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Brain Facts

Did you know that in every manner, human brains are significantly more effective than computers? Or that our brains have 100,000 miles of blood vessels-enough to go around the globe four times-within them?

Brain Facts

The central nervous system of your body includes the brain. The most intricate component of your body is it. It is capable of sending and receiving a huge volume of data. Physicians and scientists still need to fully comprehend certain aspects of it since it is so intricate. This implies that your brain is capable of some wonderful things you may not know.

Some Amazing Facts About Brain

  1. The average person's brain weighs roughly 2% of their body weight but consumes 20% of their energy and oxygen.
  2. 73% of your brain is water. Your attention, memory, and other cognitive abilities may be impacted by dehydration by as little as 2%.
  3. Sweating for 90 minutes may temporarily decrease the brain by the same amount as a year of aging.
  4. The brain is around three pounds in weight. The brain is the body organ with the highest fat percentage at 60% of its dry weight.
  5. The brain is where 25% of the body's cholesterol is found. Each brain cell has cholesterol as a necessary component. Brain cells expire if there is insufficient cholesterol.
  6. Although no one is certain, the most recent estimate puts the number of brain cells in the human brain at about 86 billion.
  7. Each neuron may communicate with thousands of other neurons via synaptic connections at 1,000 nerve impulses per second.
  8. There are 100,000 neurons and 1 billion synapses in a piece of brain tissue the size of a grain of sand, and they all communicate.
  9. No two brain cells are the same. The brain contains up to 10,000 different kinds of neurons.
  10. Your brain requires a steady flow of oxygen. Some brain cells may start to die after only five minutes without oxygen, which can cause permanent brain damage.
  11. Infants' large heads accommodate their quickly expanding brains. The brain of a two-year-old is 80% that of an adult.
  12. Teenage minds are not completely developed, as any parent will confirm. The human brain fully develops at about the age of 25.
  13. The speed of sound in the brain may reach 268 miles per hour. This has a higher top speed than Formula 1 racing vehicles, which reach 240 mph.
  14. The brain produces 20 watts of power roughly. This is sufficient to power a few LED light bulbs with modest wattages.
  15. There is a reason why the brain is said to be a "random thought generator." The University of Southern California's Laboratory of Neuro Imaging estimates that the typical brain produces 48.6 thoughts every minute. This results in a daily average of 70,000 thoughts.
  16. The brain receives 750-1,000 milliliters of blood every minute. This will fill a litre bottle of soda or a bottle of wine.
  17. Your brain can comprehend a picture that has only been visible to your eyes for 13 milliseconds-a fraction of the time it takes you to blink.
  18. Even after accounting for higher physical sizes, men's brains are 10% larger than women's. But women often have a bigger hippocampus, the area of the brain most closely associated with memory.
  19. Compared to the normal brain weight of 3 pounds (1,360 grams), Albert Einstein's brain weighed 2.71 pounds (1,230 grams), or 10% less. However, his brain had a higher-than-usual neuron density.
  20. The brains of Neanderthals were 10% bigger than those of modern Humans.
  21. Humans do not have the greatest brains, despite having the largest brains relative to body weight of all species. With 17-pound brains, sperm whales hold that distinction.
  22. Over the last 20,000 years, human brains have shrunk noticeably. The volume that was lost is about the size of a tennis ball.
  23. The hippocampus, the area of the brain referred to as the "memory center," is much bigger in London taxi drivers. This results from the cerebral exercise they get when traversing London's 25,000 streets.
  24. Modern life is rife with chronic stress and sadness. Either one may result in detectable brain shrinkage.
  25. Omega-3 necessary fatty acids are insufficient in the typical diet. Omega-3 deficiency causes brain shrinkage equal to two years of structural brain aging.
  26. The average IQ has decreased by 13.35 points since the late 1800s or 1.6 points per ten years.
  27. The majority of us are great multitaskers as a result of technology. However, the brain cannot learn or focus on two things simultaneously. It can swiftly switch between jobs. Your short-term memory, learning capacity, attention span, and general mental function all suffer.
  28. Surprisingly, millennials (born between 1981 and 1996) are less likely to remember things than baby boomers. They are more prone to forget the date or where they left their keys than their parents.
  29. Brain cells will eat one another as a last-resort energy source to prevent famine. Therefore, dieting, particularly low-fat diets, makes your brain feed itself.
  30. Exposure to electromagnetic frequencies, such as those generated by your mobile phone and other electronic gadgets, has a detrimental effect on more than 140 proteins in the brain.
  31. Relying on GPS to navigate damages your natural sense of direction, which our ancestors had to build over thousands of years. When the parts of the brain responsible for navigation are not engaged, a process known as synaptic pruning causes those neural connections to disappear.
  32. You've undoubtedly heard that people are becoming less able to focus. Moreover, the typical individual has a shorter attention span than a goldfish. It turns out that this "fun but alarming" truth is untrue. There is no proof that human attention spans are becoming shorter or that goldfish have unusually low attention spans.
  33. It is false to claim that we only employ 10% of our brains. Brain scans unequivocally demonstrate that we employ most of our brains even when we sleep.
  34. Left-brain and right-brain personality/skill types don't exist. There is no such thing as a left-brained or right-brained person; we are all "whole-brained."
