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Brain Tumor Symptoms

Brain tumors are developments that can occur in or closer to the brain, including on glands, nerves, and membranes. There are 2 kinds of brain tumors: primary (which initiate in the brain) and secondary (which result from cancer spreading from another part of the body to the brain). Plus, Secondary tumors are also regarded as metastatic tumors.

There are different kinds of primary brain tumors - some benign (noncancerous) and others malignant (cancerous). Benign tumors do not spread throughout the body like cancer. However, they may grow over time and put pressure on surrounding tissues. Malignant or cancerous tumors grow more rapidly than benign ones and invade healthy tissues around them.

Brain tumors can vary greatly in size. Some are smaller, while others can be quite larger before they are detected. People may notice signs right away if the tumor starts in an active part of their brain, however, if it begins in a less active area, it might not cause noticeable symptoms for some time. Let's discuss the brain tumor in depth.

Brain Tumor Types

Brain Tumor Symptoms

Brain tumors are divided based on the cells in tumor. Brain tumors can be either cancerous or noncancerous; Noncancerous brain tumors are also called benign brain tumors, whereas cancerous ones are known as malignant brain tumors. Benign brain tumors grow slowly, while malignant ones develop rapidly.

There are numerous types of brain tumors, such as below.

  • Choroid Plexus Tumors: This type of tumor can be either benign or malignant, and it begins in cells that produce the cerebrospinal fluid. Choroid plexus carcinoma is malignant cancer that is more widespread among kids.
  • Gliomas: These are brain tumors that resemble glial cells that mainly support nerve cells. It may be malignant or benign. Its other types include oligodendroglioma and ependymoma.
  • Germ Cell Tumors: These tumors are reproductive cell tumors that mainly occur in the ovaries; however, they can also be identified in other body parts. When they occur in the brain, they are normally located closer to the pituitary gland. Germ cell tumors are benign and more common among kids.
  • Pituitary Tumors: Brain tumors can be identified in the pituitary gland, with most being non-cancerous. Pituitary tumors occur in the gland itself; on the other hand, Craniopharyngioma is a kind of brain tumor that develops near the pituitary gland.
  • Embryonal Tumors: These are malignant brain tumors that appear from embryonal cells left over from fetal growth. It mainly occurs in kids, with medulloblastoma being the most common type situated in the cerebellum of the brain.
  • Meningiomas: It is the most common and prevalent kind of benign brain tumor that originates in the membranes surrounding the spinal cord. Though usually non-cancerous, they can also be malignant.
  • Pineal Tumors: These tumors can be either benign or malignant, with pineoblastoma being a cancerous kind that is most often found in kids. These growths occur in or near the pineal gland in the brain, which mainly builds melatonin to aid sleep.
  • Nerve Tumors: This tumor occurs on the main nerve that attaches the inner ear to the brain. It grows in and around nerves, with the most common type being acoustic neuroma or schwannoma.

Other Types

There are various kinds of tumors that can occur, including those that produce from muscles and connective tissue surrounding the brain. Additionally, malignant brain tumors can grow from immune system cells in the brain and are known as primary central nervous system lymphoma.

Risk Factors Associated with Brain Tumors

  1. Family History: Brain tumors are rarely genetically inherited, with only 5 to 10% of all cancers being hereditary. If multiple family members have obtained a brain tumor diagnosis, it is suggested to speak with a doctor who can suggest seeing a genetic counselor.
  2. Age: As a person ages, the danger of developing brain tumors rises.
  3. Chemical Exposure: Chemicals Exposure in the workplace can boost the danger of brain cancer, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. A list of potentially cancer-causing substances identified in workplaces is maintained by the institute.
  4. Radiation Exposure: Exposure to ionizing radiation, whether via cancer therapies or nuclear fallout, raises the risk of growing brain tumors.

Symptoms of Brain Tumor

Brain Tumor Symptoms

The symptoms of a brain tumor vary based on its size and growth rate (tumor grade).

There are numerous symptoms of a potential brain tumor, including morning headaches or pressure in the head, frequent headaches (tension or migraines), nausea, vomiting, and eye issues like blurry vision or loss of peripheral sight.

  • Non-Cancerous brain tumors, also called benign brain tumors, can cause symptoms that grow slowly and might not be noticed at first. These symptoms involve losing feeling or movement in an arm or leg, trouble with balance, speech problems, confusion in everyday matters, memory problems, personality or behavior changes, and seizures.
  • Additionally, hearing problems and vertigo may occur along with weight gain due to extreme hunger.
  • Cancerous brain tumors, also named malignant brain tumors or brain cancers, cause sudden and fastly worsening symptoms.
  • Headaches caused by brain tumors can occur at any time; however, they are often worse in the morning and may wake people from sleep. The pain is usually worse when coughing or straining and feels like a tension headache or migraine.
  • Brain tumors can cause headaches with neck aches if they occur in the back of the head, while those that develop in the front of the head may feel like eye or sinus pain.
  • Brain tumors in different parts of the cerebrum can cause different symptoms. Tumors located in the frontal lobes, which control thinking and movement, may result in balance problems, trouble walking, personality changes like forgetfulness and lack of interest.
  • Temporal lobe brain tumors, located on the sides of the brain that process memories and senses, can cause memory problems and sensory hallucinations such as seeing, tasting, or smelling things that aren't there. These sensations may be unpleasant or unusual.

Diagnosis of Brain Tumor

The procedure of diagnosing brain tumors includes identifying the patient's medical history and conducting a physical examination. During a physical exam, physicians perform a detailed neurological examination to test the cranial nerves originating in the brain. Your specialist will utilize an ophthalmoscope to examine your eyes by shining a light via your pupils and onto your retinas.

Doctors can check for modifications in the optic nerve caused by raised pressure inside the skull by examining a patient's pupils and looking directly into their eyes.

The physician will assess muscle strength, coordination, memory, and mathematical capability during a physical exam. Following tests may be ordered depending on the outcome of the exam.

1. CT Scan

CT scans provide detailed body scans for doctors, surpassing the capabilities of X-ray machines. It can be performed with or without contrast. A CT scan of the head uses a dye to create contrast and improve the visibility of certain structures, such as blood vessels.

2. MRI

An MRI of the head can detect tumors with the use of a special dye without using radiation. It provides detailed pictures of brain structures compared to CT scans.

3. Angiography

This study injects dye into the artery to see the blood supply of tumors during surgery.

4. Skull X-rays

Brain tumors can lead to skull bone breaks and calcium deposits, which can be detected through specific X-rays. Calcium deposits may indicate cancer spreading to the bones.

5. Biopsy

During a biopsy, a tiny piece of the tumor is examined by a neuropathologist to find out if the tumor cells are benign or malignant and whether it originated in the brain or another part of the body.

Proper Treatment of Brain Tumor

Brain tumor treatment depends on factors such as type, size, location, and general health. Surgery is the most common option for malignant tumors to remove as much cancer without harming healthy brain tissue.

Removing brain tumors can be challenging if they are located in certain areas, but partial removal can still provide some benefits.

Brain surgery carries the risk of infection and bleeding but is necessary to remove dangerous benign tumors. Metastatic brain tumors are treated based on guidelines for the original cancer type. Surgery can be combined with chemotherapy and radiation therapy.


Brain tumors can be successfully treated and fully recovered from, but the outlook depends on factors such as tumor type, size, location, and general health. Early treatment can prevent complications and malignant spread to other tissues in the brain. A doctor can determine the best course of action for treatment and symptom management. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy may aid recovery after neurosurgery.

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