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Distributive Adjectives

What Is the Definition Of A Distributive Adjective?

A distributive adjective is a type of adjective that pertains to specific participants of the group.

For instance, in the statement, the term each is a distributive adjective. Each student got their own meal.

In the statement, the term "every" is a distributive adjective. He offered a bone-toy to every puppy at the campground.

Distributive Adjectives

While these phrases indicate that something is going on in a group as a whole, the distributive adjectives divide the groupings into individual individuals. We're discussing what happens to the participants of a group.

Distributive Adjectives, which are used with singular nouns, are often used to refer to a specific group or individual. It is used to change nouns. It is most frequently employed with singular nouns. It refers to each individual or person in a group separately. Such nouns or pronouns invariably accompany these adjectives.

It includes E-type adjectives that are used in conjunction with nouns or pronouns in a phrase.

Some distributive adjectives are each, every, neither, and either.

Distributive adjectives are frequently employed to gently alter the meaning of a sentence. As an example,

  • Every student got a pen.
  • The students received the pens.

While the meanings of these two statements are similar, the first states that every single student received a pen, whilst the second states that a large number of pens were distributed to a cohort of students. The second sentence does not clarify how the pens were dispersed, and it is possible that the students received items as a collective to be shared.

When trying to explain precise meanings in instances like this, distributive adjectives come in handy.

List Of Distributive Adjectives

Few of the most common distributive adjectives are:

Each, every, either, neither, any, both

Where should a distributive adjective appear in a statement?

Distributive adjectives are usually used prior to the nouns and pronouns they alter:

  1. Any individual can make a contribution.
  2. Every cottage on the road has a chimney.
  3. Either alternative sounds very good to me.
Distributive Adjectives

Examples Of Distributive Adjectives in A Sentence

The examples below demonstrate how to utilize distributive adjectives in phrases.

Each and every

Both the terms each and every are often used to pertain to individual participants of a big group.

  1. Each individual got a turn to play the game
  2. Jess gave each kid a candy bar.
  3. Every individual at the carnival wore a helmet.
  4. I run barefoot every day.

Occasionally, the terms are even used together in informal language:

  • The performer made each and every supporter of the crowd laugh.

Either, neither, and both

The phrases either, neither, and both are used to describe situations with two possibilities.

  1. Either direction can get us out of the forest.
  2. There can be a scorpion in either basket.
  3. Neither man had any experience flying an airplane.
  4. Neither response made sense.
  5. Both kitties chased the mouse.
  6. John carried the tray using both palms.


The word any can apply to either one or all participants of a group.

  1. Any union member can come to the club.
  2. I can outsmart any individual here.

Best Practices for Distributive Adjective Rules

1. In addition to both, demonstrative adjectives are commonly employed with singular nouns.

For instance, it is right to say

Each doorway has a score on it, and not each doorways have a score on it.

As another instance, we say

The bird was in neither plant and not The bird was in neither plants.

2. The pronouns each, either, neither, any, and both can all be used. If they are, they may defy the norms of adjectives and can be used alone in a statement:

Adjective: Each athlete scored a goal.

Pronoun: Each of the sportsmen scored a goal.

Adjective: She picked neither offer.

Pronoun: Of the 2 choices, she selected neither.

Distributive Adjectives

Examples of Distributive Adjectives in the Sentences

  1. Either you purchase it, or you do not.
  2. My mum does not work as a teacher. Neither am I.
  3. Each girl is required to bring her own luggage.
  4. Each person was invited to fill out a survey.
  5. Each of her pals is enraged.
  6. Can you purchase any one item?
  7. Does your uncle have any funds left?
  8. Both of them are in residence.
  9. Each of us consumes approximately 2 liters of water every day.
  10. My mom watches The news every day.
  11. I don't recognize either of my companions.

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