Automate Instagram Messages using Python

In this article, we will automate the operation of sending Instagram Messages using Python. First of all, let us look at what is Instagram.

Instagram is a prominent social media platform that focuses on the photo and video sharing. It's been operating since 2010 and has maintained its appeal by introducing inventive new features like Instagram Stories, shopping, Instagram Reels, and more. Instagram is a picture and video-sharing social networking website created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger in 2010 and later bought by Facebook Inc. Users may upload photographs and videos that can be filtered and grouped using hashtags and geotagging. Posts can be shared with the entire public or only with pre-approved followers. Users may browse other people's content by tag and location, check what's popular, such as photos, and follow other people to add their content to their own personal feed.

When the resolution was upgraded to 1080 pixels in 2015, this restriction was removed. It also included texting features, the ability to share multiple photos or videos in a single post, and a Stories feature, similar to Snapchat's, that allowed users to post content in a chronological feed that was accessible by others for 24 hours. As of January 2019, 500 million individuals utilize Stories every day. Instagram, which was bought by Facebook in 2012 and now has over a billion users, has become ingrained in people's lives.

Instagram was first defined by the fact that it only allowed the material to be framed in a square (1:1) aspect ratio of 640 pixels, which corresponded to the width of the iPhone at the time.

Instagram is a platform that both individuals and businesses may utilize. Companies may use the photo-sharing app to promote their brand and products by creating a free business account. Businesses with business accounts may get free engagement and impression analytics. According to Instagram's website, more than 1 million marketers utilize the platform to share their stories and achieve commercial goals. Furthermore, 60% of users report that the app assists them in discovering new products.

Now let us have a look at the code



from the listed below the list of operations select any one of the operations:
1. To provide the credentials(username/password) to log in to the website.
2. To provide the list of usernames of the users to whom to send the messages.
3. To provide the list of messages that will be sent to specified users.
4. To log in to the website and navigate to the homepage of the website.
5. To type messages for all the users and send those typed messages.
6. To exit from the code execution.
Enter the username to login to
Enter the password to login to
To move forward with the code, enter either [y] or [n] to halt
from the listed below the list of operations select any one of the operations:
1. To provide the credentials(username/password) to login into the website.
2. To provide the list of usernames of the users to whom to send the messages.
3. To provide the list of messages that will be sent to specified users.
4. To log in to the website and navigate to the homepage of the website.
5. To type messages for all the users and send those typed messages.
6. To exit from the code execution.
Enter the number of users to whom you want to send messages to
Enter the username of user 1
Enter the username of user 2
Enter the username of user 3
To move forward with the code, enter either [y] or [n] to halt

from the listed below the list of operations select any one of the operations:
1. To provide the credentials(username/password) to log in to the website.
2. To provide the list of usernames of the users to whom to send the messages.
3. To provide the list of messages that will be sent to specified users.
4. To log in to the website and navigate to the homepage of the website.
5. To type messages for all the users and send those typed messages.
6. To exit from the code execution.
Enter the message for the user with username target_user_1
Hi, this is a message for user1.
Enter the message for the user with username target_user_2
Hope you get this message.
Enter the message for the user with username target_user_3
User3 this message for you.
To move forward with the code, enter either [y] or [n] to halt
from the listed below the list of operations select any one of the operations:
1. To provide the credentials(username/password) to log in to the website.
2. To provide the list of usernames of the users to whom to send the messages.
3. To provide the list of messages that will be sent to specified users.
4. To log in to the website and navigate to the homepage of the website.
5. To type messages for all the users and send those typed messages.
6. To exit from the code execution.
Logged In Successfully and navigated to the homepage.
To move forward with the code, enter either [y] or [n] to halt
from the listed below the list of operations select any one of the operations:
1. To provide the credentials(username/password) to log in to the website.
2. To provide the list of usernames of the users to whom to send the messages.
3. To provide the list of messages that will be sent to specified users.
4. To login to the website and navigate to the homepage of the website.
5. To type messages for all the users and send those typed messages.
6. To exit from the code execution.
[target_user_1] message sent to [Hi this is message for user1.] successfully.
[target_user_2] message sent to [Hope you get this message.] successfully.
[target_user_3] message sent to [User3 this message for you.] successfully.
Messages were sent successfully.
To move forward with the code, enter either [y] or [n] to halt
from the listed below the list of operations select any one of the operations:
1. To provide the credentials(username/password) to log in to the website.
2. To provide the list of usernames of the users to whom to send the messages.
3. To provide the list of messages that will be sent to specified users.
4. To log in to the website and navigate to the homepage of the website.
5. To type messages for all the users and send those typed messages.
6. To exit from the code execution.
Enter the number of users to whom you want to send messages to
Enter the username of user 1
Ronaldo. Chris
To move forward with the code, enter either [y] or [n] to halt
from the listed below the list of operations select any one of the operations:
1. To provide the credentials(username/password) to log in to the website.
2. To provide the list of usernames of the users to whom to send the messages.
3. To provide the list of messages that will be sent to specified users.
4. To log in to the website and navigate to the homepage of the website.
5. To type messages for all the users and send those typed messages.
6. To exit from the code execution.
Enter the message for the user with the username Ronaldo.Chris
Hi, I'm a big fan of your game.
To move forward with the code, enter either [y] or [n] to halt
from the listed below the list of operations select any one of the operations:
1. To provide the credentials(username/password) to log in to the website.
2. To provide the list of usernames of the users to whom to send the messages.
3. To provide the list of messages that will be sent to specified users.
4. To log in to the website and navigate to the homepage of the website.
5. To type messages for all the users and send those typed messages.
6. To exit from the code execution.
[ronaldo. cris] message sent to [Hi I'm a big fan of your game.] successfully.
Messages were sent successfully.
To move forward with the code, enter either [y] or [n] to halt
from the listed below the list of operations select any one of the operations:
1. To provide the credentials(username/password) to log in to the website.
2. To provide the list of usernames of the users to whom to send the messages.
3. To provide the list of messages that will be sent to specified users.
4. To log in to the website and navigate to the homepage of the website.
5. To type messages for all the users and send those typed messages.
6. To exit from the code execution.


