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Argparse vs Docopt vs Click - Comparing Python Command-Line Parsing Libraries

In this tutorial, we will comparing Argparse, Docopt and Click Parsing Libraries of Python based on various aspects.


Starting with Python 2.7 (and subsequent versions), the argparse Python module is a part of the standard library and makes it easier to parse command-line arguments. It offers a fast and effective method for producing user-friendly command-line interfaces for Python programs.

The module argparse handles parsing the command-line arguments supplied by the user when the script is performed. This allows authors to specify the arguments their scripts should accept.

Critical characteristics of argparse include:

  • Argument Parsing: The ability to construct command-line parameters that a script expects, such as positional and optional arguments, is known as argument parsing.
  • Argument Types: A variety of argument types, including strings, integers, floats, files, and more, are supported by argparse. Additionally, custom argument types can be provided.
  • Help Generation: Users may quickly grasp how to interact with the script since argparse automatically provides help messages depending on the provided parameters.
  • Default Values: If the user specifies no default values, arguments may have them.
  • Mutually Exclusive Arguments: Arguments that cannot be utilized simultaneously are said to be mutually exclusive, a definition of an argument.

The usual procedure for using argparse is as follows:

  • Import the argparse module.
  • Make an ArgumentParser object
  • Use add_argument() to specify the arguments your script should take.
  • Use parse_args() to parse the command-line parameters.

Here's an easy illustration:


$ python John --person_age 30
Hello, John! You are 30 years old.

$ python Alice
Hello, Alice! You are 25 years old. (default value)

The script anticipates a positional parameter name (your name) and an optional argument -age- specifying your age. You could use python to run the script. John, who is 30 years old, would be produced as "Hello!" Your age is thirty.

Because of its functionality, adaptability, and inclusion in the standard library, which makes it available by default in all Python installs, argparse is frequently used to build command-line interfaces for Python applications.


Python's Docopt module parses command-line parameters following the use patterns outlined in the program's documentation string (docstring). Because it enables developers to specify the command-line interface directly in the docstring, the documentation and the description of the interface are intimately tied. It is renowned for its simplicity and usability.

Docopt's fundamental principle is to utilize the docstring to define how command-line arguments should be structured. Then docopt automatically parses the supplied command-line arguments by that specification. This method maintains everything in one place and eliminates the need to declare the parameters separately, which is helpful for smaller command-line interfaces.

Docopt's salient attributes include the following:

  • Natural Language Syntax: The command-line interface is written in a way that is both legible by humans and straightforward to maintain.
  • Automatic Argument Parsing: Using the specified docstring, the library automatically constructs the argument parser, doing away with the requirement for explicit argument declaration.
  • Using the docstring as a basis, docopt may automatically produce help messages that give precise instructions on using the script.
  • Single-Command Interface: Docopt concentrates on single-command scripts with an obvious usage pattern, in contrast to argparse and click, which enable the creation of multi-command interfaces.

The procedures below must be followed to use docopt:

  • Define the command-line interface and use patterns in your script's docstring.
  • Call docopt while passing the user-supplied command-line arguments and the docstring.
  • Use the parsed parameters in your script by gaining access to them.

Here's an easy illustration:

Python scripts may be run using this Greeting John to obtain the result Greetings, John! Alternatively, use the Python count function to retrieve the



Docopt is a strong option for accessible command-line interfaces, particularly for scripts with few and simple use cases. However, libraries like argparse and click offer more sophisticated functionality and flexibility for interfaces with complicated multi-command situations.


The Click Python module provides a quick and effective method for developing command-line interfaces (CLIs) for Python applications. Its user-friendly, intuitive, and feature-rich architecture makes it simple for programmers to create intricate, interactive command-line applications with little boilerplate code.

  • Simplicity: Click is renowned for its simple API, enabling programmers to construct CLIs with little effort and code.
  • Decorators: To specify commands, options, and arguments, Click employs Python decorators. This helps to keep the code organized and readable.
  • Command Groups: It supports command groups, which make it possible to create hierarchical commands and subcommands, giving extensive command-line interfaces a more well-organized structure.
  • Parameter Types: Various built-in parameter kinds, including strings, integers, floats, and paths, are available in Click. Click also makes it simple for developers to construct their custom parameter types.
  • Context passing: Functions immediately get the CLI context, making accessing shared data between commands simple.
  • Automatic Help Generation: Based on the given commands and choices, Click automatically creates help messages and uses information, making
  • Prompting: It offers the ability to ask users for input while executing a command.
  • Shell Completion: Click makes the CLI more user-friendly by supporting shell completion for bash, zsh, and fish.

The steps you generally take to utilize Click are as follows:

  • import the module for clicking.
  • To specify commands, options, and arguments, use decorators.
  • Put out a click. Commands and subcommands can be grouped by instance.
  • Implement the procedures that will be used to carry out orders.


$ python --name Alice --age 28

Hello, Alice! You are 28 years old.

Each of these has unique Advantages and Applications. Let's compare them on several fronts:

Ease of Use:

  • argparse: Offers a more complex API compared to the other two libraries. It necessitates precisely defining argument types, help messages, and other characteristics.
  • Docopt: Offers docstrings as a straightforward and elegant means of constructing command-line interfaces. Because the code and documentation are tightly connected, they are simple to comprehend and maintain.
  • Click: It is well known for its straightforward design. Command-line interfaces may be easily written with little boilerplate code.


  • argparse:Subparsers, argument groups, type checking, default values, and other advanced features are among the numerous advanced features of argparse.
  • docopt:While less complex than argparse, docopt meets the fundamental requirements for command-line parameter processing. It only has some of the sophisticated functionality that argparse and click provide.
  • Click: provides many capabilities, including parameter types, argument parsing, subcommands, customizable help messages, and more. Its main goal is to enhance user experience.

Learning Spiral:

  • argparse:The learning curve for argparse is typically longer, especially for complicated command-line interfaces.
  • Docopt:Thanks to its use of plain language to define command-line interfaces, it is the easiest to learn and use.
  • Click: It strikes a solid mix between capability and simplicity, making learning simple while still offering solid capabilities.


  • argparse:It contains extensive and authoritative documentation because it is a component of the Python standard library.
  • docopt: docstrings are frequently used to define interfaces in docopt, which has clear and short documentation.
  • Click: Excellent documentation is provided, making locating solutions and comprehending their different capabilities simple.

Community and Maintenance:

  • argparse: As a component of the Python standard library, argparse is well-maintained and has a solid user base.
  • Docopt: Despite being extensively used, it has seen fewer improvements lately than argparse and click.
  • Click: Active maintenance and a vibrant community provide continuing support and issue fixes.

Adoption and appeal:

  • argparse: Due to its inclusion in the Python standard library and availability by default in all Python installations, argparse is widely used.
  • docopt: It has been widely used, although its ubiquity has waned slightly over time.
  • Click: It is gaining popularity quickly due to its comprehensive feature set and ease of use.


The best library for you will rely on your unique demands and tastes. argparse is a solid option if you require sophisticated capabilities and flexibility. Docopt may be a suitable choice for rapid prototyping and basic interfaces. However, click is the best option if you want a user-friendly, adaptable library with a contemporary style. When choosing, consider the command-line interface's complexity and the learning curve you're ready to accept.

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