  35. Contrary to popular belief, alcohol does not cause the death of brain cells. Alcohol abuse can potentially harm the connective tissue that lines the ends of neurons.
  36. The myth of the "Mozart effect" has been disproved. Several types of music may help with memory and focus, but Mozart is not one of them. [Playing music, or even simply listening, may increase your intelligence, happiness, health, and productivity at all stages of life.]
  37. Although it is a lovely sentiment, the statement that humans have more brain cells than there are stars in the Milky Way is untrue. We have 86 billion neurons, whereas the Milky Way has 200-400 billion stars, according to best-guess calculations.
  38. It's often believed that the brain has 10,000 miles of blood arteries. The distance is closer to 400 miles, which is still a big distance.
  39. High total cholesterol is not detrimental to your brain, despite what most doctors believe. In actuality, most of the brain is made of fat and cholesterol, and studies have shown that high cholesterol lowers the chance of developing dementia.
  40. Until recently, it was accepted as a "fact" that a person's IQ and the number of brain cells in their head at birth could not be altered. However, it has now been established that a characteristic known as brain plasticity gives our brains the ability to change throughout our lives. The process of neurogenesis allows the brain to continue producing new brain cells.
  41. Rather than being connected to a particular brain region, memory is better understood as an action or a process. Every memory is broken down and dispersed across the brain in distinct ways. After that, the memory must be pieced back together to be remembered.
  42. The brain begins to deteriorate at 24, although different cognitive abilities peak at various ages. You're growing worse at some things and better at others as you age. Vocabulary abilities are an extreme example since they may peak as late in life as the early 1970s.
  43. It's not your fault if you can't recall what you did over the weekend if you were drinking. When intoxicated, memory formation is impossible for the brain.
  44. It's a common misconception that superior memory comes naturally, but this is seldom the case. Most memory pros would admit that using the greatest memory methods helped them build their exceptional memory as a talent.
  45. Human brain tissue is a little thick. It has a delicate, mushy texture akin to soft tofu or gelatin and is exceedingly fragile.
  46. A half cup of fluid is produced by the brain each day. The cerebrospinal fluid keeps the brain from collapsing under its weight by acting as a shock absorber while it floats in this fluid bath.
  47. Sometimes, a half-brained idea might be just as valuable as a whole one. A hemispherectomy is a surgical surgery wherein half of the brain is removed or rendered inoperable to halt seizures. Amazingly, neither personality nor memory is impacted in patients.
  48. The connection patterns in your brain are as distinctive as your fingerprints.
  49. Even though the brain processes pain, it lacks pain receptors and does not experience pain. This illustrates how painless brain surgery may be conducted on a patient who is awake. Although it seems like a headache originates in the brain, it is brought on by discomfort in adjacent skin, joints, sinuses, blood vessels, or muscles.
  50. Brain freeze is an example of referred pain coming from the roof of the mouth, even though it seems like pain in the brain. Thankfully, brain freeze does not cause brain cells to freeze since frozen brain cells burst and decompose.
  51. There are measurable differences in the brains of introverts and extroverts. MRIs show introverts have more grey matter in their brains, whereas extroverts have a more active dopamine reward network.
  52. According to a study done at Cambridge University, the brain doesn't pay much attention to the letter order of a printed word. Your brain can rearrange the letters to make words as quickly as you can read if the beginning and ending letters are in the appropriate positions.
  53. The amount of information your brain can store is almost limitless.
  54. It doesn't get "used up" as RAM in your computer does.
  55. According to the most recent studies, the brain has a memory storage capacity in the petabyte range. A quadrillion bytes, or 1015, make up a petabyte. Amazingly, this is about equal to the quantity required to store the whole internet!
  56. The human brain can do 1016 operations per second, making it far more powerful than any computer today.
  57. The AI Impacts project's researchers have created a method for comparing supercomputers to brains by gauging how quickly a computer can transfer information inside its system.
  58. By this measure, the IBM Sequoia, one of the fastest supercomputers in the world, is 30 times less powerful than the human brain. One of the most powerful computers in the world is the K computer from Japan. It takes 40 minutes to process the data, comparable to only one second of brain activity when trained to replicate human brain function.
  59. It is estimated that 200 recognized cognitive biases and distortions lead to incorrect thinking and behavior.
  60. Memories evolve with time and are astonishingly untrustworthy. How well we recall anything depends on various factors, including emotions, motivation, clues, context, and frequency of usage. This also applies to "flashbulb memories" that emerge following stressful experiences.
  61. It's believed that 70% of a person's daily tens of thousands of thoughts are negative, including self-criticism, pessimism, and dread.
  62. The blood-brain barrier shields the brain from various foreign chemicals in the circulatory system, keeping them from entering the brain. However, the barrier is only partially effective, allowing numerous chemicals to pass, some more quickly than others. In about 7 seconds, nicotine enters the brain. Contrarily, alcohol takes six minutes.
  63. Our brains, sometimes to an unhealthy degree, need mental stimulation. It's funny how males, in particular, would sooner shock themselves with electricity than be left alone in a room with their thoughts.

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