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C++ String insert()

This function is used to insert a new character, before the character indicated by the position pos.


Consider two strings str1 and str2, pos is the positon. Syntax would be :


str : String object to be inserted in another string object.

pos : It defines the position at which new content is inserted just before the specified position.

subpos : It defines the position of first character in string str which is to be inserted in another string object.

sublen : It defines the number of characters of string str to be inserted in another string object.

n : It determines the number of characters to be inserted.

c : Character value to insert.

Example 1

Let's see the simple example.


String contains : javat tutorial
After insertion, String value is javatpoint tutorial

Example 2

Let's the simple example of insertion when subpos and sublen are given.


String contains C++ is a language
After insertion, String is C++ is a programming language

Example 3

Let's see the simple example of insertion when number of characters to be inserted are given.


String contains : Maths is favorite subject
         After insertion, String contains : Maths is my favorite subject

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