How to Enable JavaScript on Android?

If you are a Smartphone user, it is quite possible that your Smartphone may work on Android OS.

However, if your phone's browser is configured to disable JavaScript, you will certainly experience an unsatisfactory web browsing. So, it is necessary to use the web browser that supports JavaScript because JavaScript compatibility is essential for viewing the website's magnitude over the internet. Nowadays, almost every Smartphone that is powered by Android Os comes with a pre-installed Chrome Browser.

Let us see how we can enable the JavaScript in Chrome Browser that is installed on a Smartphone powered by Android OS:

Steps To Enable JavaScript in Chrome Browser on Android

Step 1

First of all, open the chrome browser by going to "Apps" and click on the Google Chrome App as shown in the following image:

How to Enable JavaScript on Android

Step 2

Once the Chrome App gets Opened, Touch/click on the three Dots Sign given on the left top-side of the Chrome App asshown below:

How to Enable JavaScript on Android

Step 3

When side menu gets opened, search for "SETTING" from the following options and touch/tape on it.

How to Enable JavaScript on Android

Step 4

When "Setting" Option gets opened, look for the "Site Setting" option mostly given below the "Advanced" option and touch on it.

How to Enable JavaScript on Android

Step 5

Now search the "JavaScript" option among the following options and touch on it as shown in the below image:

How to Enable JavaScript on Android

Step 6

Now touch on the Toggle button given on the right side of the "JavaScript" option as shown in the below image:

How to Enable JavaScript on Android

Step 7

Once you tape on the toggle button, the JavaScript "Allowed" will appear in the place of JavaScript "Blocked". Now JavaScript is enabled in the Browser and you can start browsing the internet after closing the settings by taping on "Back" button for three times approx.

How to Enable JavaScript on Android

Note: To Disable the JavaScript in the Google chrome on Android, you can use the same procedure with a slight change, as shown in the last step, tape on the toggle button again but this time for disabling the JavaScript in the browser.

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