Javascript offsetY property

Javascript offsetY property displays the y-coordinates or height of the given element. The read-only MouseEvent offsetY attribute returns the y-coordinate of the mouse cursor for the target element. We can add the event function on the div tag, web page, or other elements to display y-coordination.


The following syntax works for the offset function. We can get the vertical value of the given element.

Return Value

It gives back a number that, in pixels, indicates the mouse pointer's vertical coordinate.


The following examples show the y-coordinate of the given elements.


The following example displays the height or y-coordinate of the paragraph <p> elements. These coordinates work with the function and mouse cursor. The property displays height up to the mouse cursor on the element.


The image displays the y-coordinates of the paragraph <p> elements.

Javascript offsetY property


The following example displays the y-coordinate of the paragraph elements. This property works with the function and mouse cursor. The property displays height up to the mouse cursor on the alert box.


The image displays the y-coordinates of the paragraph <p> elements.

Javascript offsetY property


The following example displays the y-coordinate of the body elements. This property works with the function and mouse cursor. The property displays height up to the mouse cursor on the alert box.


The image displays the y-coordinates of the paragraph <p> elements.

Javascript offsetY property


The following example displays the height or y-coordinate of the entire web page. These coordinates work with the function and mouse cursor. The property displays height up to the mouse cursor of the <html> tag.


The image displays the y-coordinates of the paragraph <p> elements.

Javascript offsetY property

Web Browsers Supported

The given browsers and its version supported the offset property.

  • Opera 12.1 or later
  • Internet Explorer version 9 and up
  • Google Chrome version 1 and up
  • Edge 12 or higher
  • Firefox 39 and above for
  • Apple Safari version 1 and above


The offsetY property helps to get the height or y-coordinates of the given elements. It helps users and developers to get responsive functions. It worked to get the exact height from the initial to the mouse cursor.

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