Swaps the point with the minimum y-coordinate to the beginning of the vector.
  • sort(points.begin() + 1, points.end(), Point::compare);: Sorts the remaining points based on polar angles using the compare function.
  • stack<Point> convexHullStack;: Initializes a stack to store points during the convex hull calculation.
  • push(points[0]);: Pushes the first point onto the stack.
  • push(points[1]);: Pushes the second point onto the stack.
  • push(points[2]);: Pushes the third point onto the stack.
  • for (int i = 3; i < n; i++) { ... }: Iterates over the remaining points to build the convex hull.
  • while (convexHullStack.size() > 1) { ... }: Checks and pops the stack while the angle formed by points is not a left turn.
  • push(points[i]);: Pushes the current point onto the stack.
  • vector<Point> convexHullPoints;: Initializes a vector to store the convex hull points.
  • while (!convexHullStack.empty()) { ... }: Copies the convex hull points from the stack to the vector.
  • reverse(convexHullPoints.begin(), convexHullPoints.end());: Reverses the order of convex hull points to get counterclockwise order.
  • return convexHullPoints;: Returns the vector representing the convex hull points.

Applications of Convex Hull Algorithm

Convex hull algorithms, including methods like Graham's Scan, QuickHull, and gift-wrapping algorithms, find a myriad of applications across diverse fields due to their ability to efficiently compute the convex hull of a set of points. The convex hull serves as a fundamental geometric construct with practical implications in computer science, computational geometry, robotics, graphics, geographic information systems (GIS), and more. Here, we explore various applications that highlight the versatility and importance of convex hull algorithms.

1. Computer Graphics: Scene Rendering and Visibility Determination

In computer graphics, the convex hull algorithm is instrumental in optimizing scene rendering and visibility determination. By computing the convex hull of 3D objects in a scene, graphics engines can efficiently cull non-visible geometry, significantly reducing the computational load during rendering. This optimization is particularly crucial in real-time applications such as video games, simulations, and virtual reality, where rendering speed is paramount.

Convex hulls contribute to visibility determination by identifying the outer boundaries of objects. This information aids in determining which portions of the scene are visible from a given viewpoint, allowing graphics engines to focus rendering efforts on the visible surfaces. Efficient visibility determination enhances the overall performance and realism of computer-generated environments.

2. Robotics: Path Planning and Collision Avoidance

In the field of robotics, convex hull algorithms play a pivotal role in path planning and collision avoidance. By computing the convex hull of obstacles within a robot's environment, planners can define the free space available for navigation. This is essential for autonomous robots, drones, and vehicles that need to navigate dynamically changing environments while avoiding collisions.

Convex hulls facilitate collision avoidance by providing a simplified representation of obstacles. Real-time collision checks against the convex hull enable robots to make swift decisions to avoid potential collisions, ensuring the safety and efficiency of robotic movements. The applications extend to areas such as warehouse automation, autonomous vehicles, and robotic surgeries.

3. Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Boundary Definition and Spatial Analysis

In GIS applications, convex hull algorithms contribute to boundary definition and spatial analysis. By computing the convex hull of geographical data points, GIS systems can define the outer boundaries of regions, aiding in tasks such as land parcel delineation and administrative boundary determination.

Convex hulls are also employed in spatial analysis to simplify and analyze complex spatial datasets. For instance, in ecological studies, convex hulls can outline the territory or range of a particular species based on observation points. This spatial analysis is valuable for habitat assessment, biodiversity studies, and wildlife conservation efforts.

4. Image Processing: Object Recognition and Shape Analysis

Convex hull algorithms find applications in image processing for object recognition and shape analysis. When applied to sets of points representing objects in an image, convex hulls provide a concise representation of object boundaries. This is beneficial for tasks such as object recognition, where the convex hull serves as a distinguishing feature for classifying objects.

In shape analysis, convex hull algorithms contribute to quantifying and describing the overall structure of objects within an image. This is particularly relevant in medical imaging for analyzing anatomical shapes or in industrial settings for inspecting the shapes of manufactured components. Convex hulls help extract relevant shape information from images, contributing to image understanding and analysis

5. Computer-Aided Design (CAD): Convex Hull for Design Optimization

In CAD applications, convex hull algorithms are employed for design optimization and analysis. By representing complex structures as convex hulls, engineers and designers can simplify geometric models while preserving essential features. This simplification aids in computational simulations, finite element analysis, and design optimization processes, leading to more efficient and streamlined engineering workflows.


Convex hull algorithms, with their ability to compute the smallest convex polygon enclosing a set of points, find applications that span a wide spectrum of industries and technological domains. From optimizing graphics rendering to enhancing navigation in robotics, defining boundaries in GIS, and contributing to object recognition in image processing, convex hull algorithms provide fundamental geometric tools. As technology continues to advance, the applications of convex hull algorithms are expected to expand further, influencing innovations and solutions in various disciplines.

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