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Adjective Words

One of the nine parts of speech is an adjective.

Before we get into the details, let us understand what is Adjective?

An adjective is a word that defines or describes a noun in greater detail. It's used to "describe" or "modify" a noun.

Adjective Words

An adjective is frequently used BEFORE a noun:

  • a green vehicle
  • a foggy sky
  • a fascinating story

And an adjective can appear Pre or Post a verb:

  • My automobile is turquoise.
  • The sky became gloomy.
  • His narrative seemed intriguing.

However, adjectives can also be used to change pronouns (She is beautiful). Consider the following examples:

  • They were vacant.
  • I thought it seemed peculiar.
  • Those are not costly.

While these adjective lists are enormous, they only scrape the surface of the English language's descriptive powers.

Before diving into the enormous Adjective Words List, let us understand why one should use Adjectives?

Why Would You Use an Adjective List?

Utilizing an adjective words/ list one can help you enhance your language abilities and streamline your study, regardless you are a native English speaker or studying English as another language.

  • Utilizing an adjective list will help you expand your vocabulary and improve your ability to employ descriptive language. As a result, you will be able to become a more efficient writer and speaker.
  • People who are studying a foreign language typically construct a list of common descriptive terms to study in order to broaden their vocabulary beyond the fundamental nouns and verbs.

Adjective Words

An adjective is utilized to describe a noun or a pronoun in greater detail. It is used for recognizing/ describing a specific individual or a thing. Adjectives include articles such as a, an, and the.

We have compiled a list of straightforward and easy-to-understand adjective word examples for you.

We have divided the adjectives into lists for your convenience based on their capacity to express touch, colour, shape, and emotion.

Adjective Words To Describe Taste

This adjective list will allow you to describe the wonderful tastes. These are just a few of the adjective words that describe the taste.

Adjective Words To Describe Taste

This adjective list will allow you to describe the wonderful tastes. These are just a few of the adjective words that describe the taste.

Bitter Fruity Sour Bland
Salty Sweet Tangy Spicy
Delicious Lemon-Flavoured Gingery Pickled
Yummy Minty Tasty Creamy

Adjective To Describe Touch

When it comes to touching anything, there are various terms that can be utilised to describe it. See the adjective words that can help you navigate this world.

Boiling Rough Freezing Spongy
Silky Fluffy Smooth Soft
Sharp Bumpy Hard Slippery
Sticky Prickly Slimy Wet
Dry Spiky Furry Greasy
Painful Damp Dirty Tight
Warm Solid Tender Melted

Adjective To Describe Sound

The volume of sounds varies. Something could be whispered, booming, or everything in between. Let's have a look at some adjective words that define the sound.

Melodic Hissing Loud Mute Noisy
Husky High Pitched Hoarse Quiet Faint
Raspy Screeching Soft Low Silent
Shrill Squealing Thundering Whispering Purring
Resonant Voiceless Moaning Muffled Hushed

Adjectives Used to Describe Colour

The world is a spectrum of colours. But you'd never be able to describe things if you didn't have adjectives. Examine a few descriptive colour adjectives that you might often use to adorn your reality.

Let's take a look at some adjective words that define colour.

Black Blue Red Yellow Green
Grey Purple Orange Crimson Bright
Azure Gold Silver Violet Rosy
Pink White Multi-colored Mustard Beige
Drab Dull Indigo Scarlet Turquoise
Peach Rosy Pinkish Coral Brown

Adjectives Used to Describe The Size

Was that spider massive or large? It really doesn't matter because you may use any adjectives you choose to best describe it. Let us have a look at a few adjective words that describe the size of things/objects etc.

Abundant Tiny Petite Thin
Fat Chubby Fat Tall
Giant Large Big Boned Teeny
Gigantic Jumbo Short Mammoth
Huge Long Puny Massive
Small Majestic Vast Little

Adjectives To Describe Shape

Adjectives for forms can be useful. A blob or a warped toy can be found on your table. Let us have a look at few adjective words that describe the shape of things/objects etc.

Broad Deep Oval Square
Circular Skinny Blobby Chubby
Crooked Oval Wide Globular
Curved Steep Straight Fluffy
Flat Cylindrical Triangular Hollow

Adjectives That Define Time

How do you express the passage of time or gazing back in time? Adjectives can be used to describe the time period in a variety of ways. Let us have a look at few adjective words that describe timings/ time.

