Number Names 100 to 200


When a child starts understanding its surroundings, people, and language and observing everything, it comes across as "numbers." Numbers revolve around our lives or are considered an integral part of our everyday life. Before getting up early morning to late at night going to bed, numbers are all around us. Even time is everything, recognized from numbers (we all see time in the clock having numbers). The numbers format is familiar to us. It's an ancient gift to us.

Number Names 100 to 200

Mathematics revolves around numbers, or there is no mathematics without numbers, so number is the soul of mathematics. The number starts from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, on, up to infinity. Math is a game of numbers that are put together with rules and regulations, and a new number with a valid value emerges. In mathematics, we have categorized numbers on different parameters like even & odd numbers, composite & prime numbers, rational & irrational numbers, integers, whole numbers, decimal numbers, fractions, and real numbers.


"Number is an arithmetic value that can be expressed by using a symbol, figure, or word presenting a quantity of a thing as a number. Counting and calculations are baseless without numbers."

"A number is a single entity that develops multiple entities by joining the same or another number with a proper rule or in a number system."


Number names refer to writing numbers in words. Writing numbers in 0,1,2,3,4..... is termed numeric form, but writing these in words is called number names. For example, 0=zero, 1= one, 2= two, and many more. Number names 100 to 200 are numbers in words from 100 to 200, through which children/students learn counting from 100 to 200.

History of Numbers

Before numbers existed, early humans counted their animals and everyday objects and worked by craving tally marks into bones, walls, or stones. One straight line stands for one, and the fifth mark was scored through to help keep track. But this system is suitable for only small numbers and doesn't work well with large counting. For example, writing the number 10243 with tally marks is complex. It takes lots of time and effort to indicate them with marking.

But with the development of civilization, different ways of writing down numbers came up, including Greek, Hebrew, and Egyptian numerals considered extensions of tally marks. Larger values are represented using various symbols, as a coiled rope represents 100, and a water lily in the Ancient Egyptian system represents 1000. These ancient Egyptian symbols can be repeated as many times as per requirement and can be added together to get a new number, such as by showing 4 coiled roped, we can represent 400. But still, large numbers can't be written with this method.

One common thing in writing these early number systems is that someone must write down many symbols to represent a single number and create a new symbol for each more significant number. But in the positional system, the same symbol can be reused by assigning different symbol values based on the position in the sequence. Different civilizations, such as the Chinese, Babylonians, and Aztecs, developed their positional notation independently.

Indian mathematicians revealed their hard work (around the 7th century) by developing a decimal or base ten positional system where any number can be represented with only ten unique symbols. These were spread into Europe over the next few centuries by Arab merchants, scholars, and conquerors in their journey. The development of the number 0 makes writing down the number more straightforward and more accessible for everyone to understand. Before 0, distinguishing between numbers 53 and 503 or 13 and 130 took a lot of work. Further, time is everything to us and its concept of 60 minutes and 60 seconds is based on the base 60 system invented by Babylonians.

The number system is taken for granted in this modern world, as children don't care about the best way of recording numbers. They make their answers according to their skills and verify that answer is correct. Children now choose their method.

How to Write Number Names?

  • Before learning the number names from 100 to 200, children learn about numbers names 1 to 9 in words because these are the base of the whole number system. Stress is given to learning the spelling of numbers 1 to 9. According to the place values system, 1 to 9 is called once. These are also considered as one digit.
  • After 9, the number 10 comes, placed at the tens place, and called the least number at the tens place. These are called 2-digit numbers.
  • For example, 15 = 5 is at once place and 1 is at tens place
  • If one more number is added, it will be placed in the hundredth place. These are termed as 3 digit number
  • Let's take a number

Once place = 5 (1)
Tens place = 5 (10)
Hundreds place = 1 (100)

  • Number names (100-200) start when two digit number 99 is added with 1
    99 + 1= 100
    100 +1 = 101, and so on.....

Number Names from 100 to 200

100One hundred
101One hundred one
102One hundred two
103One hundred three
104One hundred four
105One hundred five
106One hundred six
107One hundred seven
108One hundred eight
109One hundred nine
110One hundred ten
111One hundred eleven
112One hundred twelve
113One hundred thirteen
114One hundred fourteen
115One hundred fifteen
116One hundred sixteen
117One hundred seventeen
118One hundred eighteen
119One hundred nineteen
120One hundred twenty
121One hundred twenty-one
122One hundred twenty-two
123One hundred twenty-three
124One hundred twenty-four
125One hundred twenty-five
126One hundred twenty-six
127One hundred twenty-seven
128One hundred twenty-eight
129One hundred twenty-nine
130One hundred thirty
131One hundred thirty-one
132One hundred thirty-two
133One hundred thirty-three
134One hundred thirty-four
135One hundred thirty-five
136One hundred thirty-six
137One hundred thirty-seven
138One hundred thirty-eight
139One hundred thirty-nine
140One hundred forty
141One hundred forty-one
142One hundred forty-two
143One hundred forty-three
144One hundred forty-four
145One hundred forty-five
146One hundred forty-six
147One hundred forty-seven
148One hundred forty-eight
149One hundred forty-nine
150One hundred fifty
151One hundred fifty-one
152One hundred fifty-two
153One hundred fifty-three
154One hundred fifty-four
155One hundred fifty-five
156One hundred fifty-six
157One hundred fifty-seven
158One hundred fifty-eight
159One hundred fifty-nine
160One hundred sixty
161One hundred sixty-one
162One hundred sixty-two
163One hundred sixty-three
164One hundred sixty-four
165One hundred sixty-five
166One hundred sixty-six
167One hundred sixty-seven
168One hundred sixty-eight
169One hundred sixty-nine
170One hundred seventy
171One hundred seventy-one
172One hundred seventy-two
173One hundred seventy-three
174One hundred seventy-four
175One hundred seventy-five
176One hundred seventy-six
177One hundred seventy-seven
178One hundred seventy-eight
179One hundred seventy-nine
180One hundred eighty
181One hundred eighty-one
182One hundred eighty-two
183One hundred eighty-three
184One hundred eighty-four
185One hundred eighty-five
186One hundred eighty-six
187One hundred eighty-seven
188One hundred eighty-eight
189One hundred eight nine
190One hundred ninety
191One hundred ninety-one
192One hundred ninety-two
193One hundred ninety-three
194One hundred ninety-four
195One hundred ninety-five
196One hundred ninety-six
197One hundred ninety-seven
198One hundred ninety-eight
199One hundred ninety-nine
<200/td>Two Hundred

How are these Number Names Taught?

These number names are taught at an early stage/ age, i.e. when children are in K.G., 1st and 2nd class. During the learning phase of phonics, children are considered the right time to learn number names. The best ways to learn number names are activity-based learning, and some other methods are:

  • With number rhymes, children can learn number names
  • Playing number games like number puzzles and scrabble
  • Coloring and drawing of number names
  • You display number names in front of children everywhere, like watches, counting, vehicle number, lifts, house numbers, the number of things in the house, counting household items or eatables, etc.
  • They can counting numbers in their hands and fingers.

Number names 100 to 200 are not last in the number system. They can proceed to 300, 400, 500.....1000, 10,000, 100,000, and so on....but the learning pattern remains the same.

Some Questions Related to Numbers; 100-200

Q1: Write the number name of the following numbers.

a. 120 - ______________________________________

b. 145 - ______________________________________

c. 132 - ______________________________________

d. 154 - ______________________________________

e. 179 - ______________________________________

f. 197 - ______________________________________

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