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How to Implement Reverse DNS Look Up Cache In C++

Reverse DNS lookup is the process of retrieving a domain name associated with a given IP address. Implementing a Reverse DNS Lookup Cache in C++ involves creating a data structure to store the results of previous lookups, which can significantly improve performance by avoiding redundant queries. Let's delve into the theory before providing a detailed explanation of the implementation.

Reverse DNS lookup involves querying a DNS server with an IP address to obtain the corresponding domain name. This process can be time-consuming, especially if performed frequently. To mitigate this, a cache is employed to store previously resolved mappings of IP addresses to domain names.

The Reverse DNS Lookup Cache should consider the following aspects:

Data Structure: Use a suitable data structure to store the mappings efficiently. A hash table is a common choice for its constant-time average complexity for lookup operations.

Expiration Mechanism: Implement a mechanism to invalidate outdated entries to ensure the cache remains accurate. This may involve associating a timestamp with each entry and periodically checking for expired records.

Concurrency: If the application is multithreaded, consider thread safety to prevent race conditions when accessing and updating the cache concurrently.

Approach-1: Using LRU cache

The Least Recently Used (LRU) Cache is a widely adopted strategy for optimizing data access, especially in scenarios where frequently accessed items are more likely to be accessed again soon. In the context of implementing a Reverse DNS Lookup Cache using an LRU cache in C++, the primary objective is to enhance the efficiency of storing and retrieving domain names associated with IP addresses.

The LRU cache maintains a fixed capacity, ensuring that it stores the most recently accessed items while evicting the least recently used ones when the cache reaches its limit. In the context of Reverse DNS Lookup, where domain names are associated with IP addresses, this approach prioritizes keeping recently queried domain names readily available for quick retrieval. The use of LRU caching helps strike a balance between memory efficiency and responsiveness, as entries that are accessed more frequently are less likely to be evicted.

The C++ implementation involves creating an LRU cache that associates IP addresses with domain names, ensuring that the cache's size does not exceed a specified capacity. This way, the Reverse DNS Lookup Cache optimizes data access patterns, providing a streamlined mechanism for associating and retrieving domain names based on their corresponding IP addresses.



IP Address: has domain name:
IP Address: has domain name:


The provided C++ code implements a Least Recently Used (LRU) Cache for managing reverse DNS lookups, utilizing a combination of a hash map and a doubly linked list.

Class Definition:

  • The LRUCache class encapsulates the LRU caching logic. It contains private data members:
  • Capacity: An integer indicating the maximum number of entries the cache can hold.
  • cache: An unordered map storing key-value pairs where the key is an IP address, and the value is a pair consisting of the domain name and an iterator pointing to the corresponding node in the linked list.
  • lruList: A doubly linked list representing the order of access to IP addresses, with the most recently used at the front and the least recently used at the back.


  • The Constructor initializes the LRUCache with a specified capacity, allowing flexibility in managing memory usage. The Constructor of the LRUCache initializes the cache with a user-specified capacity, providing flexibility in managing memory usage.
  • This allows developers the cache's size according to their application's requirements, balancing the need for efficient data access with the available memory resources.

Lookup Function:

  • The lookup function is the core of the LRU caching mechanism. When a reverse DNS lookup is requested for a specific IP address (ipAddress), the Function first checks if the address is present in the cache (cache.find(ipAddress)). If found, it updates the access order by moving the corresponding node to the front of the linked list, indicating recent use. The Function returns the cached domain name.
  • If the IP address is not present in the cache, it performs an actual reverse DNS lookup using the performLookup function. The cache is then updated with the new entry, including the domain name and a new node inserted at the front of the linked list. To manage the cache size, if it exceeds the specified capacity, the function calls evictLRU to remove the least recently used item.

Perform Lookup Function:

  • The performLookup Function serves as a placeholder for the application-specific reverse DNS lookup logic. In this Function, developers can implement custom code tailored to their application's requirements for retrieving domain names associated with IP addresses.
  • This is the key customization point where domain resolution algorithms or external services can be integrated, allowing the LRUCache to efficiently handle reverse DNS lookups based on its LRU eviction strategy while accommodating the specific needs and intricacies of the application's domain resolution process.

