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Difference between DART and C++

Programming languages Dart and C++ are used for different things and in different situations. In this article, we will discuss the difference between Dart and C++. Some main differences between Dart and C++ are as follows:

Purpose and Usage:


  • Dart is developed by the Google.
  • It is frequently used to develop mobile and web applications, particularly when combined with the Flutter framework to produce cross-platform applications.
  • Dart is a good choice for developers switching from other languages because of its reputation for simplicity and ease of learning.


  • An expansion of the C programming language is the general-purpose C++ programming language.
  • It is extensively utilized in embedded systems, performance-critical applications, game development, and system/software development.
  • C++ is a good choice for systems programming, where system performance is essential because it offers low-level memory access.

Memory Management:


  • Garbage collection is the automatic memory management method used by Dart.
  • The memory management for developers is handled by the Dart runtime; they are not required to allocate and deallocate memory explicitly.


  • Memory management can be done automatically or manually in C++.
  • Memory allocation and deallocation are under the developers' control, which can result in more effective memory usage but also raises the possibility of memory-related issues like memory leaks and dangling pointers.



  • It is possible to interpret and compile Dart.
  • For execution, Dart code is frequently compiled into JavaScript or native machine


  • Usually, C++ is compiled straight into machine code.
  • High performance is achieved by this compilation step, which also makes C++ usable in situations where low-level hardware control is crucial.

Ecosystem and Libraries:


  • The ecosystem surrounding Dart is expanding, particularly when using Flutter to develop mobile apps.
  • Pub is the package manager for Dart.


  • A vast array of libraries and frameworks are available in the well-established and expansive C++ ecosystem.
  • A robust set of template classes and functions, the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) offers general-purpose classes and functions with templates that implement a wide range of well-known and frequently used data structures and algorithms.

Platform Support:


  • The main programming language for creating Flutter apps, compatible with desktop and mobile (iOS and Android) platforms, is Dart, which is widely used in web development.


  • Due to its adaptability, C++ can be utilized on many platforms, such as embedded systems, desktop computers, and servers.

Key Differences between DART and C++

Differences between DART and C++

There are several key differences between DART and C++. Some main differences between DART and C++ are as follows:

1. On October 10, 2011, Lars Bak and Kasper Lund began developing it. In 1985, Bjarne Stroustrup develops it.
2. A programming language is called DART. It is a programming language with many uses.
3. It is intended for the development of clients. It is a programming language superset of C.
4. Object-oriented programming is also supported. Object-oriented programming was supported.
5. JavaScript or native code can be produced by compilation. It also includes the STL built-in library.

Example of DART Program:

Let us take an example to illustrate the working of Dart.


Differences between DART and C++

Example of C++ Program:

Let us take an example to illustrate the working of C++.


Differences between DART and C++


In conclusion, C++ is favoured for situations requiring low-level control over hardware and memory. On the other hand, Dart is frequently selected for its ease of use and productivity, particularly in developing web and mobile apps.

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