HTML Style

HTML Style is used to change or add the style on existing HTML elements. There is a default style for every HTML element e.g. background color is white, text color is black etc.

The style attribute can by used with any HTML tag. To apply style on HTML tag, you should have the basic knowledge of css properties e.g. color, background-color, text-align, font-family, font-size etc.

The syntax of style attribute is given below:

HTML Style color

The color property is used to define the text color.

Let's see a simple example of styling html tags by color property of css.

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This is Green Color

This is Red Color

HTML Style background-color

The background-color property is used to define background color for the HTML tag.

Let's see an example of styling html tag by of css background-color property

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This is yellow background

This is red background

HTML Style font-family

The font-family property specifies the font family of the HTML tag.

Let's see an example of styling html tag by css font-family property

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This is times new roman font family

This is arial font family

HTML Style font-size

The font-size property is used to define the text size of the HTML tag.

Let's see an example of font-size property

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This is 200% h3 tag

This is 200% p tag

HTML Style text-align

The text-align property is used to define the horizontal text alignment for the HTML element.

Let's see an example of styling html tag by css text-align property

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If you want to put heading at center or left, use "text-align:center" or "text-align:left" respectively.


This text is located at right side

This text is located at center side

HTML5 doesn't support <center> tag which is supported in older version of HTML.

Supporting Browsers

Elementchrome browser Chromeie browser IEfirefox browser Firefoxopera browser Operasafari browser Safari
style attributeYesYesYesYesYes

If you want to know more about HTML styling, you can read it on CSS tutorial.

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