Insert data into javascript indexedDB

We can add single or multiple data in the database using the javascript indexedDB function. The indexedDB database inserts data using a unique column id, and increment column id increases the column as per data. The other column inserts value as per user requirement. The unique id, auto-increment id and other column id are required to insert and save data.

The procedure of the insert data into javascript indexedDB

Once you successfully open a connection to the database, we can operate information in the onsuccess event handler.

For example, to insert an object to a database object store, we can follow these steps:

  • First, open a new transaction.
  • Second, get an object store.
  • Third, call the put() method of the object store to insert new information.
  • Finally, close the transaction connection of the indexedDB database once the operation completes.


The following insertData() function saves a new name into the Names object store:


  • You must use the IDBDatabase object's transaction() function to start a new transaction.
  • A transaction can be opened in either the read-write or readonly mode.
  • While in readonly mode, you can only read data from the database, read-write mode enables you to access data from the database and write data to the database.
  • If you only want to read information from a database, it's best to start a read-only transaction.

After creating the insertName() function, you can use the following syntax to use it in the request to store one or more contacts' onsuccess event handler:

The code in the script tag will now run if you view the index.html file in a web browser to:

  • In the IndexedDB, create the CRM database.
  • In the CRM database, set up the Names object-store.
  • Two records should be added to the object store.


The following examples save single and multiple values. Here, we use the put() method to

Insert the data.

Example 1

The example shows the browsers support the IndexedDb with an event called javascript. The function uses an insert event to store single data.


The output image shows which event called for the IndexedDB to browsers.

Insert data into javascript indexedDB

Example 2

The example shows the browsers support the IndexedDb with an event called javascript. The function uses an insert event to store multiple columns of data.


The output image shows which event called for the IndexedDB to browsers.

Insert data into javascript indexedDB

Example 3

The example inserts two Names and Rank columns but does not insert an email column. The function uses an insert event to store multiple columns of data.


The output image shows the inserted data, and its event calls for the IndexedDB to browsers.

Insert data into javascript indexedDB


The insert data in the indexedDB is an essential part of saving information. We can use the javascript function with the put() method to insert information.

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