What are Communication Networks

What is a Communication Network?

An organization can effectively communicate information by implementing a pattern or form called a communication network. The established system known as the communication network allows messages to flow within an organization in one or more directions, depending on the needs of the organization.

Formal and informal communication can be broadly divided into two categories. Various communication networks can be put into place based on their efficacy, depending on the kind of communication, the size and nature of the organization, and other factors.

It is challenging to create an efficient communication network in large organizations. The primary communication network in these kinds of organization's is split up into numerous smaller networks that remain connected to the main network in order to maximize efficiency.

The communication network is useful in assessing the accuracy, speed, and smoothness of the messages that are sent throughout the organization.

Different Types of Communication Network

What are Communication Networks

Communication networks can be classified into four categories: wheel, chain, circle, and all-channel networks.

Wheel Connection

The organization's leader serves as the focal point for gathering and sharing information among all members within the wheel communication network.

Information in the wheel network comes from the top-level manager. He offers information both inside and outside the company. He informs subordinates within the organization and obtains the necessary data from them as well.

Chain subordinates are not allowed to speak with each other in this network system in order to share official information. In a similar vein, the manager gets all the external information. It is faster and suitable for simple, routine types of work. It is, nonetheless, the most authoritarian kind of network.

To summarize, a top-level manager in the wheel network is the information source; he gathers, produces, and distributes information to every organizational mechanism.

Key Components and Structure

The primary person occupying a central role in the network is known as the central hub. They are linked to every other member and act as the main hub for coordination and communication.

  • Talkers: Those people in the network who have a direct connection to the central hub are called spokespeople. They may not have much direct communication with other spokespeople, but they do communicate information with the hub.
  • Communication Channels: In a wheel network, information is mainly shared by the hub with the spokespeople, and they provide input or feedback to the hub. Usually, there is no direct communication between the spokespeople.

Benefits and Drawbacks


  • Centralized communication: Since information is distributed directly to every member, the central hub makes sure that it moves smoothly.
  • Efficient Decision-Making: By streamlining decision-making procedures, a central point of contact can enable quicker responses and actions.

The wheel network's hierarchical structure offers a clear chain of command concerning reporting relationships and authority.


  • Single Point of Failure: The communication and decision-making processes within the wheel network can be severely hindered if the central hub is inoperable or unresponsive.
  • Limited Member Interaction: There are restrictions on members' ability to communicate directly with one another, which could result in knowledge gaps and decreased teamwork.
  • Overloaded Hub: Because everything is communicated through the central hub, they may experience an overload of information.

Examples of Wheel Network

  • CEO and Department Heads: In large organizations, the CEO frequently serves as the spokeswoman who communicates with the department heads, who function as the central hub. The department heads provide information, the CEO receives updates, and the CEO bases decisions on their advice.
  • Team Members and Project Manager: The project manager acts as the focal point of the team, arranging and coordinating with them. While team members have little direct communication with one another, the project manager communicates, establishes objectives, and gets updates.

The wheel network works well in scenarios requiring precise guidance and command, like in hierarchical organizations or when a central authority figure is required. But when the central hub is absent, it might not be the best situation.

Star Network

A communication network structure called the "Star Network" is one in which a single person, usually a manager or supervisor, serves as the focal point for information sharing within the company. All channels of communication in this network go through the central hub, and other members speak with the hub directly instead of with one another. The hub serves as a primary point of contact, coordination, and decision-making.

Key Elements and Structure

  • Central Hub: A manager, supervisor, or other person in a position of authority or competence serves as the hub. They function as the team's or department's main point of contact and coordination.
  • Team Members: The central hub is directly connected to each member of the team. They speak with the hub to exchange data, ask for advice, give updates, and get directives.
  • Communication Channels: In a star network, team members can share information, assign tasks, receive feedback, and ask questions or voice concerns through the hub. There is little direct communication among team members; instead, most communication goes via the hub.

Benefits and Drawbacks


  • Clearly defined reporting structure: The organization's reporting structure is clearly defined by the Star Network. Team members are aware of whom to turn to for advice, instruction, and communication.
  • Effective Information Exchange: Since team members and the hub are in direct communication, information is transferred accurately and quickly.


  • Restricted Peer-to-Peer Interaction: Because a star network prohibits direct communication between members, teamwork and problem-solving may be hindered.
  • Dependency on the Hub: Communication inside the network may be hindered or blocked if the central hub is down or inaccessible, leading to delays and disturbances.

Examples of Start Network

  • Managers of departments: Within an organisation, department managers frequently serve as the main nodes in a star network. They coordinate smoothly within the department, assign tasks, give direction, and interact with their team members.
  • Executive Leadership: As the main points of contact for major company-wide announcements, strategic goal communication, and department head feedback, executive leaders can play a pivotal role in larger organizations.

The star network helps with centralized control, effective information flow, and a clear chain of command in organizational communication. However, before putting into practice a star network structure, organizations should think about the nature of their communication needs and any potential trade-offs.

Chain Network

The chain network appears to be a hierarchical structure within an organization. It is the official chain of communication in its vertical, upward, and downward forms. A person can only communicate with his direct superior and subordinate in this communication network.

Information about an organization is conveyed in this structure in a chain from the upper level to the lower levels, as well as from the lower levels to the higher levels.

All organizations with a well-defined structure of authority and responsibility among their members are likely to have this kind of network.

To put it briefly, a chain network is a vertical communication system where an individual can only speak with his direct supervisor and subordinate.

