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Brain Doctor

Neurologist is a doctor of the brain.

What Exactly is a Neurologist?

A neurologist is a doctor who specialises in the diagnosis, care, and management of conditions affecting the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. The structure, operation, and illnesses that impact your nerves and neurological system are well-understood by neurologists. Your neurological system serves as the body's main control system. It controls every thought, emotion, and action you have, from raising an arm to beating your heart.

Brain Doctor

What Exactly is a Paediatric Neurologist?

A paediatric neurologist is a type of doctor who treats and manages disorders of the brain and nervous system in children from birth through adolescence. Many of the illnesses they treat are like those observed in adults, as well as hereditary and developmental issues.

What Exactly is a Neurosurgeon?

Neurosurgeons are medical professionals that specialise in performing operations on the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.

How do Neurologists make Diagnoses?

Your neurologist will enquire about your past medical conditions, your family history, your use of medications, and your current symptoms. Additionally, a neurologic examination will be conducted, which will assess your coordination, balance, reflexes, and gait.

  • Muscle power
  • Mental well-being
  • Vision, hearing, and communication
  • Sensation

Your neurologist may also conduct blood, urine, or other fluid tests to assist determine the severity of your problem or to monitor drug levels. To identify inherited illnesses, genetic testing may be conducted. To aid with diagnosis, imaging investigations of your neurological system may be done.

Neurologists treat patients with drugs, physical therapy, and other methods.

What kinds of Testing does a Neurologist Recommend?

Here are a few typical neurological examinations:

  1. Angiography- Your brain, head, or neck may have blocked, damaged, or atypical blood veins, which an angiography can identify. It is capable of spotting blood clots and aneurysms.
  2. Biopsy- The surgical removal of tissue from your body is known as a biopsy. Muscle, nerve, and brain tissue biopsies may be taken.
  3. Cerebrospinal Fluid Examination- For this test, a sample of the fluid around your brain and spinal cord is taken. The test can detect brain bleeds, infections, multiple sclerosis, and metabolic problems.
  4. EEG (Electroencephalography)- This test monitors the electrical activity of your brain and is used to assist diagnose seizures, infections (such as encephalitis), brain injury, and tumours.
  5. EMG (Electromyography)- This examination monitors the electrical activity of the muscles and is used to identify issues with the nerves, muscles, and spinal nerve roots as well as motor neuron diseases such amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
  6. ENG (Electronystagmography)- This set of tests is designed to identify involuntary eye movement, dizziness, and balance problems.
  7. Activated potentials- This examination measures the speed and completeness with which electrical signals from your eyes, ears, or skin are received by your brain. The test can aid in the diagnosis of MS, acoustic neuroma, and spinal cord damage.
  8. Myelography- This test aids in the diagnosis of spinal and spinal cord tumours, herniated discs, and fractures.
  9. Polysomnogram- This test examines brain and body activity while sleeping and aids in the diagnosis of sleep disorders.
  10. PET (Positron Emission Tomography)- This imaging examination can evaluate epilepsy, brain tumours, dementia, and Alzheimer's disease in addition to finding cancers.
  11. SPECT (Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography)- This imaging test can find seizures, degenerative spine disease, and stress fractures in addition to finding cancers and infections.
  12. Thermography- By monitoring temperature changes inside your body or organs, this test evaluates the presence of pain syndromes, peripheral nerve disorders, and nerve root compression.
  13. CT (computed tomography), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), X-rays, and ultrasound.

Schedule a Consultation with a Neurologist

Some of the most common symptoms for which you should see a neurologist (or be referred to one) are as follows:

  • Memory problems and forgetfulness
  • Consciousness loss
  • Seizures
  • Disturbances in taste or odour
  • Issues with vision
  • Feelings of numbness and tingling
  • Facial asymmetries (a side of your face that does not match the other; for example, your eyelids droop or you can't smile fully)
  • The symptoms of vertigo include hearing loss, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), and dizziness.
  • Difficulty swallowing, hoarseness of voice, difficulty shrugging shoulders or rotating your neck, and difficulty moving your tongue.
  • Muscle twitching, cramping, spasms, and weakness
  • Burning or electrical shock-like pain in any portion of the body
  • Neck or back pain, as well as a headache
  • Gait imbalance
  • Tremors
  • Movement is slow

Appointment with a Neurologist

It is beneficial to be prepared for your neurologist visit to get the most out of it. Bring a list of the most important issues you want to discuss with your neurologist to be prepared:

  • Discuss any alterations to your general health.
  • Discuss your new symptoms as well as any changes in current or previous problems.
  • Keep a symptom diary and record, including the date and time, duration, severity, causes, symptoms, and any steps you take to put an end to the episode (and bring the diary with you). If you suffer from a condition like epilepsy, sleep apnea, headaches, or Parkinson's disease, this is extremely helpful.
  • Bring copies of all test results, including a CD with images and lab results from doctors outside the network of your neurologist.
  • Bring a list of any drugs you are currently taking. Include all dietary supplements, herbal products, including prescription and over-the-counter medications. Also, inform your neurologist of any previous medications that did not work or produced negative effects.
  • A list of your known allergies should be brought along.
  • Bring a friend or family member with you to the appointment so they may take notes and be a second pair of ears and eyes. This individual can assist you in reviewing your neurologist's conversation, asking questions, and reminding you of upcoming tests and appointments.
  • Make a follow-up appointment to talk about any other issues.

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