Difference between Time-Sharing and Real-Time Operating SystemTime-Sharing and Real-Time operating systems are two types of operating systems that may be distinguished in various ways. The time-sharing operating system mainly performs general tasks, whereas the real-time operating system performs specific tasks. The main difference between these operating systems is that time-sharing operating systems focus on providing a fast response to the subrequest. On the other side, the real-time operating system (RTOS) is focused on performing a task in time. In this article, you will learn the differences between Time-Sharing and Real-Time operating system. But before discussing the differences, you will need to learn about the Time-Sharing and Real-Time operating system. What is a Time-Sharing operating system?A time-sharing operating system allows several users to use a computer system from various locations simultaneously. An operating system is a program that makes a connection between the user and the system hardware. The time-sharing operating system is built on multiprogramming concepts, in which multiple jobs are completed simultaneously by constantly switching between them. Its switching is lightning quick, allowing users to interact with every program because it runs without sharing the system. Time-sharing systems use an interactive computer system to allow direct interaction between the user and the system. The term 'interactive' refers to the user's direct instructions to the system or program via an input device. The results will be shown on the output devices by the system. The results are generated faster, and the response time must be shorter than one second. The time-sharing operating system allows several users to share computer resources simultaneously. Each user takes less CPU time because each command or action in a time-shared system is short. The time-sharing operating systems use strategic CPU scheduling and multiprogramming to offer every user a small time-shared system. Every user interacts with at least one separate program in memory during execution, known as a process. Advantages and disadvantages of Time-Sharing Operating SystemThere are various advantages and disadvantages of a time-sharing operating system. These are as follows: Advantages There are various advantages of a time-sharing operating system. Some of them are as follows:
Disadvantages There are various disadvantages of a time-sharing operating system. Some of them are as follows:
What is a Real-Time operating system?A real-time operating system is a type of operating system designed to serve real-time applications that process data as it arrives. It completes a task within a specific time. The logical result of computation and the time required to produce the result determine the correctness of the system output. It includes methods for real-time task scheduling. It is primarily used on embedded systems. It is highly useful for timing applications or activities that are performed within a particular time limit. It uses strict time limits to drive task execution in an external environment. Real-time operating systems require accurate results and timely results, which means that the results must be produced within a certain time limit, or the system will fail. It is primarily used in control device applications like automobile-engine fuel injection systems, industrial control systems, weapon systems, medical imaging systems, etc. Advantages and Disadvantages of Real-Time Operating SystemThere are various advantages and disadvantages of a Real-Time operating system. These are as follows: Advantages There are various advantages of a Real-Time Operating System. Some of them are as follows:
Disadvantages There are various disadvantages of a Real-Time operating system. Some of them are as follows:
Main Differences between the Time-sharing and Real-Time Operating SystemHere, you will learn the main differences between Time-sharing and Real-Time operating system. These differences are as follows:
Head-to-head differences between the Time-sharing and Real-Time Operating SystemHere, you will learn the head-to-head differences between time-sharing and the real-time operating system. Some of them are as follows:
ConclusionTime-sharing operating systems allow multiple users to interact with computer systems simultaneously by switching the CPU between them. In contrast, a real-time operating system is more likely to complete a single task at a time and deliver services on time. Next TopicMulti-User Operating System |