Evict LRU Function:

  • The evictLRU function is responsible for maintaining the cache size. If the number of entries in the cache surpasses the capacity, it removes the least recently used item. This involves popping the last node from the linked list and erasing the corresponding entry from the hash map.

Example Main Function:

The main Function demonstrates the usage of the LRUCache class. It creates an instance of the cache (dnsCache) with a capacity of 5 and performs reverse DNS lookups for two example IP addresses ("" and ""). The results are then printed to the console.

In summary, this code provides a comprehensive implementation of an LRU Cache tailored for reverse DNS lookups. The combination of a hash map and a doubly linked list allows for efficient and dynamic management of frequently accessed IP addresses, optimizing the use of available resources and enhancing overall performance in scenarios involving repeated reverse DNS queries.

Complexity Analysis:

Time Complexity Analysis:

Lookup Operation (Cache Hit):

When a reverse DNS lookup is performed for a given IP address and it is found in the cache (cache hit), the time complexity is primarily determined by two operations:

Searching the hash map: O(1) on average (amortized).

Updating the linked list: O(1) since it involves constant-time pointer manipulations.

Both operations contribute to an overall constant time complexity, making the lookup operation very efficient for cached entries.

Lookup Operation (Cache Miss):

In the case of a cache miss (IP address not found in the cache), the time complexity is influenced by the reverse DNS lookup operation itself.

The actual reverse DNS lookup (performLookup function) might involve system calls or external libraries, and its time complexity depends on the underlying implementation. Let's denote this as O(L), where L is the complexity of the lookup operation.

Eviction Operation (Cache Size Management):

The eviction operation occurs when the cache size exceeds its capacity.

Removing the least recently used item involves operations on both the linked list and the hash map:

Removing a node from the linked list: O(1).

Removing an entry from the hash map: O(1) on average.

The eviction operation has an overall constant time complexity.

The total time complexity of a lookup operation (whether a cache hit or miss) is determined by the reverse DNS lookup complexity, and cache hit operations, both of which are constant time on average (amortized).

Space Complexity Analysis:

Hash Map:

The hash map (cache) stores key-value pairs (IP address - Domain name) and is expected to have a size proportional to the number of cached entries.

The space complexity of the hash map is O(N), where N is the number of distinct IP addresses in the cache.

Linked List:

The doubly linked list (lruList) maintains the order of access to IP addresses and is expected to have a size proportional to the number of cached entries.

The space complexity of the linked list is O(N), where N is the number of distinct IP addresses in the cache.

The overall space complexity is dominated by the space required for both the hash map and the linked list.

The total space complexity is O(N), where N is the number of distinct IP addresses in the cache.

In summary, the provided LRU Cache implementation demonstrates an efficient and dynamic structure for managing reverse DNS lookups. The time complexity is optimized for cache hits, offering constant time operations, while the space complexity scales linearly with the number of distinct IP addresses stored in the cache.

Approach 2: Fixed-Size Cache with No Expiration

In this simplified cache approach with a fixed size and no expiration mechanism, the primary objective is to efficiently manage mappings between IP addresses and domain names while maintaining a constant cache size. Unlike more complex caches like the Least Recently Used (LRU) cache, this approach does not track the order of access for entries.

The cache is designed with a fixed capacity, ensuring that it does not exceed a specified limit. When new entries are added and the cache reaches its capacity, a straightforward eviction strategy comes into play. The strategy typically involves removing the oldest or least recently added entry to make room for the new one.

This simplified cache design is advantageous in scenarios where the memory footprint must tightly controlled, and the application does not necessitate sophisticated tracking of access patterns. While lacking the sophistication of LRU-based strategies, it provides a lightweight and straightforward solution for basic caching needs, minimizing overhead.

Developers using this approach must be aware that entries in the cache do not have a notion of access recency. Therefore, the eviction strategy is solely based on the order of entry addition. This simplicity is beneficial when the primary concern is maintaining a constant cache size without the need for complex bookkeeping.

The simplified cache approach offers an uncomplicated solution for efficient storage and retrieval of IP address-to-domain name mappings. With its fixed size and eviction strategy, it strikes a balance between memory efficiency and simplicity, making it suitable for scenarios where basic caching requirements suffice.



