FTP Commands

FTP is used to transfer the files from one device to another device on the Internet. FTP command is very useful to the FTP client.

Table of the FTP commands:

S. NoFTP CommandDescription of the command
1.!It is used to toggle back and forth between the OS and FTP.
2.?It is used to print the information about the FTP command.
3.appendThis command is used to append the two files.
4.asciiIt is used to set the file transfer mode to ASCII (It is the default mode for most FTP programs).
5.binaryThis command is used to set the file transfer mode to binary.
6.bellWhen any command completes, this command sounds a bell.
7.byeIt is used to terminate the ftp session and exit.
8.cdThis command is used to change the directory on the remote system.
9.closeIt is used to terminate the ftp connection with a remote system.
10.dirIt is used to lists the contents of the remote directory.
11.deleteIt is used to delete a file in the current remote directory.
12.debugIt is used to set the debugging mode on/off. This command does not require a connection to a remote system.
13.disconnectIt is used to disconnect the FTP session.
14.ftpThis command is used to access the FTP interpreter.
15.getIt is used to copy a file from the server to the client device.
16.hashtoggle printing "#" for each buffer transfer.
17.helpIt is used to display the local help information. This command does not require a connection to a remote system.
18.lcdIt is used to change the directory on your local system.
20.literalThis command is used to send the argument to the remote machine.
21.lsIt is used to list the names of the files in the current remote directory.
22.mdeleteIt is used to delete multiple files at once.
23.mdirIt is used to lists the contents of the multiple remote directories.
24.mgetIt is used to copy multiple files from the remote machine to the local machine.
25.mkdirIt is used to make a new directory within the current remote directory.
26.mlsThis command is used to list the names of the files in the many server directories.
27.mputThis command is used to copy many files from the user device to the server device.
28.openThis command is used to open the connection with another system.
30.putThis command is used to copy a file from the user device to the server device.
31.pwdThis command is used to search the path-name of the local directory on the remote system.
32.quitIt is used to exit the FTP session (same as bye).
33.quoteThis command is used to send the argument to the remote machine.
34.recvThis command is used to receiver the file of the remote machine.
35.remotehelpIt is used to display the remote system information.
36.renameThis command is used to rename the file of the system.
37.rmdirThis command is used to remove the directory in the local remote directory.
38.sendIt is used to send a file.
39.statusThis command is used to display the current status of the system.
40.typeIt is used to set the file transfer type.
41.userThis command is used to transfer the new user detail.
42.verboseIt is used to set verbose on/off.

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