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Maximum Number of Edges to be Added to a Tree so that it stays a Bipartite Graph

The goal is to convert an N-node tree into a bipartite graph by adding as many edges as possible.

Remember that self-loops and multiple edges are not permitted, although cycles are.


Maximum Number of Edges to be Added to a Tree so that it stays a Bipartite Graph

Explanation: An edge connecting nodes 3 and 4 can be added to keep the graph bipartite.

There can only be one edge added to the graph to make it bipartite.

Maximum Number of Edges to be Added to a Tree so that it stays a Bipartite Graph

Explanation: Even if two edges are added, (3, 4) and (3, 5), the graph remains bipartite.

Simple Approach:

The basic solution to the problem is as follows:

Each node in the tree should be given a colour, resulting in a connection between a black and a white node (A tree is always bipartite, hence there is always such a configuration).

Then, for each feasible pair of nodes, determine whether an edge may be added between them.

To put the above idea into action, follow the procedures outlined below:

  • Initially, traverse the tree, assigning each node a black or white colour so that each edge connects a black and a white node. (All trees are bipartite.)
  • Check to determine if an edge can be added between each node pair by iterating over them all.
  • If the nodes are different colours and there isn't an edge between them, an edge can be added. So, increase the number.
  • There is no other way to give anything an edge.
  • The answer is the total value of the count.

The aforementioned approach is implemented in the following manner.

C++ Program:


  • Time Complication will be O(N2).
  • Auxiliary space will be O(N2).

Efficient Approach

The time required in the preceding approach can be reduced by making the following observation:

  • Assume the tree has B black nodes and W white nodes at first. As a result, a bipartite graph constructed from these nodes can have the greatest number of B*W edges.
  • As a result, with N nodes, the maximum number of edges that can be added to the tree is B*W - (N-1) [as a tree with N node has N-1 edges].

Follow the instructions below:

  • Initially, traverse the tree, assigning each node a black or white colour so that each edge connects a black and a white node. (All trees are bipartite.)
  • Determine the number of black and white nodes.
  • Determine the maximum number of edges that can be added using the formula derived above from the observation.

The aforementioned approach is implemented in the following manner.

C++ Program:


  • Time Complexity will be O(N).
  • Auxiliary space will be O(N).

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