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Future Indefinite Tense Exercises

All the events which have not happened yet, and have the possibility or certainty to occur in future, lie under the future. In addition, the future indefinite tense indicates a time later than now, and also expresses facts or certainty.

  • She will perform well in the annual function.

This example is indicating towards an annual function that is going to happen in the future. The verb perform symbolizes the future event.

So, let's discuss the future indefinite tense in detail:

Uses of Future Indefinite Tense

Firstly, let's understand where we use these tenses:

  • To express an action that will take place in the future. For example:
    • I shall return your dictionary tomorrow.
    • They will come again next month.
  • To talk about such actions which are unplanned in the present. For example,
    • I'll help you with your homework.
    • It's raining. I will close the window.
  • We use future indefinite tense to make predictions. For example
    • It will rain tomorrow.
    • The trek will be difficult for you.

Helping Verb (to be) for Future Indefinite Tense

In this tense, we use will or shall as a helping verb. But now, oftentimes in the conversation, we use only will with all kinds of future tenses. And grammatically shall is still used.

Uses of to be 'Will'

  • We use the will + verb to talk about actions that are not planned. The speaker decides to do the action at the time of speaking. For example,
    • We will go to Iqbal's party tomorrow.
    • If you sit down to study, I will help you complete your homework.
    • Kevin and Lisa will attend the wedding ceremony.
  • We use the will + verb to predict a future event. Examples:
    • It will rain tomorrow.
    • The ice cream will melt if you don't eat it quickly.
  • We use the will + verb to talk about promises or commands.
    • I will keep my promise and stay forever with you.
    • I will submit my project as soon as possible.

Sentence structure for Future Indefinite Tense

  • Rules for Simple/ Affirmative Sentences
    In the simple perfect tense, we use has or have and past participle of the verb form.
    Subject + Will + First Form of Verb + Object.
    • The children will go to the church on Christmas evening.
    • We will wander around the park.
  • Rules for Negative Sentences
    In the negative Future Indefinite Tense, we use Not or Never just after the helping verb will.
    Subject + Will + Not + First Form of Verb + Object.
    • I will not come to your place tomorrow.
    • You will not drive the car on a foggy night.
  • Rules for Interrogative Sentences
    • The Yes/ No type Interrogative Sentences
      For these sentences, we use 'will' at the beginning of sentences or before the subject in the sentence.
      Will + Subject + First Form of Verb + Object +?
      • Will Kary arrive at the station?
      • Will all the children reach their homes before night?
    • Question Word type Interrogative Sentences
      These sentences start with the question word or WH words (what, when, who, where, why, and how).
      Question Word + will + Subject + Third Form of Verb + Object + ?.
      • How many people have gone to the exhibition?
      • Where has he put the workbook?
    • Interrogative Negative Sentences
      In interrogative negative sentences, we use not just before the verb of the sentence.
      • Will she not go to meet her grandparents?
      • Why will Alex not submit his project before semester exams?

Another Form of Future Tense

We sometimes use the be going to form to talk about the future. Let's see the uses and a few examples of these sentences:

  • To express a future event that has already been planned. For example,
    • I am going to prepare for the exam.
    • They are going to visit us again next month.
  • To make predictions. For example,
    • Rita is going to win the quiz.
    • The children are going to hurt themselves.
  • We use be going to + verb to talk about actions that are planned and will happen. For example,
    • She is going to start college next June.
    • Diane is going to start work next week.

Structure for Simple Future Tense

  • For Declarative Sentences
    Subject + be (is, am, are) + going to + main verb.
    • They are going to participate in the dance competition.
    • I am going to sleep.
  • For Negative Sentences
    Subject + be (is, am, are) + not + going to + main verb + object.
    • We are not going to sing.
    • You are not going to serve dinner at 10 p.m.
  • For Interrogative Sentences
    • Why are you going to wash the clothes at early morning?
    • When is she going to meet with her parents?
    • Am I going to read the novel?


Fill in the blanks with the simple future tense form of the verbs in the brackets:

  • My room is dirty. I _____________ (clean) it tomorrow.
  • I ___________ (meet) you next Sunday in the nearby caf.
  • He ___________ (work) late tonight.
  • They _____________ (watch) the latest film tomorrow.
  • David _____ not _______(arrive) at 9 p.m.
  • They ______ not _______ (play) the hockey tomorrow.
  • We ____________ (serve) breakfast to our guests at 10 p.m.
  • He ____________ (paint) the entire room.
  • ______ you _______ (handle) all the decoration of the orientation program?
  • Nick ___________ (play) the piano at the concert.
  • Mickey and his brother ______ not ______ (go) to the concert with Daisy.
  • The author _______not ______ (publish) her novel next week.
  • When ________ they ______ (read) this chapter?
  • Jack ___________ (wash) the clothes tomorrow.
  • ________ we ________ (drink) a cup of coffee?


Change the following sentences as instructed:

  • Who will go to Los Angels? (Change to negative)
  • I will go to Agra in two days. (Change to interrogative)
  • He will come on time. (Change to interrogative)
  • She will mow the garden tomorrow. (Change to interrogative)
  • Nick will finish his work today. (Change to negative)
  • Will Maddy play the piano at the concert? (Change to affirmative)
  • Shall we read the book? (Change to affirmative)
  • I will not help you. (change to interrogative)
  • What will you do tomorrow? (Change to negative)
  • Good boys will never lie. (Change to interrogative)
  • The poet will complete his poetry by next week. (Change to interrogative)
  • Why can we meet him at the hotel? (Change to negative)
  • Will Diana come to the exhibition with us? (Change to affirmative)
  • He will paint the house over of weekend. (Change to interrogative)
  • Will you not going to marry Kevin? (Change to affirmative)

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