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How to Use the Rich Library with Python

The Rich library is a powerful Python library that provides a wide range of text formatting and styling options for terminal applications. With Rich, you can add color and style to your text output, create tables and progress bars, and even display images and animations in the terminal. In this article, we'll explore the main features of the Rich library and how to use them in your Python projects.


Before we get started, you'll need to install the Rich library. You can do this using pip, the Python package manager:

Once installed, you can import the Rich library in your Python code like this:

This will allow you to use the Rich library's enhanced print function, which we'll explore in more detail later.

Colorizing Text

One of the most basic features of the Rich library is the ability to colorize text in the terminal. To do this, you can use the Style class, which allows you to define text styles that can be applied to your output. Here's an example:

In this example, we create a Console object from the Rich library and use its print method to output a message. We use the Style class to define a style that makes the text bold and red, and then pass this style object to the print method using the style argument.

Rich provides a wide range of color names and formatting options that you can use to create custom styles. Here are a few examples:

These examples demonstrate how to use the style string to define custom text styles. You can combine color names with background colors, specify underlined or italic text, and more.


Another useful feature of the Rich library is the ability to create tables in the terminal. Rich provides a Table class that allows you to define the layout and content of your tables, and then output them to the terminal.

Here's an example of how to create a simple table using the Table class:

In this example, we create a Table object and set its title using the title argument. We then add two columns to the table using the add_column method and set their styles and justification using optional arguments.

Finally, we add two rows to the table using the add_row method, and then output the table to the terminal using the Rich library's enhanced print function.

Progress Bars

Rich also provides a way to create progress bars in the terminal, which can be useful for tracking the progress of long-running tasks or operations. To create a progress bar, you can use the Progress class.

Here's an example of how to create a progress bar using the Progress class:

In this example, we create a Progress object and add a task to it using the add_task method, which takes a task name and a total number of steps as arguments. We then use a loop to update the progress of the task by calling the update method on the Progress object.

The update method takes the task object and an optional advance argument, which specifies how many steps to advance the task by. By default, the progress bar will update every time the loop iterates, but you can also specify a custom update frequency using the update_interval argument.

Images and Animations

One of the more advanced features of the Rich library is the ability to display images and animations in the terminal. This can be useful for creating interactive command-line interfaces or displaying visual feedback in long-running tasks.

To display an image in the terminal, you can use the Image class. Here's an example:

In this example, we create a Console object and use its print method to output an image. We use the Image class to load the image from a file and then pass it to the print method using the Image.from_file method.

Similarly, here's an example of how to display an animation using the Animate class:

In this example, we create a Console object and use its print method to output an animation that repeats indefinitely. We use the Animate class to define the text and formatting of the animation, and then pass it to the print method to display it in the terminal.

Table Formatting

One of the most powerful features of Rich is its ability to format and display data in tables. The Table class provides a flexible and customizable way to create tables in the terminal that can be formatted with different colors, styles, and alignments.

Here's an example of how to create a simple table using the Table class:

In this example, we create a Table object with the title "My Table". We then add two columns to the table using the add_column method, and two rows using the add_row method.

We can also customize the formatting of the table by setting the style of the header row, the alignment of the columns, and the color of the cells. Here's an example that demonstrates some of these options.

In this example, we create a Console object and use its print method to display the table. We set the style of the table to "green" and the style of the header row to "bold white". We also set the style of the "Name" column to "cyan" and justified it to the right, and set the style of the "Age" column to "magenta" and justified it to the center. Finally, we set the style of the first row to "bold" to highlight it.

Text Markup

Rich also provides a powerful way to format text in the terminal using the Console class and its text markup syntax. The markup syntax allows you to apply different formatting styles and colors to text, as well as embed links and images.

Here's an example of how to use the markup syntax to format text in the terminal:

In this example, we create a Console object and use its print method to output a message in the terminal. We use the markup syntax to set the text "Hello" to bold and red, and the text "World!" to blue.

We can also embed links and images in the text using the hyperlink and image markup tags. Here's an example that demonstrates how to do this:

In this example, we use the hyperlink markup tag to create a link to Google, and the image markup tag to display the Google logo. When you run this code, you should see the Google logo displayed in the terminal, with a hyperlink that opens the Google website when clicked.


Another useful feature of Rich is its logging capabilities. Logging is an essential aspect of any application to record errors, warnings, and other relevant information for debugging and monitoring purposes. The logging module in Python provides a way to capture this information and store it in various outputs like the console, files, or databases. The LoggingHandler class provides a way to format and display log messages in the terminal with different levels of severity and colors.

Here's an example of how to use the LoggingHandler class:

In this example, we create a logger object and set its logging level to INFO. We then create a RichHandler object and set its formatting to just the message text. We add the handler to the logger object and use the logger object to log three different messages with different levels of severity.

When you run this code, you should see the log messages displayed in the terminal with different colors based on their severity level. The info message should be green, the warning message should be yellow, and the error message should be red.

In this example, we import the logging module and the RichHandler class from the rich.logging module. We then create a logger object with the name __name__, which is the name of the current module. We also create a RichHandler object and add it to the logger object. We set the logging level to INFO to capture messages with a severity level of INFO or higher.

Next, we log messages with different severity levels using the logger object. The messages are displayed in the terminal with different formatting and styling depending on their severity level.

When you run this code, you should see the log messages displayed in the terminal with various formatting and styling, including colors and icons. The messages with a severity level of WARNING or higher are displayed with a red background, and the messages with a severity level of ERROR or higher are displayed with a red icon.

Rich provides a convenient way to enhance the Python logging module with improved formatting and styling, making it easier to read and understand log messages in the terminal.

Syntax Highlighting

Rich also provides syntax highlighting for various programming languages using the Syntax class. The Syntax class can highlight code in a variety of styles, including monochrome, colorful, and custom styles.

Here's an example of how to use the Syntax class to highlight Python code:

In this example, we create a Console object and a string with some Python code. We then use the Syntax class to highlight the code in the "python" language and using the "monokai" theme, which is a popular color scheme for code editors. We also enable line numbers by setting the line_numbers parameter to True.

When you run this code, you should see the Python code displayed in the terminal with syntax highlighting and line numbers.

The color scheme and syntax highlighting style may vary depending on the theme and language you choose.

Progress Bars

Rich also provides a way to display progress bars in the terminal using the Progress class. The Progress class provides a flexible way to create progress bars that can be customized with different styles, colors, and labels.

Here's an example of how to create a simple progress bar using the Progress class:

In this example, we use the Progress class to create a progress bar with a label of "Downloading..." and a total of 100 units. We then use a for loop to iterate 100 times and update the progress bar by one unit each time. When the loop finishes, the progress bar should be fully filled.

We can also customize the style and color of the progress bar, as well as add a description and percentage label. Here's an example that demonstrates some of these options:

In this example, we use the Progress class to create three tasks with different styles and descriptions. We then use a while loop to continuously update the progress bar for the first task until it reaches completion. We set the description to "File 1" and the completed text to "Done!", so when the task is finished, the text "Done!" will be displayed in green.


Rich is a powerful Python library that provides a wide range of tools for formatting and displaying text and data in the terminal. With its support for tables, text markup, logging, and progress bars, Rich can help you create highly readable and informative terminal output that is both easy on the eyes and easy to understand.

In this article, we've explored some of the main features of Rich and provided examples of how to use them. However, Rich is a highly customizable library with many more features and options than we've been able to cover here. If you're interested in learning more, be sure to check out the official documentation and experiment with the library on your own.

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