Daily Irregular First Slow
Early Modern Fleet Swift
Fast Quick Futuristic Eternal
Annual Old Late Young
Brief Old-Fashioned Rapid Waiting

Adjective Words

Adjectives Used to Define an Amount

Whether it's a large or small number, adjectives are required to describe it. Use these amusing and descriptive adjectives to liven up your writing. Let us have a look at few adjective words that describe the amount.

All Little Mere Ten
Ample Light Numerous One
Each Many Very Myriad
Every Bountiful Sparse Plenty
Enough Countless Some Hundreds
Limited Considerable Teeming Measly
Few Full Copious Multiple
Mere Sizable Substantial Profuse

Adjectives Used to Describe Emotions

People's emotions are diverse. There are numerous terms that express how a person feels, ranging from aggressive to cranky to lazy. Though the list of adjectives is extensive, let us look at a few adjective words that best describe the feeling and emotions.

Upset Zany Bewildered Terrible
Happy Tedious Combative Glib
Sad Manic Rundown Quirky
Joyful Zealous Jealous Wicked
Shocked Abrasive Elated Boring
Amused Surprised Anxious Annoyed
Proud Scared Motivated Drained

Adjectives Used to Define an Individual or a Personality

Everyone has a popular friend or a rowdy family member. Consider how you would describe persons around you in the absence of adjectives. Fortunately, you don't have to. Check out this list of descriptive/ adjective words for people or personalities to make life easier.

Careful Trustworthy Exuberant Talkative
Vivacious Diligent Brave Shy
Charming Weird Confident Pessimistic
Faithful Erratic Gloomy Sincere
Understanding Jaunty Kind Relaxed
Funny Attractive Devoted Youthful

Adjectives Used to Define Appearance

A story or letter would be meaningless if you couldn't construct a linguistic picture of your characters with adjectives like quirky and uninteresting. Read on and explore adjective words that define a person's physical appearance.

Young Lanky Flabby Tall
Old Muscular Fit Gorgeous
Slim Stout Chubby Curvy
Thin Elderly Shapely Blonde
Skinny Cute Clumsy Short
Stunning Obese Red Headed Poised

Adjectives Used to Define Situations

Add some descriptive adjectives to your situational conversation. These words make a the scene or situation so much more interesting. Read on to explore the list of adjective words to describe the situation.

Bad Creepy Simple Remarkable Frightening
Bizarre Advantageous Tricky Premium Unhappy
Credible Inventive Doubtful Confusing Embarrassing
Careful Horrible Logical Miserable Tense

Adjectives Used To Describe Experience

Everyone expects to have a lot of fantastic experiences throughout their lives. It can be both good and bad at times. We are at a loss for words to describe our experiences most of the time. Continue reading to learn about the adjective words used to describe the experiences.

Excellent Happy Loving Stressful Wonderful
Amazing Funny Joyful Frustrating Terrific
Awesome Fabulous Good Irritable Practical
Adventurous Emotional Unhappy Unpleasant Versatile

Adjectives Used to Describe Condition

These refer to the adjective words that are determined by and dependent on a particular condition. These imply a certain condition at a specific time.

Alive Better Careful Clever Dead
Famous Gifted Hallowed Mealy Easy
Mushy Helpful Important Inexpensive odd
Poor Powerful Rich Shy Tender
Vast Unimportant Uninterested Wrong Correct

Adjectives Used to Describe Positive Personality/ Person

There are two kinds of personality adjectives- Positive and Negative. Positive personality adjectives are words that describe the positive traits or good qualities of a person. These generally express the positive aspect of the person and people should try and adopt these traits.

Brave Courageous Calm Helpful Tidy
Eager Faithful Gentle Happy Joyful
Delighted Kind Lively Vibrant Nice
Compassionate Obedient Polite Wonderful Amazing
Zealous Witty Generous Loyal Sincere
Hardworking Passionate Ambitious Bright Loving

Adjectives Used to Describe A Negative Personality/ Person

There are two kinds of personality adjectives- Positive and Negative. Negative personality adjectives are words that describe the negative traits or bad qualities of a person. These generally express the negative aspect of the person. Also these traits should be avoided by the person.

