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CSS Element Selector

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is the main part of web design. It allows developers to control the web page's visual representation, making sure it looks and feels the way they want it to. One of the basic aspects of CSS is the selector. The selector controls which HTML elements the styles should be applied to. In this explanation, we will explore the world of CSS element selectors and learn about their syntax, usage and some easy practices.

What is a CSS Element Selector?

CSS element selector is A pattern that identifies the HTML elements to which a particular style should be applied. It's the most basic and easy way to put styles to elements on a webpage. Element selectors target HTML elements based on their tag names like <p>, <h1>, <div> and more.

Syntax of CSS Element Selector

The syntax for a CSS element selector is very easy:


Here, an element is the HTML tag name you want to target, and within the curly braces, you define the CSS properties and their corresponding values.



In this example:

  • All <p> elements will have a font size of 16 pixels and a colour of #333.
  • The <h1> elements will have a specific font family and a distinctive color.
  • All <ul> elements will have a square list style type.
  • Elements with the class "special" will have a bold font weight.
  • The universal selector * sets the margin and padding to zero for all elements on the page.


CSS Element Selector

Applying CSS Element Selectors

CSS element selectors can be used in various ways:

1. Direct Element Style



CSS Element Selector

2. External Stylesheet

Create a separate .css file and link it to your HTML document:

CSS Code:

HTML Code:


CSS Element Selector

3. Combining Selectors

You can combine element selectors to target specific elements or groups of elements:



CSS Element Selector

Specificity and Overriding

When many styles conflict, a specificity system is used to know which style CSS should apply. The Element selector is less specific than other selectors like classes or IDs. If a more specific selector targets the same element, it will set aside the styles the element selector gives.

Advantages of CSS Element Selectors

  1. Simplicity and Readability: Element selectors are easy to learn, making them available to beginners and experienced developers the same.
  2. Global Application: Global styling of all instances of a particular HTML element is controlled by Element Selectors. They can help apply constant styles across a website.
  3. Efficiency: They are efficient and lightweight. Additional HTML attributes or classes aren't required; thus, they decrease overall code complexity.
  4. Maintenance: Global element selectors make maintenance easier, as one needs to change only one set of styles to change all instances of a specific element.
  5. Fallbacks: In the absence of a more specific selector (like class or ID), the element selector acts as a fallback to ensure some basic styling is applied.

Disadvantages of CSS Element Selectors

  1. Lack of Specificity: Element selectors possess lower specificity than other types of selectors like classes or IDs. This may lead to accidental style conflicts and need additional overrides.
  2. Limited Targeting: They target all instances of a particular element, which may not always be required. More specific selectors can provide more control.
  3. Global Impact: If not managed carefully, applying styles globally to elements can lead to accidental consequences.
  4. Potential for Overuse: Using only element selectors for styling can lead to less maintainable code. It's important to strike a balance and use more specific selectors whenever necessary.
  5. Performance Considerations: In big or complex web pages, overly broad element selectors can lead to performance issues; they may apply styles to many elements.


In web development, CSS element selectors are strong tools. They offer easiness and global styling capabilities. They also have limitations in terms of specificity and targeting. To create maintainable and effective stylesheets, element selectors must be combined with other selectors. By learning their strengths and weaknesses, developers can make correct decisions about when and how to use element selectors in their projects.

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