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How to Check Tomcat Version in Linux

You can use the instructions in this article to check the Tomcat version on a Linux computer. Before learning how to verify the Tomcat version, let's define Tomcat. A brief explanation of tomcat is provided below.

What is Tomcat?

To serve Java web applications, one can utilise the open-source web server and servlet container Tomcat. It is made to be quick, simple, and lightweight, and it is written in Java. The Java EE specifications that Tomcat implements include Java Servlet, Java Server Pages (JSP), Java Expression Language (EL), and WebSocket, to name just a few.

Tomcat can be installed and set up on Linux to function as a service. It can be used to deploy and run Java web applications, such as web services, web-based applications, and dynamic websites. Tomcat is popular among developers because it is free, open-source, and provides a robust and flexible platform for running Java web applications.

Tomcat provides several features that make it easy to deploy and manage Java web applications. These include support for virtual hosting, which allows multiple web applications to be hosted on the same server, and support for clustering, which enables multiple instances of Tomcat to work together to provide high availability and scalability. Tomcat also provides tools for monitoring and managing server resources, such as memory usage and thread pools.

Tomcat can be used as a proxy server or a standalone web server in addition to running Java web applications. Several deployment situations, such as WAR files, exploded directories, and directory contexts, are supported. Overall, Tomcat is a powerful and flexible platform for running Java web applications in Linux environments.

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Various Methods to check the Tomcat version in Linux

If you're running Tomcat on a Linux server, you must be aware of how to check the version of the software that is already installed. Here are a few techniques for determining the Linux version of Tomcat.

Method 1: Using the script:

The easiest way to check the Tomcat version is by using the script, which is located in the Tomcat bin directory. To check the version using this method, follow these steps:

1. Start your Linux system's terminal.

2. Navigate to the bin directory of your Tomcat installation. For example:

3. Run the following command:

This will display the Tomcat version in the terminal output.

Method 2: Checking the Tomcat release notes:

Another way to check the Tomcat version is to look at the release notes for the Tomcat version installed on your system. The release notes contain detailed information about the changes and new features introduced in each version of Tomcat. Here are the steps to check the version using this method:

  1. Open your web browser and go to the Tomcat release notes page.
  2. Find the version number that matches your Tomcat installation.
  3. Verify the version number and any other pertinent details in the release notes.

Method 3: Checking the Tomcat startup logs:

When Tomcat starts up, it prints a log message that contains the Tomcat version number. The steps to check the version using this method are listed below:

1. Launch the terminal in your Linux system.

2. Navigate to the Tomcat installation directory. For example:

3. Open the Tomcat startup logs with your preferred text editor. The file is usually located in the logs directory and named catalina.out. For example:

4. Search for the text "Server version:" in the log file. The version number should be listed after this text.

Method 4: Checking the Tomcat server information page:

Tomcat provides a server information page that displays information about the server and the deployed web applications. The version number of Tomcat is also included on this page. Here are the steps to check the version using this method:

1. Open your web browser and go to the Tomcat server information page. The URL should be in the following format:

Replace <hostname> with the hostname or IP address of your server and <port> with the port number of your Tomcat server.

2. Type in the Tomcat manager's username and password.

3. Scroll down to the "Server version" section of the page to find the Tomcat version number.

Method 5: Using the jar command:

Tomcat includes a version number in the filename of the Tomcat jar file. The steps to check the version using this method are as follows:

1. Launch the terminal on your Linux system.

2. Navigate to the lib directory of your Tomcat installation. For example:

3. Run the following command:

This will display the path of the Bootstrap class, which includes the Tomcat version number in the filename.

These are a few methods for determining the Tomcat version on a Linux machine, to sum up. Using these methods, you can easily identify the Tomcat.

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