IP Address: has domain name:
IP Address: has domain name:


The provided C++ code exemplifies an implementation of a fixed-size cache with no expiration mechanism for storing and retrieving reverse DNS lookup results. This approach is characterized by simplicity and efficiency, offering a basic solution when there is a need to limit memory usage without considering the order of access or employing advanced eviction policies.

Class Definition:

  • The SimpleCache class encapsulates the fixed-size cache logic. It includes a static constant defining the maximum capacity (capacity) and an unordered map (cache) to store key-value pairs, where keys are IP addresses and values are corresponding domain names.

Lookup Function:

  • The core functionality lies in the lookup function, which is called when a reverse DNS lookup is requested for a specific IP address. The Function first checks if the IP address is already present in the cache by searching the hash map. If found, the corresponding domain name is returned, providing a quick cache hit response.
  • In the case of a cache miss, where the IP address is not in the cache, the Function performs an actual reverse DNS lookup using the performLookup function. The result is then added to the cache, associating the IP address with its domain name.
  • The Function also includes logic to manage the cache size. If the number of entries exceeds the fixed capacity, an optional eviction strategy is invoked through the evictLRU function. In this example, the eviction strategy is not explicitly defined but serves as a placeholder for developers to implement a specific strategy tailored to their needs.

Perform Lookup Function:

  • The performLookup Function acts as a crucial customization point in this cache approach, serving as a placeholder for the reverse DNS lookup logic. In this space, developers have the flexibility to implement domain name retrieval mechanisms tailored to their specific needs. This includes the integration of external libraries, system calls, or any custom logic essential for the lookup operation.
  • The Function acts as a bridge between the cache and the underlying domain resolution process, enabling seamless adaptation to diverse application requirements. Whether utilizing proprietary algorithms, third-party services, or system-level functionality, this customization point empowers developers to align the reverse DNS lookup process with the unique intricacies of their application while ensuring efficient and reliable retrieval of domain names from associated IP addresses.

Eviction Function:

  • The evictLRU function stands as an optional eviction strategy in this cache design. When the cache attains its predetermined capacity; this Function is invoked to evict the least recently used item. Its implementation is left open-ended, allowing developers to tailor the eviction strategy to the specific demands of their application. This flexibility empowers developers to integrate eviction mechanisms that align with their application's use case and access patterns.
  • For the sake of simplicity, the provided example includes a placeholder message, indicating that developers should implement their eviction strategy. This approach encourages customization, recognizing that different applications may have varying considerations for selecting items to evict when the cache is full.
  • Developers may leverage diverse strategies within the evictLRU function, ranging from basic FIFO (First-In-First-Out) or LIFO (Last-In-First-Out) approaches to more sophisticated algorithms based on access frequency or application-specific criteria. This adaptability allows the cache to be finely tuned to the unique requirements of different scenarios, ensuring that the eviction strategy aligns with the broader goals of the application.

Main Function:

The main function serves as an example of how to use the SimpleCache class. It creates an instance of the cache (dnsCache) and performs reverse DNS lookups for two example IP addresses ("" and ""). The results are then printed to the console.

Use Case:

This approach is suitable for scenarios where a basic, fixed-size cache is adequate, and there is no need to track access patterns or implement a sophisticated eviction policy. It provides a straightforward solution for limiting memory usage in applications involving repeated reverse DNS queries, offering a balance between simplicity and efficiency.

In summary, the provided code offers a comprehensive implementation of a fixed-size cache with no expiration mechanism, highlighting the key components of the cache structure, lookup operation, eviction strategy, and placeholder functions for customization. Developers can extend and adapt this code to meet the specific requirements of their applications while maintaining a simple and predictable caching mechanism.

Complexity Analysis:

Time Complexity Analysis:

Lookup Operation (Cache Hit):

When the lookup function is called, and the IP address is found in the cache (cache hit), the time complexity primarily depends on the unordered map lookup operation, which has an average time complexity of O(1). This is an efficient constant-time operation.

