JavaScript Infinity PROPERTY

In JavaScript, Infinity is a special number with an intriguing property: greater than any finite number. We might be amazed at how infinite numbers operate in conditional statements and arithmetic operations. This operation works if we don't know the properties of Infinity beforehand.

Let's look at the Infinity number's properties in JavaScript, acknowledge the use cases, and avoid common pitfalls.

Positive Infinity and negative Infinity are two other special values. Note the program expressions "+Infinity" (Infinity) and "-Infinity" produce these two infinite Number values.

Positive Infinity

The number is the initial value of the Infinity. POSITIVE INFINITY is greater than any other finite number.

It differs from mathematical Infinity in the following ways.

  • If we divide a positive value by positive Infinity, we get a positive 0.
  • If we divide any negative value by positive Infinity, we get a negative 0.
  • 0 simply multiplied by positive Infinity equals NaN.
  • NaN multiplied with positive Infinity equals NaN.
  • If we start dividing positive Infinity by negative value, we get negative Infinity (except negative Infinity)
  • If we start dividing positive Infinity by positive integer, we get positive Infinity (except positive Infinity)
  • Positive Infinity divided by either negative or positive Infinity equals NaN.


The following example shows the POSITIVE INFINITY method.


The following example shows the POSITIVE INFINITY method. We can use positive numbers and return values.


The image shows simple infinity information as an output.

JavaScript Infinity PROPERTY

Negative Infinity

In JavaScript, there is also a negative Infinity (-Infinity) with the value Number. NEGATIVE INFINITY. -Infinity is less than any finite number.

In the following ways, it differs from mathematical Infinity:

  • When separated by any other number, negative Infinity yields -0 (different from 0).
  • Negative Infinity returns NaN when divided by itself or by positive Infinity.
  • When negative Infinity is divided either by a positive number (other than positive Infinity), the result is negative Infinity.
  • Negative Infinity multiplied by any negative number (other than negative Infinity) equals positive Infinity.
  • If we multiply the negative Infinity by NaN, the result is NaN.
  • Nan is the outcome of 0 and negative Infinity.
  • The sum of two negative equations always equals a positive infinity.
  • Positive Infinity is always the product of both negative and positive Infinity.


The following example shows the NEGATIVE INFINITY method.


The following example shows the NEGATIVE INFINITY method.


The image shows negative infinity information as an output.

JavaScript Infinity PROPERTY

Checking for Infinity

The Number.isFinite() method checks whether the passed number is a finite number. It is a number that is neither positive Infinity, negative Infinity, or NaN.


The following syntax shows an infinite value.


  • The value that will be checked for finiteness.

Return Value

  • If the input value is a finite number, the Boolean value true is returned. Otherwise, it is false.


The following example shows the INFINITY method.


The image shows negative and positive information as an output.

JavaScript Infinity PROPERTY

When Should We Use Infinity?

The infinity value is useful for starting computations that involve number comparisons.

For example, when looking for the smallest value in an array, we could initialize the minimum variable with Inifinity.

Because every finite value is less than Infinity, the minimum value will become the first item on the first for() iteration.

Pitfall of Infinity

We won't be dealing with Infinity values very often. However, it is important to understand when infinite attributes may appear.

There are multiple ways to get the infinity values.

  • Parsing numbers
  • JSON serialization
  • Max number overflow
  • Math functions

Parsing Number

Assume we have a form that collects information from users. We have a field on the form where users can enter their input_val.

  • Because the form field's value is a string, we must convert it to a number:
  • This is working perfectly. If a string is entered that cannot be converted to a number, parseInt() returns a NaN:
  • If the input string is Infinity, parseInt() returns NaN because the infinite number is not recognized:


The following syntax applies the parseFloat() function.

The parseFloat() function recognizes the Infinity, which returns an infinite number. When an input field contains the string ' Infinity,' it is best to practice generating a validation error.


The following example shows the parseFloat() function. We can use the positive and negative infinity data. The function returns a finite and infinite value using the parseFloat() Function.


The image shows all types of infinity information as an output.

JavaScript Infinity PROPERTY

JSON Serialization

JSON.stringify() converts an Infinity number to a null value.


The following syntax shows the JSON Serializationmethod.

  • Infinity is the rate property. However, the "rate" value becomes null when converted to JSON.


The following example shows the JSON Serializationmethod.


The image shows the infinity value as an output.

JavaScript Infinity PROPERTY

Maximum Number Overflows

MAX VALUE is JavaScript's largest float number. When attempting to use a number greater than a number MAX_VALUE, JavaScript converts it to Infinity. We can operate mathematical operations like exponential, multiplication, and so on.


The following syntax shows the maximum number overflows method.


The following example shows the maximum number overflows method.


The image shows all types of infinity information as an output.

JavaScript Infinity PROPERTY

Mathematical operations

In JavaScript, some functions in the Math namespace can return infinite numbers.

When a function works without any arguments, then Math.max() returns the "-Infinity", and Math.min() returns the "Infinity". We may be surprised if JavaScript tries to find the maximum or minimum of an empty array.


The following syntax shows the mathematical operation for the infinity property.


The following example gives the infinity property using the mathematical operation.


The image shows all types of infinity information as an output.

JavaScript Infinity PROPERTY

Most Important Takeaway

  • In JavaScript, Infinity refers to the idea of an infinite. Any finite number is less than Infinity, and no finite number is greater than -Infinity.
  • In JavaScript, comparing infinite values is simple: Infinity === True Infinity. Number.isFinite() determines whether the supplied argument is a finite number.
  • When initiating an algorithm that requires a number comparison, we can use Infinite to initialize variables. Determining the minimum of an array is an example of a use case.
  • When parsing numeric values from inputs, Infinity must be used with caution: The actual Infinity number is returned by number ('Infinity'), parseFloat('Infinity'). The infinite number is null when serialized with JSON.stringify().


The infinity property or data handles in JavaScript for mathematical operations and large-size data. It is an easy and useful method for users and developers to handle infinite properties or data.

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