Hill Cipher in Python


Cryptography is the art of writing codes or ciphers to secure communications between two parties. One of the most popular ciphers is the Hill cipher, which is a polygraphicsubstitution cipher. Unlike a monoalphabetic cipher, which substitutes one letter for another, the Hill cipher uses matrices to encrypt and decrypt messages. In this article, we will discuss the Hill cipher and how to implement it in Python.

The Hill Cipher:

The Hill cipher was invented by Lester S. Hill in 1929 and is named after him. It is a type of substitution cipher that uses matrices to encrypt and decrypt messages. The Hill cipher is a polygraphic cipher, meaning that it operates on groups of letters rather than individual letters. It works by breaking the plaintext message into blocks of a fixed size, usually 2 or 3 letters, and converting each block into a numeric matrix. After that, the matrix is multiplied by a key matrix to produce the encrypted message, which is also a matrix. The encrypted message is then converted back into letters to produce the ciphertext.

The Hill cipher is based on linear algebra and modular arithmetic. In order to use the Hill cipher, the sender and receiver must agree on a key matrix. The key matrix must be invertible, meaning that it has a matrix inverse. The inverse of a matrix is a matrix that, when multiplied by the original matrix, produces the identity matrix. The identity matrix is a matrix with ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere. The inverse of a matrix can be calculated using matrix algebra.


To encrypt a message using the Hill cipher, the sender breaks the message into blocks of a fixed size, usually 2 or 3 letters. Each block is then converted into a numeric matrix using a substitution scheme. For example, A=0, B=1, C=2, and so on. The sender then multiplies the matrix by the key matrix to produce the encrypted message, which is also a matrix. The encrypted message is then converted back into letters using the same substitution scheme. For example, 0=A, 1=B, 2=C, and so on.

Below is an example of encrypting the message "HELLO" using a 2x2 key matrix:


To decrypt a message using the Hill cipher, the receiver converts the ciphertext message into a matrix using the same substitution scheme as the sender. The receiver then multiplies the matrix by the inverse of the key matrix to produce the decrypted message, which is also a matrix. The decrypted message is then converted back into letters using the same substitution scheme.

Here is an example of decrypting the message "DRBGC" using the same 2x2 key matrix:

Implementation in Python:

Now that we understand the Hill cipher, let's implement it in Python. We will use the NumPy library to perform matrix operations.




In this program, the encrypt function takes a plain text and a key matrix as inputs and performs the encryption using the Hill cipher algorithm. The function first converts the plain text to uppercase and removes any spaces. After that, it pads the plain text if its length is not a multiple of the key matrix size, by appending 'X' characters.

The encryption is performed by dividing the plain text into blocks of the key matrix size. Each block is converted to a column vector of numbers based on the substitution dictionary. The key matrix is then multiplied with the block vector using NumPy's dot product. The resulting encrypted vector is taken modulo 26 to ensure the values remain within the range of the alphabet. Finally, the encrypted vector is converted back to a string using the inverse substitution dictionary.

In the example usage, the plain text "HELLO WORLD" is encrypted using a 2x2 key matrix. The resulting cipher text is then printed to the console.

This output represents the encrypted version of the input plain text "HELLO WORLD" using the Hill cipher with the given key matrix.


In conclusion, the Hill cipher is a classic encryption algorithm that can be used to securely transmit messages. It is based on matrix multiplication and uses a key matrix to encrypt and decrypt messages. The Hill cipher is a relatively simple algorithm, but it provides a high level of security when used with large key matrices. In this article, we have implemented the Hill cipher algorithm in Python using the NumPy library. The implementation can encrypt and decrypt messages of any length and can use key matrices of any size. It is worth noting that the security of the Hill cipher depends on the security of the key used, and it can be vulnerable to attacks if the key is not chosen carefully. Therefore, it is important to use a secure key generation method when using the Hill cipher for encryption. Overall, the Hill cipher is a powerful encryption algorithm that can be used to protect sensitive information in a variety of applications.

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