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Forward List in C++ Manipulating Functions

This article aims to introduce the Standard Template library of the C++ programming language, where we have seen the utilisation of the manipulating functions.

Since C++ STL is vast, like an ocean, here we have discussed a few critical functions such as the merge(), operator"=", sort(), unique(), reverse() and the swap operator along with their code and outputs.

Important functions 1: merge() and Operator "=. "

C++ code


displaying the content have at the 2nd forward list after performing the copy operations we have are: 51 52 53 
showing the content have at the forwarding list after completing the merge operations we have are: 51 51 52 52 53 53

Important Functions 2: sort() and Unique()

C++ code


displaying the content, we have on the forward list. After performing the sort operations, we have 51 51 72 93 93 93 
displaying the content, we have on the forward list. After completing the unique functions, we have 51 72 93

Important Functions 3: swap()

C++ code


The contents of the forwarding list after reversing are: 73 62 31 
The contents of 1st forward list before swapping are: 73 62 31 
The contents of the 2nd forward list before changing are: 54 65 86 
range of 1st forward list after changing are: 54 65 86 
range of 2nd forward list after changing is: 73 62 31

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