Python KeyError

A map is a data structure in Python that maps one set into another set of values. The Python dictionary is the most widely used in mapping. A key is assigned to each value, which may be used to see the value. A keyerror happens when the key does not exist in the mapping used to look up the value.

In addition to its basic uses, Python maps have several additional advantages. Maps can be used in place of lists for beginnings. Despite being a frequently used data structure in Python, lists might only sometimes be the best option. Maps can be used when you need to rapidly access data using certain keys because finding a specific value in a list might take longer as it grows.

Additionally, Python offers a practical method for building dictionaries or maps via dictionary comprehension. Developers may use this functionality to quickly and easily generate a dictionary from any iterable object, such as a list, tuple, or set.

Python maps have several additional advantages. Maps can be used in place of lists for beginnings. Despite being a frequently used data structure in Python, lists might only sometimes be the best option. Maps can be used when you need to rapidly access data using certain keys because finding a specific value in a list might take longer as it grows.

Also, Python offers a practical method for building dictionaries or maps via dictionary comprehension. Developers may use this functionality to quickly and easily generate a dictionary from any iterable object, such as a list, tuple, or set. This might be helpful when you need to make a map fast and effectively.

This article will discuss Python keyerror and keyerror handling with their examples. But before discussing the Python keyerror, we will know about the dictionary in Python.

Dictionary in Python

A dictionary (dict) in Python is a discrete collection of values containing stored data values equivalent to a map. It differs from other data types in that it only has one element: a single value. It contains the key and value pair. It is more efficient because of the key value. A colon denotes the separation of a key and value pair, and a comma denotes the separation of each key. This Python dictionary works in the same way as a regular dictionary. The keys must be unique and made up of unchangeable data types, including strings, integers, and tuples.

The ability to quickly get back data is one of the key benefits of utilizing a dictionary in Python. When working with huge amounts of data, it is incredibly quick to identify a specific value based on its key since dictionaries employ a hash table to store key-value pairs. The best choice for applications that regularly need to search for data is dictionaries, as a result. The fact that Python dictionaries may be modified is another crucial aspect. This implies that after the dictionary has been formed, you can add, change, or remove key-value pairs. This is particularly helpful when the saved data is dynamic and subject to frequent changes over time.

In addition to these advantages, dealing with dictionaries in Python may be done using various complex techniques and best practices. A very effective method of creating complicated data structures, for instance, is to use dictionary comprehension to turn an iterable object into a dictionary. Also, handling missing or default data can be simplified using built-in methods like get() and setdefault().

Developers may better grasp how to use dictionaries in their Python applications by emphasizing these characteristics and recommended practices. Understanding how to use dictionaries in Python might be crucial to your success, whether creating a straightforward script or a complex application.

For example:

Let's take an example to understand how we may use Python's dictionary (dict).


Empty dictionary: 

Dictionary with string keys: 
{'apple': 2, 'orange': 3, 'banana': 5}

Dictionary with tuple keys: 
{('John', 'Math'): 85, ('Jane', 'Science'): 92, ('Bob', 'English'): 78}

Dictionary with the use of dict(): 
{'name': 'John', 'age': 20, 'major': 'Computer Science'}

Dictionary with nested dictionaries: 
{'CS101': {'title': 'Introduction to Computer Science', 'credits': 4}, 
'ENG201': {'title': 'Advanced English', 'credits': 3}, 
'HIS101': {'title': 'World History', 'credits': 3}}

Dictionary with a list as its value: 
{'apple': 2, 'orange': 3, 'banana': 5}

Keyerror in Python

When we try to access a key from a dict that does not exist, Python raises a Keyerror. It's a built-in exception class raised by several modules that interact with dicts or objects containing key-value pairs. Now, we know what a Python dictionary is and how it works. Let us look at what defines a Keyerror. Python raises a Keyerror whenever we want to access a key not in the Python dictionary.

Mapping logic is a data structure that connects one piece of data to other significant data. As a result, when the mapping is accessed but not found, an error is raised. It's similar to a lookup error, where the semantic fault is that the key we're seeking isn't in its memory. It is better represented in the below example.

KeyError exceptions may also be thrown when accessing keys in other mapping types besides dictionaries, such as defaultdict or OrderedDict. While these mapping objects are similar to dictionaries, they also contain different properties that could be useful in certain situations. For example, defaultdict gives an empty key a default value instead of tracking the order in which the items were added to the mapping as OrderedDict does. Therefore, it is essential to be aware of this while using these objects in Python.

Checking that a key is present in a dictionary before accessing it is good practice to prevent KeyError errors. We may use the' in' keyword to determine whether a key is present in a dictionary. Use the 'get' method as an alternative to throwing a KeyError exception if the key is not present in the dictionary. This method returns None in such case.

In ending, the KeyError exception is frequently thrown in Python when a key being accessed does not exist in a dictionary or other mapping objects. We can build Python code that is more reliable and error-free if we are aware of this exception and know how to manage it.

