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Run command in Linux

On an operating system like Unix-like systems and Microsoft Windows, the run command is used for directly opening a document or application whose path is well known.

Overview of the Run Command

The command functions less or more like the single-line command-line interface. The run command can be used for running applications by terminal commands in the Unix-like derivative (GNONE) interface. It could be authorized by clicking Alt+F2. The KDE (Unix-like derivative) contains the same functionality known as which is KRunner. It can be authorized by similar key binds.

In the common programming languages, the RUN command is used for starting program execution via direct mode or for starting an overlay program through the loader program.

The Multics shell contains the run command for executing the command in a separated environment. The TOPS-20 and DEC TOPS-10 command processor contained the run command to run executable programs.

Authorizing the Run Command

The run command is accessible from the Start menu and the shortcut key Win+R as well beginning with Windows 95. However, the command is still available in Windows Vista. By default, it no longer occurs directly over the start menu in favour of the newer search box and the shortcut to a run command inside the sub-menu of the Windows System.

The run command is launched in KDE and GNOME desktop platforms by pressing Alt+F2.

Uses of the Run Command

The uses of the run command contain bringing up various web pages. Let's consider, when a user brings up this command and enters inside the website, the default web browser of the user will open that page. It will permit the user to launch the http protocol and every registered URI scheme in applications related to them and OS like file and mailto.

The run command implements a location in which commands and applications can be run in KDE and GNOME.

History of The Run Command

In the UNIX-like systems, the rc is short for "run commands". It is applied for a file that includes the startup information for any command. It is trusted to have originated in 1965 sometime at the runcom facility through the Time Sharing System that is MIT compatible.

According to Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan-

"There was a facility that would execute a bunch of commands stored in a file; it was called runcom for "run commands", and the file began to be called "a runcom".rc in UNIX is a fossil from that usage."

A Multics engineer (Tom Van Vleck) has reminisced of the rc extension as well: "The idea to have the processing of the command shell be any ordinary slave program that comes through the Multics Design and the predecessor program over CTSS via Louis Pouzin known as RUNCOM which is the source of the suffix, i.e., '.rc' on a few Unix configuration files."

Also, it is the source of Plan 9 from Bell Labs shell name via Tom Duff (rc shell). It is known as rc due to the primary goal of a shell is to "run commands".

The rc might be described as "run control" while not precise historically because the rc file also controls how the program executes. For example, the Vim editor reads and looks for several contents of a file for determining its starting configuration. However, Eric S. Raymond refers to all the rc files as the "run control" files.

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