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Serialization in Python

Serialization is converting an information item in memory into a layout that may be saved or transmitted and later reconstructed into the original object. In Python, serialization permits you to store complex records systems, consisting of lists, dictionaries, and custom objects, to a document or transfer them over a community.

Python gives several integrated serialization modules, including pickle, JSON, and marshal.

  • Pickle: The pickle module in Python provides an effective and bendy manner to serialize and deserialize items. It can deal with nearly any Python object and convert it right into a byte circulation, which can be saved to a record or transferred over a network.

Sample code:


[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  • JSON: The json module offers capabilities for running with JSON records, lightweight facts interchange layout. It can deal with simple information sorts like strings, numbers, lists, dictionaries, and nested mixtures of those.

Example code:


{"Company": "JAVATPOINT", "Name": "AJIT", "Salary": 10000}
{'Company': 'JAVATPOINT', 'Name': 'AJIT', 'Salary': 10000}

Note that even as Pickle is precise to Python, json is an extensively supported layout that may be used across different programming languages.

When certain data is to be transferred among the systems to save or recover complex data structures, the process of serialization plays a vital role and is much useful in those scenarios. Deserializing data from untrusted or unreliable sources may lead to the running of arbitrary code, and it might be dangerous to the system. Hence deserializing the data should be done carefully. It is crucial to confirm that the serialized data originate from reliable sources.

Some other additional information:

1. Pickle

  • Pickle is a Python-specific serialization module that can handle almost any Python object.
  • It supports the serialization of complex data structures, including lists, dictionaries, sets, classes, and more.
  • Pickle uses a binary format to store data, which makes it more efficient in terms of space but not human-readable.
  • The pickle module provides two main functions: "pickle.dump(obj, file)" to serialize an object and save it to a file, and "pickle.load(file)" to deserialize an object from a file.
  • It's important to note that the pickle module has security implications. Untrusted or maliciously crafted pickle files can execute arbitrary code, so be cautious when deserializing data from untrusted sources.

2. JSON:

  • A popular lightweight data interchange format is JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).
  • Python's json module offers tools for working with JSON data, simplifying object serialization and deserialization.
  • Strings, numbers, booleans, lists, dictionaries, and nested combinations of these types are among the fundamental data types that JSON offers.
  • Both humans and other programming languages can easily understand the serialized data in JSON format since it is human-readable.
  • The json module offers the functions "json.dumps(obj)" and "json.loads(json_str)" for serializing and deserializing objects, respectively.

3. Other packages:

  • Python also provides other serialization libraries like the marshal, msgpack, yaml, and others in addition to pickle and json.
  • Compared to pickle, the marshal module offers a more condensed serialization format, however, it is only compatible with Python and is neither human-readable nor interoperable with other languages.
  • In comparison to JSON or pickle, the msgpack module offers serialization of a variety of data types while being faster and more space-efficient. Additionally, it can communicate with different languages.
  • The YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) module provides serialization in this human-readable and simple format. Configuration files it is frequently employed.

4. Custom Serialization:

  • Python's __getstate__() and __setstate__() methods, or the __getnewargs__() method for pickle, let you build custom serialization and deserialization methods for your objects.
  • You can manage the serialization and deserialization of the object by implementing these methods in your class.

Hence, we can conclude that Python's serialization feature makes storing and moving complicated data structures between computers simple. You may efficiently use serialization in your Python program by selecting the right serialization format and considering compatibility and security concerns.

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