Key Components and Structure

  • Sender: The person who sends a message to the first recipient in the chain to start the communication cycle is the sender.
  • Recipients are the people who receive a message from the sender before it is forwarded to the subsequent recipient in the chain.
  • Sequential Communication: Messages move in a straight line from one recipient to the next until they get to the destination.

Benefits and drawbacks


  • Clearly defined communication path: The chain network creates a clearly defined communication path so that everyone is aware of who to send messages to and who to receive them from.
  • Simplicity: The communication in the chain network is simple and follows a linear path, which minimizes complexity and possible misunderstanding.
  • Direct feedback is made possible by the chain network since it enables the recipient to reply directly to the sender, resulting in a quicker response during the communication process.


  • Message Distortion: Messages are more likely to be distorted when they go through several people in the chain, particularly if the message is not accurately conveyed at each stage.
  • Slow Transmission: If there are communication flow lags, it could take longer for messages in a chain network to get to their destination. Decision-making and reaction times may become slower as a result.
  • Lack of Flexibility: Because people normally only communicate with the sender and the immediate recipient, the linear structure of the chain network prevents lateral communication and collaboration.

Circular Network

It is a circle network in a horizontal or sideways configuration. A user can converse with someone to his right or left in this network, but not with any other group member. There are more channels available on such a network.

To put it briefly, a circle network is a horizontal communication system where a person can only speak with those who are directly to his or her right or left.

For instance, during a meeting, a participant may speak with the person to his left or right. Similar to this, a production manager in an official organization would speak with the manager of marketing or finance to obtain official information.

All-Channel Network

All members of all channel networks are able to communicate with all other members without official limitations.

It is a casual kind of networking where participants can freely share their thoughts, opinions, and recommendations with one another. Members of this communication structure are free to communicate without limitations or boundaries.

Information can be shared among group members with greater freedom. The group's leader does not have extraordinary authority over the other members of the group. As a result, the term "open communication network" applies to it.

Vertical Network

A vertical network is a network structure in which the majority of communication channels move up and down the organizational hierarchy. It highlights the official line of command and adheres to the reporting lines inside the organizational structure. Information is mainly shared between superiors and subordinates, or between subordinates and superiors, in accordance with the organizational hierarchy.

Key Components and Structure

Those holding senior positions in the organizational hierarchy, such as executives, directors, or top-level managers, are referred to as higher-level managers.

  • Lower-Level Employees: These are people who are positioned as workers, team members, or employees at lower levels of the organizational hierarchy.
  • Communication Channels: In a vertical network, official channels like meetings, performance reviews, email correspondence, memos, and official reports are the most common types of communication channels. Vertical communication occurs when information moves from superiors to subordinates (downward communication) and from subordinates to superiors (upward communication).

Benefits and Drawbacks


  • Clear Direction: The vertical network makes sure that there are well-defined reporting lines and channels for communication, giving subordinates the information and guidance they need from their superiors.
  • Effective Decision-Making: When information is shared vertically, superiors can base their decisions on the knowledge that subordinates provide. This makes it possible to have effective decision-making procedures that support corporate objectives.


  • Communication that follows the official chain of command may be delayed, making it more difficult to get responses from superiors or reach higher levels. Decision-making procedures and responsiveness may be slowed down as a result.
  • Information Filtering: As information moves through several levels of hierarchy in a vertical network, it may be filtered or distorted. Crucial information could be lost or changed, resulting in misunderstandings or insufficient comprehension.

Examples of Vertical Network

  • Government Bureaucracies: Vertical network structures are commonly used by government agencies and bureaucracies. As instructions and information move down the hierarchical levels, established policies and procedures are followed. 1
  • Conventional Corporate Structures: Vertical network structures are frequently adopted by traditional hierarchical organization's, like multinational corporations. Executives communicate with middle managers, who relay that information to their own teams and staff members.

Importance of Communication Networks

The transmission and flow of messages between people or groups are controlled by a communication network. Here are the top five justifications for the significance of communication networks in the workplace:

Effective Information Flow

The effective and timely flow of information throughout the organization is guaranteed by communication networks. Clear channels and protocols allow messages to be sent promptly and accurately, giving staff members access to the data they require to carry out their jobs well.

Enhanced Cooperation

Teams and employees work together more when they use communication networks. In order to promote a culture of collaboration and synergy, they offer organized channels for exchanging concepts, expertise, and criticism.

Employee collaboration improves problem-solving, creativity, and productivity when there is smooth communication between team members.

Decreased uncertainty and misunderstanding

Minimizing ambiguity and misunderstanding is facilitated by clear communication networks. Organizations can guarantee accurate and thorough information transmission by clearly outlining roles and responsibilities and designating specific channels for communication. As a result, there is less chance of miscommunication, misunderstanding, and mistakes in tasks or projects.

Better worker satisfaction and engagement

More engagement and satisfaction among employees is a result of effective communication networks. Motivated, productive, and content with their work are more likely to be found in employees who feel informed, involved, and connected in the communication processes.

A thoughtfully constructed network promotes candid communication, involvement, and acknowledgment of staff members' work.

Conformity to corporate objectives

For team and individual efforts to be in line with organizational objectives, communication networks are ideal. They assist in ensuring that everyone is working towards the same goals by offering a clear framework for exchanging goals, objectives, and progress reports. Achieving goals is facilitated by this alignment, which also improves overall organizational effectiveness.

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