Ios bad() function in C++

In this article, we will discuss the std::ios::bad() function in C++ with its syntax and examples.

The std::ios class is the root class for every single standard input/output stream in C++. It provides numerous flags that indicate the current state of the stream, one of which is called std::ios::badbit. The badbit flag signifies a critical streaming error, denoting that an unchangeable error happened during an I/O operation.

The bad() member method of the std::ios class may be used to determine whether the badbit for a given stream is set. The following is how it works:

  • std::ios::badbit: A flag in the std::ios class indicates an important I/O fault. When it sets, it signals that the stream has experienced an unrecoverable error, preventing further I/O operations on the stream.
  • bad() : It is a std::ios class member method that outputs a boolean value. It determines whether this stream's badbit flag is set. If the badbit is set, bad() returns true, denoting a critical failure.


It has the following syntax:

Parameters: No parameters are accepted by this procedure.

Return Value: If the data stream has a badbit set, this technique returns true; otherwise, it returns false.

Complexity Analysis:

Time Complexity: O(1)

Space Complexity: O(1)

Example 1: Badfun1.cpp


Is the stream bad: 0

Example 2: BadFun2.cpp


is the stream bad: 1

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