Lookup Operation (Cache Miss):

In the case of a cache miss, the time complexity is influenced by the actual reverse DNS lookup operation, represented as O(L), where L is the complexity of the lookup operation. The complexity here depends on the specific implementation details and external calls involved in fetching the domain name associated with the IP address.

Eviction Operation:

When an eviction is triggered due to the cache exceeding its fixed capacity, the eviction operation involves removing an entry from the unordered map. This operation also has an average time complexity of O(1). The eviction strategy itself may introduce additional complexities based on the chosen strategy, but in this example, it serves as a placeholder without a specific implementation.

The overall time complexity for a reverse DNS lookup, whether it's a cache hit or miss, is dominated by the lookup operation and the actual reverse DNS lookup complexity. If we denote the lookup complexity as O(L), where L is the complexity of the lookup operation, the overall time complexity can be expressed as O(1 + L).

Space Complexity Analysis:

Hash Map:

The primary data structure used in this cache implementation is an unordered map (cache). The space complexity of the hash map is O(N), where N is the number of entries in the cache. In the worst case, the number of entries could be equal to the fixed capacity of the cache.

Additional Memory:

Apart from the unordered map, there is a constant amount of additional memory used for other variables and functions, contributing to a constant space complexity.

The overall space complexity is determined by the space required for the unordered map. In this example, the space complexity is O(N), where N is the number of entries in the cache, and it remains relatively constant with respect to the fixed capacity of the cache.

Use Case Considerations:

This fixed-size cache with no expiration mechanism is suitable for scenarios where simplicity and a predictable memory footprint are prioritized over sophisticated eviction policies or tracking access patterns.

The time complexity is efficient, especially for cache hits, but the actual reverse DNS lookup complexity may vary based on the application's specific requirements.

Developers should carefully consider the eviction strategy based on the characteristics of the application and the importance of maintaining certain entries in the cache.

Approach 3: Time-Based Expiration Cache

In a Time-Based Expiration Cache, the primary idea is to associate a timestamp with each entry in the cache, indicating when the entry was added or when it was last accessed. Entries that surpass a predefined time threshold are deemed expired, implying that they are no longer considered valid or relevant, and are therefore subject to eviction.

Key Components:


Each cache entry is augmented with a timestamp that reflects the time of its addition or the last time it was accessed. This timestamp is crucial for determining the age of the entry.

Time Threshold:

A predefined time threshold is established to determine the maximum allowable age for entries in the cache. Entries exceeding this threshold are considered expired.

Eviction Mechanism:

An eviction mechanism is employed to periodically inspect the timestamps of cache entries. Entries that have surpassed the defined time threshold are identified and subsequently evicted to make room for fresh data.

Optional Access Updating:

In scenarios where entries are accessed after their initial addition, the timestamp can be updated to reflect the most recent access time. This prevents entries from being prematurely evicted if they continue to be actively used.

Operation Flow:

Addition of Entries:

When a new entry is added to the cache, its timestamp is set to the current time. This timestamp represents the entry's birth time.

Lookup Operation:

During a lookup operation, if the entry is found and its timestamp indicates that it has not exceeded the time threshold, it is considered valid and returned. Otherwise, it is treated as expired and the eviction process is initiated.

Eviction Process:

The eviction process involves periodically scanning through the cache entries. For each entry, the timestamp is compared against the current time and the predefined time threshold.

If an entry's timestamp indicates that it has surpassed the threshold, it is marked for eviction.

The eviction process may be triggered by specific events, such as a new entry being added or a lookup operation.

Cache Maintenance:

Regular cache maintenance is essential to ensure that expired entries are promptly identified and removed. The frequency of maintenance depends on factors such as the rate of data access and the desired responsiveness to changes in the dataset.


Automatic Management: The cache automatically handles the removal of stale entries based on time.

Relevance Control: Suited for scenarios where data relevance diminishes over time.

Predictable Behavior: The cache's behavior is predictable, making it suitable for scenarios with well-defined data validity periods.


Potential Data Loss: Entries might be evicted before they are genuinely obsolete, leading to potential data loss if access patterns are sporadic.

Additional Overhead: The addition of timestamps introduces overhead in terms of space and computational complexity.



