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C++ flat_map

In this article, you will learn about the flat_map in C++ with its example.

A flat map: what is it?

A data structure called a flat_map combines the characteristics of a vector and a map. In essence, it is an ordered associative container that stores key-value pairs in a contiguous memory architecture, much like a vector.

There are several significant implications for this design choice's use:

1. Ordered items:

  • The items in a flat map are kept in a certain order determined by the key, in contrast to std::unordered_map, which has no particular order.
  • It is helpful in situations where element order must be maintained.

2. Quick Lookup:

  • A flat map, like std::map, enables quick lookups depending on the keys.
  • Because the keys are maintained in order, search operations can be performed with logarithmic time complexity.

3. Vector-Like Features:

  • Like a vector, a flat map lets you traverse through the elements quickly because the data is stored consecutively.

4. Low Memory Overhead:

  • As a flat map stores its items in a contiguous manner, it generally has less memory overhead than a std::map.

5. Value Semantics:

  • A flat_map stores key-value pairs together, as opposed to std::map, which stores keys and values independently.
  • This makes using the data structure easier.

What distinguishes it from other implementations of maps?

It's important to contrast a flat_map with other C++ map implementations to fully appreciate its benefits:

1. std::map

  • A balanced binary search tree-based container is std::map.
  • It provides logarithmic complexity and keeps the elements sorted for the majority of operations.
  • However, because of the tree structure, there is some overhead, which could lead to a slightly greater memory consumption.

2. std::Unordered map

  • Because std::unordered_map is built on a hash table, most operations have constant-time complexity.
  • However, it does not preserve a particular sequence for the elements.
  • While it uses less memory than std::map, it isn't the best option when element order is important.

3. flat map

  • The advantages of both worlds are combined in a flat_map, which provides vector-like iteration, quick lookups, ordered items, and little memory overhead.
  • It is a desirable option for many use scenarios due to its ordered elements and contiguous storage, particularly when you require both efficient key-based access and a predictable element order.

When to Use flat_map:-

There are several situations where you can use the flat_map. In the following situations, a flat_map might be a wise option:

1. Maintaining Element Order:

  • A flat map is a great option if you need to preserve a particular element order.
  • For jobs like sorting and showing data, it can be helpful.

2. Key-Based Lookup:

  • A flat_map is a suitable choice if you need a quick key-based lookup with logarithmic complexity.
  • In terms of efficiency, it finds a middle ground between std::map and std::unordered_map.

3. Iterating Efficiently:

  • A flat map offers contiguous storage, which makes it the best option when you need to iterate across elements as if you were using a vector.

4. Low Memory Overhead:

  • Because a flat_map's storage is contiguous, it usually has less memory overhead than a std::map when memory use is an issue.


Let's take an example to illustrate the use of flat_map in C++.


C++ flat_map


  • Include Headers: The required C++ standard library headers are included at the start of the code. It comprises <map> to build a map, <vector> to create a vector, and <iostream> for input and output.
  • Make a std::vector and std::map: We define two types of data structures: two objects: a std::vector of std::pair<int, std::string> named flatMap and a std::map named myMap. The vector will mimic a flat map, and the map will hold key-value pairs.
  • Insert Key-Value Pairs into the std::map: The myMap is updated with four key-value pairs using square bracket notation. Strings are the values, and integers are the keys.
  • Convert std::map to a Flat Map (Vector): Using the push_back method, the code iterates through the myMap adding each key-value pair to the flatMap vector. It mimics how a std::map is changed into a flat map that is represented by a std::vector.
  • Print the Map Before Erasing: The code outputs the key-value pairs from the flatMap vector before any erasing takes place. The vector is iterated through, showing each key and value.
  • Clear the Flat Map (Vector): The code utilises the clear method to delete all entries from the flatMap vector to effectively clear the flat map.
  • Check whether the Flat Map is Empty: Lastly, the code uses the empty method to see if the flatMap vector is empty. If it's empty, a notification saying that the cleared flat map is empty is shown.


Among C++ data structures, the flat_map is a particularly adaptable and effective option for a range of use situations. It combines the minimal memory overhead and vector-like iteration of std::unordered_map with the ordered items and key-based lookup of std::map.

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