Angry Bewildered Grumpy Helpless Itchy
Lazy Nervous Panicky Aggressive Jealous
Scary Hostile Uptight Thoughtless Worried
Repulsive Obnoxious Fierce Clumsy Bossy
Arrogant Cruel Boastful Clingy Harsh
Rude Irresponsible Proudful Dishonest Selfish

Adjectives Used to Describe A Place/Location

Fiction authors' jobs are to take their readers to fascinating locations and times. As a result, adjectives are used to provide life to their writing. The adjective words that express a place/location help the reader grasp the writer's point of view and picturise that place/location. Something that is lively and energetic is not the same as something that is dismal and deserted; that is the power of adjective words.

Bleak Peaceful Inspiring Ancient
Boring Creepy Enchanting Majestic
Charming Beautiful Stormy Mystical
Calm Lively Touristy Ugly
Traditional Modern Quiet Crowded

Note: This is not a comprehensive list of adjectives, there are thousands of adjectives, and it is impossible to list all adjective words. These have been broadly categorised and are just a few of the extensive list of adjectives.

Adjectives: How to Use Them

Adjectives are used to alter nouns within statements. Adjectives are useful within sentences because they convey more information to the reader. So, they might remind you what something resembles like ("wonderful hat") or how many flowers there are ("ten flowers"). Adjectives are also found with the noun they are changing.

Check out a few examples of adjective words in the sentences to better grasp how they are employed in phrases.

  1. Yesterday, we experienced the scariest movie ever.
  2. In his backyard, he owned a blue bike.
  3. He was carrying four bouquets of flowers.
  4. The aggressive dog snarled at the mailman.
  5. My workstation is disorganized.

Adjectives can also be used to supplement a linking verb, which is known as a predicate adjective. As a result, the adjective may reveal more about how someone is feeling.

  1. My sibling is depressed.
  2. The living room appears to be disorganized.
  3. Walking is slower than jogging.
  4. My dog is thrilled.
  5. My cat is excited.
Adjective Words

Adjective Words in Sentence

Now let us use some of the above-mentioned adjective words to form sentences. This will help you better understand the usage of adjectives.

Adjective words have been used in the below mentioned sentences. They have been highlighted for your ease of recognition.

  1. Hairless birds look weird.
  2. The blue ball floated over the sea/lake.
  3. Alexa is an adorable kid.
  4. They devoured some tasty food.
  5. There are some yellow organges in the basket.
  6. My brother is a brave boy.
  7. My brother is taller than my sister.
  8. There are very few students in the class, all have left for their home.
  9. The woman who is dancing today is a famous person.
  10. I purchased a new, red car but it was very convenient.
  11. A huge bus can not go through the road, it is very steep.
  12. This evening we have a table reserved at the large restaurant for business meet-up.
  13. My kitty has hazel eyes and puffy skin.
  14. He has little money left, it is sufficient to buy the groceries.
  15. What a delicious meal it was.
  16. Archaic, precious artifacts are showcased in the museum of city.
  17. See! That smartphone is mine. Nobody can see it without asking me.
  18. Authorities released an important circular.
  19. He met a homeless individual in UK.
  20. She is a quick baller.
  21. Which packet should be opened today?
  22. Please pass some milk to make coffee.
  23. The cafetaria on the main road is a smoking-free area.
  24. Which sports bag is his?
  25. It is 40 degrees Celsius.
  26. I like the blue skirt.
  27. Are that red mansion yours?
  28. My elder brother is a tutor.
  29. She was a pretty lady.
  30. You must study hard, IELS is a tough exam.

Use Adjectives Mindfully

Now that we have seen a wonderful list of adjectives, there's one more thing to mention.

"Adjectives should be used with caution. It would be best if you never overused them."

Nouns and verbs should accomplish the majority of the descriptive work in your writing. Don't just tell your reader something is lovely, fascinating, or interesting. Set a realistic scene with your words, and try employing a sprinkling of adjectives instead of a heavy dousing. Since adjectives are used to infuse emotions, reality, and life in the writings, their appropriate use is essential. Appropriate use can bring a lot of change in how readers absorb the information.

Consider adding these positive/negative adjectives to your adjectival repertoire as you strive to create that balance.

Having a wide range of possibilities or options at your convenience will help you to select the appropriate adjective at the appropriate time. So, use the adjectives mindfully.

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