Lookup result for Key1: Value1
Lookup result for Key2: Value2
Lookup result for Key1 after expiration: Entry with key 'Key1' evicted due to expiration


Class Definition:

  • The class TimeBasedCache is introduced to encapsulate the time-based cache logic. It employs std::chrono to manage time-related operationsConstructor and Initialization:
  • The Constructor of TimeBasedCache takes an integer parameter representing the time threshold in seconds. This parameter is used to define the maximum allowable age for cache entries.
  • Inside the class, a struct CacheEntry is defined, representing each entry in the cache. It includes the actual value of the entry (value) and a timestamp (timestamp) indicating when the entry was added or last accessed.
  • The cache itself is implemented as an std::unordered_map where keys are strings (representing cache entry identifiers) and values are instances of CacheEntry.

Function: addEntry

  • The addEntry Function adds a new entry to the cache. It takes a key and a value as parameters, creating a new CacheEntry with the current timestamp and storing it in the cache.

Function: lookup

  • The lookup function is responsible for performing a lookup in the cache for a given key. It checks if the key exists in the cache.
  • If the key is found, it checks if the associated entry's timestamp indicates that it has not exceeded the time threshold. If valid, the Function returns the cached value.
  • If the timestamp suggests expiration, the evictEntry function is called to remove the expired entry, and an empty string is returned.

Function: isEntryValid

  • The isEntryValid Function determines if an entry is still valid based on its timestamp and the time threshold. It calculates the elapsed time since the entry's timestamp and compares it with the time threshold.Function: evictEntry
  • The evictEntry function removes an expired entry from the cache using the erase method of the unordered map. A corresponding message is printed to indicate the eviction.

Main Function: Example Usage

  • The main Function demonstrates the usage of the TimeBasedCache class. It initializes an instance with a time threshold of 10 seconds and adds entries to the cache.
  • Lookup operations are performed, and a simulated wait for more than 10 seconds is included to trigger the expiration of an entry.
  • The implementation leverages C++ features to manage a time-based expiration cache efficiently. It demonstrates the crucial components of timestamp management, cache lookup, eviction, and provides a structured class for encapsulating these functionalities. The example usage in the main Function showcases how the cache handles entries over time.

Complexity Analysis:

Time Complexity Analysis:

Lookup Operation (Valid Entry):

In the lookup function, when the cache contains a valid entry (i.e., a cache hit), the time complexity is primarily determined by the isEntryValid Function. The isEntryValid Function calculates the elapsed time since the entry's timestamp and this operation has a time complexity of O(1).

Lookup Operation (Expired Entry):

In the case where the entry is found but has expired, the evictEntry Function is called, which involves erasing the entry from the unordered map. The erase operation on an unordered map has an average-case time complexity of O(1).

Addition Operation (addEntry):

The addEntry Function involves creating a new entry with the current timestamp and inserting it into the unordered map. Both operations (insert and timestamp assignment) have an average-case time complexity of O(1).

Eviction Operation (evictEntry):

The eviction process involves erasing an entry from the unordered map, and the erase operation has an average-case time complexity of O(1).

The total time complexity of the provided code is dominated by O(1) operations, making it highly efficient for common cache operations like lookup and addition. However, it's important to note that the actual efficiency may depend on factors like the specific implementation of the unordered map and the system characteristics.

Space Complexity Analysis:

Cache Storage:

The primary data structure used for caching is a std::unordered_map, which stores entries with keys and associated values. The space complexity of the cache is O(N), where N is the number of entries in the cache. In the worst case, the number of entries could approach the fixed capacity of the cache.

Additional Data:

Each entry in the cache is represented by the CacheEntry struct, which includes a string for the value and a TimePoint for the timestamp. The space complexity of each entry is O(1) since it stores a constant amount of data.

The overall space complexity is determined by the space required for the unordered map, making it O(N) where N is the number of entries. This space complexity remains relatively constant with respect to the fixed capacity of the cache.

Use Case Considerations:

The provided code offers an efficient time complexity for common cache operations.

The space complexity is reasonable, considering it's proportional to the number of entries in the cache.

