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Different versions of C++


C++, a versatile and powerful programming language, has undergone several developments since its inception in the late 1970s. C++ was created by Bjarne Stroustrup. It was created as an extension of the C programming language that incorporates object-oriented programming principles. Over the years, several versions of the language have been released, each containing new features and improvements and meeting the changing needs of the programming community.

Different versions of C++

In this comprehensive study, we delve into the most important aspects of the various C++ versions from their early days to their most recent development.

1. C++98 (ISO/IEC 14882:1998):

The first standard version of C++, C++98, was published in 1998. It laid the foundation for the language and introduced several key features that have become an integral part of C++ programming. Some of the most important aspects of C++98 are:

  1. classes and objects: C++98 introduced the concept of classes and objects, providing a mechanism for organizing code into reusable and self-contained modules. It laid the foundation for object-oriented programming in C++.
  2. Models: Templates were a groundbreaking feature introduced in C++98. They can be used to create generic functions and classes, allowing programmers to write code that can work with different data types.
  3. Standard Model Library (STL): The STL became the cornerstone of C++ programming with C++98. It is a collection of template classes and functions that provide common data structures (such as vectors, lists, and queues) and algorithms.
  4. Exceptions: Exception handling was introduced to improve the reliability of C++ programs. Developers can now write code that handles errors and exceptions gracefully and improves application reliability. C++98 laid the foundation for C++ to become a widely used and influential programming language whose principles and features are still used today.

2. C++03 (ISO/IEC 14882:2003):

C++03, published in 2003, was not a major revision of the language but rather a refinement and correction of problems found in C++98. The main features of C++03 are:

  1. Compatibility with C: The goal of C++03 was to improve compatibility with the C programming language, ensuring a smoother transition for programmers working in both languages. It was done by removing incompatibilities and improving interoperability.
  2. Bug fixes: C++03 contained many bugs and refinements to the C++98 standard. It focused on fixing issues reported by developers to create a more stable and reliable language. C++03 maintained backward compatibility with C++98, providing developers with a stable platform while addressing identified deficiencies.

3. C++11 (ISO/IEC 14882:2011):

C++11, published in 2011, was an important milestone in the development of the language. It introduced modern features and enhancements, ushering in a new era of C++ programming. The main features of C++ 11 are:

  1. Auto keyword: This keyword allows the compiler to automatically infer the data type of the variable. This feature improves code readability and reduces redundant variable declarations.
  2. Lambda expressions: Lambda expressions allow you to create anonymous functions that provide a concise syntax for writing inline functions. This feature greatly improves the expressiveness of C++ code.
  3. Based on the area of the loops: C++11 introduced range-based loops, making it easier to iterate over the elements of a range. It simplifies the code and reduces the chance of accidental errors.
  4. Smart Tips: C++11 introduced smart pointers like std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr for more efficient and safer memory management. This helped mitigate problems like memory leaks and hanging tips.
  5. Concurrent Support: The <thread> library and related functions were introduced to facilitate multi-threaded and parallel programming. C++11 tried to provide better support for concurrent execution. C++11 marked a paradigm shift in language and development, incorporating modern programming concepts and solving long-standing problems.

4. C++14 (ISO/IEC 14882:2014):

C++14 was released in 2014, and it was an incremental update to C++11 that focused on refining and improving existing features rather than major new versions. The main parts of C++14 are:

  1. General lambdas: C++14 extended lambda expressions support automatically declared parameters, improving their generality and utility. This improvement allowed greater flexibility in the use of lambda devices.
  2. Various models: The introduction of variable models made it possible to use model bases when defining variables, which expands the expressive power of the language. It increased consistency in the use of models.
  3. Lighter context restrictions: C++14 relaxed some of the usage restrictions, making it more versatile. It allowed more calculations to be done at compile time. C++14 tried to take into account community feedback and provide an improved version of the language without radical changes.

5. C++17 (ISO/IEC 14882:2017):

C++17 was released in 2017, and it continued to bring new features and improvements to the language. Notable features of C++17 include:

  1. Structured links: Structured bindings allow users to bind names to tuple elements or other aggregated data structures. It improves code readability and simplifies the handling of complex data structures.
  2. Parallel algorithms: C++17 introduced parallel versions of several standard algorithms, exploiting the capabilities of multi-core processors. Its purpose was to improve the efficiency of algorithms in a parallel computing environment.
  3. File System Library: The <system> library was introduced to provide ways to perform operations on file systems. It provides a standardized way to interact with files and directories, answering the need for a unified file management interface.
  4. Improved: C++17 further extended functionalities, allowing more functions and structures to be evaluated at compile time. It improves performance and compile-time calculations. The goal of C++17 was to improve the language and usability, provide better support for parallel programming, and fix defects found in previous versions.

6. C++20 (ISO/IEC 14882:2020):

C++20 was released in 2020, and it was a major update that brings significant additions and improvements to the language. The main features of C++20 are:

  1. Definitions: Concepts introduce the ability to set constraints on model parameters, improve model error messages, and make model code more readable. This feature improves overall programming expressiveness.
  2. Areas: The area library provides a set of components to manage areas of elements, simplifying code that works with tables. Regions improve the readability and conciseness of code that manages collections.
  3. Routines: C++20 introduces routines that allow programmers to write asynchronous code in a more efficient and readable way. Routines simplify the creation of asynchronous tasks and improve code maintainability.


The development of C++ has been characterized by a series of standards, each of which brings new features, enhancements, and improvements to the programming language. Since its inception in the late 1970s, C++ has undergone several major updates, each version designed to address deficiencies, accommodate modern programming paradigms and adapt to the changing needs of software development.

The journey started with C++98, the original standard version released in 1998. This version laid the foundation for the language and established the main principles and features. However, as the software development environment has evolved, the demand for more expressive and efficient programming tools has grown. This led to later versions that aimed to push the limits of C++. C++11, a milestone release in 2011, marked a turning point for the language. It introduced several features that significantly improved developers, #039, productivity, and code readability. Concepts such as the auto keyword, lambda expressions, and range-based for loops brought new expressiveness to C++, allowing programmers to write more compact and maintainable code. In addition, smart hints addressed memory management issues and promoted safer and more robust programming practices.

Building on the success of C++11, C++14 focused on improving existing features rather than making groundbreaking changes. The goal of this release was to improve the language without breaking existing code bases, providing a smooth transition for developers and providing valuable improvements. Released in 2017, C++17 continued the trend of introducing impressive features. The file system library, parallel algorithms, and other enhancements aim to simplify common tasks and harness the power of modern device architectures. With C++17, the language further embraced modern development practices and made it easier to build powerful, scalable applications.

The last major release of C++20 arrived in 2020 and has many features. Concepts and environments introduced more expressive type checking and manipulation, while routines simplified asynchronous programming. Among other things, these additions reflected the C++ community's continued commitment to providing developers with powerful tools for the demands of modern software development. In summary, the different versions of C++ represent a dynamic and iterative process of improvement and adaptation. Each version builds on the strengths of its predecessors, solves challenges, and includes valuable features for developers. Choosing a specific C++ version depends on factors such as project requirements, compiler support, and the need for the latest language features. As the language evolves, the legacy of each version adds to the rich body of C++'s history and its continued importance in the software world.

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