In the code which is written above as we can see in the output in the main function is written which has the object created for the above written class, and this created object is used for calling all the different functions which are written in the above class, the sequence of the program goes like this the user is provided with a list of options to select from the user can select any operation from the list the operation which are provided in the list are like to provide the credentials to login to the website, to provide a list of usernames to whom the user wants to send the messages, to provide the list of messages which needs to be sent to those usernames which are provided in the previous steps, after providing all the required input the user can select the login function and navigate to the home page, after the success for authentication and login to the website the user then choose for the option to type and send the message, this option will it will invoke the main function which is written in the our class that will actually perform the operation of typing the message in the respective chat box office username which are provided in the second step and the the corresponding message is typed in the chat work of of that user and then there is a click on the send button to send that message to the target user and this process is repeated for all the user that are present in the list of user name which is provided by the user in the previous steps.

Advantages of Automation:

  • Increasing Reliability: Automation has a clear productivity boost. However, the actual diamond that shines with automation is reliability. It is the foundation of every effective IT operations department; without it, there would be confusion, turmoil, and dissatisfied users. IT operations necessitate the mastery of two opposing skill sets: On the one hand, and operations manager requires advanced technical abilities, such as the ability to comprehend the complexity of an operating system and assess and resolve problems as they develop. This same individual, on the other hand, must be comfortable with pushing buttons and loading paper. Off-shift operations, let's face it, involve some of an IT organization's most tedious, repetitive, and error-prone duties. However, removing the human aspect eliminates the majority of batch processing problems.
  • Optimizing Performance: Every firm wishes for its business to run like a thoroughbred. In actuality, it's more probable that you're overworked. Despite the fact that every year, advances in computer technology make them quicker and less expensive, the demands on them inevitably catch up and eventually surpass the capabilities of a company's computer infrastructure. As a result, many businesses strive to increase their system's performance. Upgraded hardware or the purchase of a newer machine are two pricey solutions for improving performance. It's also feasible to tweak a system for improved performance, but this requires a highly competent expert who isn't always accessible. When a system is tuned for a given workload, the settings are no longer optimal if the workload changes.
  • Reducing Operational Costs: Automation software is a more intelligent and effective method of cost management and reduction. The best potential is to improve customer (end-user) service while gradually lowering expenses. This potential for cost reductions is frequently overlooked by management. The running costs of most current servers are inexpensive, and the total cost of ownership is decreasing. Despite this, the cost of the operations crew might account for up to 71% of the entire cost.
  • Ensuring High Availability: Companies are becoming increasingly reliant on technology. The firm suffers if the computer is unavailable. One of the key purposes of IT management is to ensure high availability.
  • Increasing Productivity: Productivity becomes more of an issue when an organization's technological demands expand. Automated operations can help with these problems in a variety of ways. The automation program then performs the commands accurately and in the exact sequence, avoiding operator mistakes. Forecasting job completion and being able to undertake "what if" evaluations of schedule changes help operations by removing a lot of the uncertainty from day-to-day chores.

Disadvantages of Automation:

  • Worker displacement: The most serious downside of automation is that it eliminates human labor. This is due to the fact that a computerized task may be completed faster and with higher precision than a human can. Disney World, for example, has been utilizing self-driving cars to shuttle visitors around the park for years. Many individuals are concerned that this will lead to less human employment.
  • Initial training is required: The industry has relied heavily on automation for decades. However, before making the leap to automation, producers must consider potential unforeseen effects. One of these ramifications is the necessity for significant financial investment to maintain and service automated systems. These technologies are also more prone to cyber assaults than manual ones, putting firms at risk if their infrastructure isn't adequately safeguarded.
  • Could introduce new safety hazards: When working circumstances change unexpectedly, automation may pose new safety dangers. A driverless automobile, for example, might be designed to drive independently yet still cause an accident if a person steps out onto the roadway under less-than-ideal conditions (night, limited visibility, etc.).
  • Still requires human intervention: While the benefits of automation have been demonstrated in general, some activities still require human interaction. We'll use the self-driving car example above: these vehicles can recognize most road obstructions and can be taught to stop. However, under some circumstances, like driving over a barrier that is not clearly visible to the car's sensor, these technologies might misread the information and have unwanted results.
  • Can become redundant: Automation is a practical answer to a variety of issues. However, in instances when change is introduced and the automation must be updated, this convenience may become obsolete. These sorts of modifications will simply add to the company's workload and may cost them valuable time and resources.
  • Incompatible with Customization: Automation entails a reduction in variety and flexibility. In contrast to humans, machines can only execute a restricted range of jobs and can only accomplish what they are designed to do, but individuals can undertake a wide range of tasks. Automation implies repeatedly doing the same procedure, which frequently necessitates uniformity. Some automated procedures are incompatible with one-off customization for specific consumers.
  • Security Concerns: Businesses are using important data to attract new consumers, grow sales, and enhance efficiency in today's data-driven environment. Unfortunately, hackers may exploit automated technologies that manage massive amounts of customer/company data. Many small firms do not want to risk data theft, despite the fact that adequate security protection methods may be put in place to avoid fraud.

So, in this article, we have understood how to automate the process of sending Instagram messages using python.

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