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How to use Twiter for Marketing

How to use Twiter for Marketing

Nobody can refuse the value of a social media platform in today's society. With over 313 million monthly active users, Twitter is a great platform for marketers. With the perfect marketing strategy, a business entrepreneur can use this platform to create successful social media campaigns to increase sales, boost brand value, generate a surplus, and increase customer service. From hashtags (#abc) and pinned tweets (that stay static on the top of your profile) to Twitter list, there is a lot to Twitter. Today, many big brands like H&M, Nike, and Casio market and promote their product with their targeted customers via Twitter handle.

Twitter is a social media online news site where anyone can communicate in brief messages up to 240 characters long called tweets. The average period of one tweet is only about 18 minutes, and over 7000 new tweets are sent every single second.

If your brand is still not using Twitter for marketing purposes, you are definitely missing something big. But it is not too late to start your Twitter marketing journey; there are many opportunities to promote your brand and gain the attention of users via Twitter.

Select the right username and profile picture:

Your Twitter username has to be identifiable, easy to remember, and brief enough for the Twitter holders to tag you easily. When any Twitter account holder tries to find your name, they will use your username to search your account. It would help if you kept your username consistent on all social media platforms because it would help the users to identify your brand easily.

Your Twitter Profile picture must be easy to identifiable and memorable; if someone interacts with your Twitter profile, they will become more familiar with your profile photo and recognize it when they see it somewhere else.

Optimize your bio to present your brand's identity:

You need to create your bio attractive one; just explain about you in simple and sweet sentences to the world. It explains who you are, what you do, the company you founded, etc. you need to keep your bio accurate that tell people about your brand accurately. Your Twitter bio is a 160 character box to present your company details below your profile picture. You can also add suitable hashtags that make people find your account easily when searching for those items.

Tweet during peak time:

There are certain days of the week when users are more attentive on Twitter; means there would be more possibility to engage with your posts. You need to recognize those hours and days and post during them; you will gain more attention.

According to a source, Tweets posted on Friday Saturday Sunday have more clicks through rate (CTR) than posted on other days of the week. Some studies have shown that posting between 12 pm to 6 pm is the best time to post.

Use Hashtags:

It is important to use right #Hashtags that add some context to your tweets. According to the source, tweets contain #Hashtags receive two times more engagement than those that don't.

Add images to tweets:

You will get more re-tweets when you add images to your tweets. According to the source, tweets that contain images receive 89 % more "likes." But you always need to use images that relate to your preferred tweets and are relevant and high quality.

Conduct polls to interact with followers:

Polls, One of the best ways to conduct consumer and market research, get feedback, engaging with customers. Anyone can create a poll, but creating special and attractive questions takes some deep thought.

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