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is_trivial in C++

Over time, C++'s weaponry of features and type traits expands as the language continually improves, giving developers a stronghold to enforce correctness and effectiveness in their codes. The is_trivial is one of the traits of one type, which has a significant role in metaprogramming and template-based programming. In this article, we will discuss what is_trivial does, and how it operates and give some live cases for a better understanding of the issue.

What is is_trivial?

The is_trivial is one of those family types in C++'s type traits used for examining types at compile time. For instance, is_trivial will determine whether a particular type is trivial or not.

In C++, they refer to such trivial types as those which have simple default, copy, move, copy assignment, move assignment, and destructor. The trivial type may also not possess any virtual functions, virtual base class, or initializers within non-static members.

Is_trivial type trait yields true if the specified type is trivial or false. Such data can help in some situations, such as improving the code paths or using specific types when template metaprogramming.

Syntax of is_trivial:

It is easy to employ the is_trivial type trait, whose syntax is rather simple. Therefore, the user must add this header, which includes it in the <type_traits>.

Here, the std::is_trivial< T > template class is the specialized form of std::is_trivial and gives out a Boolean value member indicating if the type T is trivial or not.


Now, let's consider a real case to show the implementation of is_trivial. For example, let us consider a simple C++ program that defines a structure and calls is_trivial to detect whether that structure is a trivial type or not.


TrivialStruct is a trivial type.
NonTrivialStruct is not a trivial type.


Purpose of the Code:

The purpose of this code is to show how the is_trivial type trait works in C++.

Include Necessary Headers:

It uses functionalities such as input/output and type trait by using <iostream> and <type_traits> header.

Definition of Trivial and Non-Trivial Structures:

There are two defined structures: the TrivialStruct and the NonTrivialStruct.

TrivialStruct is defined as a trivial type, whereas NonTrivialStruct is purposely non-trivial because it has a user-defined constructor.

is_trivial Type Trait:

Here, we use the is_trivial type trait from the <type_traits> header. It is used on TrivialStruct and NonTrivialStruct to verify whether every structure is of a trivial kind or not.

Output Display:

A program that prints for each structure, whether it is a trivial type or not, according to the outcome provided by the is_trivial type-trait.


An output of the program asserts a structure is either trivial or not trivial.


In conclusion, it highlights the crucial nature of type traits as exemplified with is_trivial in C++. Therefore, it is imperative to comprehend and exploit these typetraits to have good template metaprogramming and optimization.

Coding Best Practices:

The code follows best practices, including header guards and correct formatting, so that the readability and organization of the code are maintained.

Educational Purpose:

This piece of code has an educational nature, as it depicts how trivial type traits work in plain language.

Encouragement for Further Learning:

Readers are encouraged to perceive Type Traits as important instruments in producing reliable, robust and efficient C++ code. It stresses that, at least, such qualities as itty traits and others are going to play important roles in changing the C++ environment.

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