Developers should consider the characteristics of the application, such as the expected size of the cache and access patterns, to determine if the space complexity is acceptable for their use case.

In summary, the code provides an efficient and scalable implementation for a time-based expiration cache, offering O(1) time complexity for common operations and O(N) space complexity proportional to the number of cache entries.

Approach 4: Frequency-Based Eviction Cache

In a Frequency-Based Eviction Cache, the eviction decisions are influenced by the frequency of access for each cache entry. Entries that are accessed less frequently are considered candidates for eviction when the cache reaches its capacity. This approach is adaptive to changing access patterns and can be beneficial in scenarios where certain entries are accessed more frequently than others.

Key Components:

Access Frequency Tracking:

Each cache entry includes a counter or a frequency value that tracks how often the entry is accessed. The frequency is updated whenever a lookup, or access operation is performed on the entry.

Eviction Strategy:

When the cache is at full capacity and a new entry needs to be added, the eviction strategy involves identifying and evicting the least frequently accessed item. This ensures that entries with lower access frequency are more likely to be evicted.


Adaptability to Changing Patterns:

The cache dynamically adjusts to changing access patterns. Entries that were frequently accessed in the past are more likely to be retained, adapting to evolving usage patterns.

Optimized for Specific Entries:

Useful when certain entries are accessed more frequently than others. This prevents high-frequency entries from being evicted prematurely.


Additional Tracking Overhead:

Requires maintaining additional data structures (e.g., counters) to track access frequency for each entry. This introduces overhead in terms of memory and computational requirements.

Performance Concerns with Spikes:

May not perform optimally in scenarios with sudden spikes in access frequency. If a previous infrequently accessed entry experiences a sudden surge in popularity, the eviction policy might not respond quickly, impacting cache effectiveness.



Lookup result for Key1: Value1
Lookup result for Key2: Value2
Lookup result for Key1 after eviction: Value1


Class Definition:

The code begins with the definition of the FrequencyBasedCache class, encapsulating the frequency-based eviction cache logic. It includes a private struct CacheEntry representing each cache entry with a value and an access frequency counter.

Constructor and Initialization:

The constructor takes a cache capacity parameter and initializes the private member variable capacity to represent the maximum number of entries the cache can hold.

addEntry Function:

  • The addEntry Function is responsible for adding a new entry to the cache. It checks if the cache has reached its capacity. If so, it invokes the evictLeastFrequentlyAccessed Function to make room for the new entry. The entry is then added to the cache with an initial access frequency of 0.

Lookup Function:

  • The lookup function is designed to perform a lookup in the cache for a given key. If the key is found in the cache, the corresponding entry's access frequency is incremented to reflect its recent usage. The value associated with the key is then returned. If the key is not found, an empty string is returned, indicating a cache miss.

evictLeastFrequentlyAccessed Function:

  • The evictLeastFrequentlyAccessed function is responsible for identifying and evicting the least frequently accessed entry from the cache when it reaches its capacity. It utilizes the std::min_element algorithm to find the entry with the minimum access frequency and then erases that entry from the cache.

main Function: Example Usage

  • The main function serves as an example usage of the FrequencyBasedCache class. An instance of the class is created with a capacity of 2. Entries are added to the cache, and lookups are performed to demonstrate the caching behaviour.
  • The addition of a third entry triggers the eviction process, and the subsequent lookup highlights the eviction outcome.

Example Scenario:

In the example, "Key1," "Key2," and "Key3" represent keys, and "Value1," "Value2," and "Value3" represent corresponding values. The cache is initialized with a capacity of 2, so adding a third entry triggers the eviction of the least frequently accessed entry.

Output Display:

  • Throughout the main Function, std::cout statements are used to display the results of lookup operations and eviction outcomes. This helps illustrate the behaviour of the frequency-based eviction cache in response to different access patterns.
  • The code provides a clear and concise implementation of a Frequency-Based Eviction Cache. It demonstrates how the cache adapts to access patterns, evicts the least frequently accessed entry when necessary, and optimizes for entries with higher access frequencies.

The example usage in the main Function highlights the practical application of the frequency-based eviction strategy in a caching context. Developers can leverage and extend this implementation based on specific requirements and usage scenarios.

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