How to Create and Use ''unique_ptr'' Instances

What are Instances in C and C++ programming languages?

In C programming, an instance is a single occurrence of an object or data structure. For example, if you have a class called "Dog," each dog you create from that class would be an instance of the "Dog" class. This means that each class instance would have its own set of data and behaviors defined by the class.

For example, you might create two instances of the "Dog" class, one for a dog named "Fido" and another for a dog named "Snoopy." These two instances would each have their own set of characteristics, such as their name, age, and breed, as well as their behaviors, such as the ability to bark or fetch a ball.

In C, you can create instances of a class using the new keyword like this:


Here, we are creating two instances of the "Dog" class, one for Fido and another for Snoopy. Each instance has its data set, such as its name, age, and breed, specified when the instance is created.

Here's an example that shows how to create a class called "Dog" in C and then create instances of the class.


In this example, the "Dog" class has a constructor that is used to initialize the data for each class instance. It also has a " bark " method that makes the dog bark.

In the main function, we create two instances of the "Dog" class, one for Fido and another for Snoopy. We then call the bark method on each instance to make the dogs bark.

When you run this program, it should print the following output.


Fido says Woof! Woof!
Snoopy says Woof! Woof!

C++ Instances

In C++, an instance is a single occurrence of an object or data structure. For example, if you have a class called "Dog," each dog that you create from that class would be an instance of the "Dog" class. This means that each class instance would have its own set of data and behaviors defined by the class.

For example, you might create two instances of the "Dog" class, one for a dog named "Fido" and another for a dog named "Snoopy." These two instances would each have their own set of characteristics, such as their name, age, and breed, as well as their behaviors, such as the ability to bark or fetch a ball.

In C++, you can create instances of a class using the new keyword like this:

Here, we are creating two instances of the "Dog" class, one for Fido and another for Snoopy. Each instance has its data set, such as its name, age, and breed, specified when the instance is created.


In this example, the "Person" class has a constructor that is used to initialize the data for each class instance. It also has a "printing " method that prints the person's name and age.

In the main function, we create two instances of the "Person" class, one for John and another for Jane. We then call the printing method on each instance to print their information.

When you run this program, it should print the following output.


Name: John, Age: 32, Gender: Male
Name: Jane, Age: 28, Gender: Female

What are Pointers in the first place?

In C and C++, a pointer is a variable that holds the memory address of another variable. Pointers often refer to memory locations allocated dynamically at runtimes, such as when using the malloc function in C or the new operator in C++.

Pointers are useful because they allow you to directly manipulate the memory allocated for your program, giving you more control over how your program uses memory. For example, you can use pointers to access and modify the data in a particular memory location or to create data structures that are more efficient and flexible than those provided by the standard libraries.

Pointers are not available in other languages because they can be difficult to use correctly and make your code harder to understand and maintain. For example, using pointers incorrectly can lead to memory leaks or other runtime errors, which can be difficult to diagnose and fix. Additionally, pointers can make it harder to reason about the behavior of your code since the values of pointers can change dynamically at runtime.

However, other languages provide similar features that allow you to manipulate memory directly, such as references in C++ or "unsafe" code in C#. These features can be useful in certain situations, but they should be used with caution, as they can also introduce the same types of problems that pointers can cause.

C Code


x = 10
ptr = 0x7ffc1e1092ac
*ptr = 10
x = 20
ptr = 0x7ffc1e1092ac
*ptr = 20

C++ Code


x = 10
ptr = 0x7ffd1cfc1ebc
*ptr = 10
x = 20
ptr = 0x7ffd1cfc1ebc
*ptr = 20

In the above examples, ptr is a pointer to an int variable. The & operator is used to get the address of the x variable, and the * operator is used to dereference the pointer and access the value stored at that address. The pointer is then used to modify the value of x.

What are Smart Pointers?

In C and C++, a smart pointer is an object that acts like a pointer but with additional features that help manage the lifetime of the object being pointed to. Smart pointers can automatically delete objects when they are no longer needed and prevent memory leaks.

Here is an example of a smart pointer in C++:




This code will create a new integer object with the value five and store its address in a unique_ptr. The unique_ptr is then used to access the value of the integer, which is printed to the console.

Because the unique_ptr manages the lifetime of the object it points to, the integer object will be automatically deleted when the unique_ptr goes out of scope at the end of the main function. This helps prevent memory leaks.

Note that there are several different types of smart pointers in C++, each with its specific behavior. The unique_ptr is just one example. Other common types of smart pointers include shared_ptr and weak_ptr.

Why is there no support for smart pointers in C?

Smart pointers are a feature of C++, not C. In C++, a smart pointer is an object that wraps a raw pointer and manages the lifetime of the object pointed to by the raw pointer. Smart pointers automatically delete the object they point to when they go out of scope, which helps prevent memory leaks.

Why is unique_ptr not available in the C programming language?

unique_ptr is not a part of the C language. unique_ptr is a type of smart pointer that is available in the C++ programming language. A smart pointer is a type of object that behaves like a regular pointer but also has additional features such as automatic memory management and bounds checking.

unique_ptr is a smart pointer that owns and manages the object it points to. This means that unique_ptr is responsible for allocating and deallocating memory for the object it points to, and it is the only object that can access or modify that memory. unique_ptr provides a way to manage dynamically allocated memory safely and efficiently, and it is often used as an alternative to raw pointers in C++.

Unique_ptr in C++

std::unique_ptr is a smart pointer that manages the lifetime of a dynamically-allocated object. It ensures that the object is properly deleted when the unique_ptr goes out of scope and provides a way to access the object through its -> and * operators.

Here's an example of how to create and use a unique_ptr.

Example 1:




In this example, we create a unique_ptr called ptr1 that points to a dynamically-allocated int with the value 5. We use the -> and * operators to access and manipulate the object that ptr1 points to.

Next, we transfer ownership of the object to a new unique_ptr called ptr2 using the std::move function. This means that ptr1 no longer points to the object.



ptr = 0x55d09d214eb0
*ptr = 10
ptr = 0x55d09d214eb0
*ptr = 20



MyClass constructed
MyClass destructed

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