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HTML Slider

A slider is a group of sequential frames that may be moved back and forth through. This article demonstrates how to create a slideshow using only HTML and CSS.

Enter the fundamental HTML code first, and then use the type as a radio command to create the radio buttons for the frames. Implement the frame designs in a sequence after that. The frames may be moved about and changed using radio buttons and control labels with the aid of margin-left. Instead of text, the image can be used in the frames. The browser uses fewer memory and computing resources as a result.

Sliders are a collection of frames that may be visited individually. Slider frames can include pictures, movies, or even HTML elements (such as endorsements or reviews). There are sliders on many websites today. When a developer has to convey information about a website but does not want it to take up much room, they utilize sliders.

For instance, if a developer is creating a website for a product, they could want to offer the consumer their endorsements or reviews so that they will trust them and purchase their product. The developer can design a slider so that consumers can read and scroll through each review.


With the use of HTML, CSS, and Javascript, we will discover how to make a simple CSS picture slider. We need to be familiar with several ideas to understand what is happening and what we are doing completely. Let's look at them now.

  • HTML: We should be familiar with the fundamentals of HTML, including its components and tags. We should be aware of the functions of each tag and element in our slider, as we will be employing a number of them to build it.
  • CSS: We'll utilize a lot of CSS to build the slider. Several CSS intermediate principles, like stacking, z-index, position, and animations, should be familiar to us. When building the slider, each of these will be necessary.
  • Javascript: We should be familiar with the fundamentals of JavaScript, including variable definition, for-loop use, and DOM manipulation. These would be used to adjust the slider and provide the desired effect.

How to Create a Slider

Create a slider using an HTML and CSS page.

Step 1: Use HTML code to create the Image Slider's Basic Layout.

Let's start by building the slider's framework. As we mentioned previously, sliders are a collection of frames. We're going to build a CSS picture slider.

The parent div will be created first, which will house the slider pictures and functions. We'll also add some styling, such as modifying the background's color and the parent div's height and width.

Step 2: Add the Prev and Next Buttons.

The previous and next buttons are seen on the sliders. These are used to move through the sliders' frames. We will provide our parent div with some simple buttons. The user may use these buttons to move around the carousel's pictures. For the sake of simplicity, we'll use the button text and > to represent the previous and next, respectively.

We would style the basic HTML buttons in addition to adding them so that they would be vertically center aligned with the center div. This is done to make it simpler to navigate through the slider. To vertically align the buttons, we will utilize relative positioning.


HTML Slider

Step 3: Include the Necessary Text and Images in the Slider

After adding the buttons, it's time to upload the photos. To make a CSS picture slider, we'll use floral images. Position and z-index will be used to stack the photos on top of one another. We will use a main class and set its display to visible because we need one picture to be seen. To prevent the viewer from seeing the remaining photos, their display will be hidden.

The wording in the slider will also indicate which picture the user is now browsing. The user will benefit from having a better understanding of the number and arrangement of photographs in the carousel.


HTML Slider

Step 4: Use JavaScript Code to Activate the Two Buttons

All of the photos have been added to the class we built for the slider. To go forward, we must press the previous and next buttons. We'll employ javascript.

  • First, these buttons need to have an event listener added. When a user selects the previous or next button, the appropriate action should be executed.
  • To indicate the picture the viewer should see, we utilized the main class. We must decide which picture will be assigned to this class. Only the picture with the primary class will be shown to the viewer, with all other images being hidden.
  • To do this, we'll employ DOM manipulation. We may add the main class to a new picture and delete the main class from an existing image with the use of DOM manipulation.
  • Now, we will utilize the previous and next button event listeners to decide which picture should have the main class. We must first collect all of the photographs that are currently in the slideshow. We can see that there is an image div in the parent slider-carousel. Using the DOM's query Selector, we can obtain this. Once we have all of the image divs, we must now choose the appropriate one and give it the main class. The remainder won't have a primary class and will thus be hidden from the user.

A variable that originally points to 0 can be initialized. This variable will let us know which picture the user can now see. We will change the value of the variable in accordance with whether the user selects next or prior. The value will be changed to (number of images div-1) if it is 0 and the user clicks the previous. The variable's value will be changed to 0 if the user clicks the next image when it is at the final image.


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