For example:

Let's take an example to understand how we may see the Keyerror in Python. We take the keys A, B, C, and D, in which D is absent in the Python dictionary. Although, the remaining keys present in the dictionary show the output correctly, and D shows the keyerror.


After executing this above code, we will get the output as shown below:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 6, in 
KeyError: 'D'

Handling Mechanism for a keyerror in Python

Anyone who comes across a Keyerror can deal with it responsibly. It may examine all possible inputs to a specific program and correctly manage any risky entries. When we get a KeyError, there are a few conventional methods for dealing with it. In addition, some methods may use to handle the Mechanism for a keyerror.

Usual .get() Function

KeyError errors in Python are frequently handled with the.get() function. It gives us the same ability to access a value as using square brackets to obtain a value from a dictionary by retrieving the value for a given key. However,.get() will provide a default value that we can specify if the requested key does not exist in the dictionary rather than triggering a KeyError. This is helpful when we wish to handle missing keys more gracefully and prevent our code from crashing.

The syntax for calling.get() on a dictionary object is simple: we give in the key for which the value should be returned as the first parameter. The second option can instead be the default value, which will be used if the dictionary does not include the key. As an example, we might use my_dict.To obtain the value for the key my_key in the dictionary my_dict, use the function get("my_key"). If the dictionary contains my_key, it will return the matching value. If not, the default return value of.get() is None. We may choose a different default value by adding it as a second option and designating it as my_dict.'default_value' and'my_key' in get.

For Example:


Get price for: Apple
Apple is 50 rupees.

Get price for: Mango
Mango's cost is unknown.

The Generic Solution for KeyError: try-except Method

The try-except block is another typical Python technique for handling KeyErrors. The code that could cause a KeyError is found in the try block and the issue is handled in the except block.


Get price for: Apple
Apple  is  50  rupees.

Get price for: Litchi
Litchi 's cost is unknown.

In the above example, the code attempts to use the indexing technique to get the value of the input product key in the products dictionary. The print statement prints the relevant value if the key is present in the dictionary; otherwise, a KeyError is thrown, and the except block is run to handle the problem.

Try-except is handy for managing exceptions that would otherwise result in a program's crash or unexpected behavior. Additionally, it enables more forgiving error handling and can provide users with more insightful error messages.

Using the "in" Operator

KeyError exceptions in Python can also be handled by using the in operator. Before attempting to access a key, the in operator can be used to know whether it is present in the dictionary.

Create the dictionary you wish to use by defining it first.

Applying the in operator: The in operator may determine whether the key is present in the dictionary to handle KeyError. In dictionaries, the syntax is "key" in the dictionary.



Value to the Key is: 1

Example 2:


Key not found

if "a" in my_dict: is used in the code above to know whether the key "a" is present in my_dict. If the key is present, we use my_dict["a"] to obtain its value and perform the required actions. We run the function in the else section if the key is absent. By explicitly checking if the key exists before attempting to access its value using the in operator, we can prevent a KeyError.

Deal with the circumstance when the key is not found: You may insert code to deal with this scenario in the else section. This may consist of error messages, alternate courses of action, or any other logic that best suits your needs.

You may prevent program crashes by proactively using the in operator to check if a key is in a dictionary. This way, you can handle KeyError exceptions gracefully.

New Way to Handle KeyError Using DefaultDict

Python's built-in dict class is a subclass of defaultdict, a class from the collections module. It is intended to give keys absent from the dictionary a default value, which aids in addressing KeyError errors.

You must import defaultdict from the collections module and initialize it with a default value type to use it. Instead of throwing a KeyError when attempting to access an invalid key, defaultdict will return the key type's default value.

Here is an example of how to use defaultdict to handle a KeyError:


defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {'a': 2, 'b': 5, 'c': 6})


  1. Import the defaultdict class from the collections module.
  2. Create a defaultdict named my_dict with a default value of int (which is 0). Any key that doesn't exist in the dictionary will have a default value of 0.
  3. Assign values to keys 'a', 'b', and 'c' in my_dict. These keys are explicitly created in the dictionary.
  4. Print the contents of my_dict. The output will display the key-value pairs in the dictionary, including the explicitly assigned keys and their respective values.
  5. Try to access the key 'f' in my_dict. Since this key doesn't exist in the dictionary, a KeyError exception would normally be raised. However, because my_dict is a defaultdict with a default value of int (0), accessing a non-existent key returns the default value instead of raising an exception. A value of 0 will be assigned to the value.
  6. Print the value of value. It will be 0, as 'f' doesn't exist in my_dict, and the default int value is used.
  7. Access keys 'a' and 'b' in my_dict to demonstrate that accessing existing keys works as expected. The respective values assigned to these keys (2 and 5) will be printed.

Offering a default value for keys absent from the dictionary shows how defaultdict may be used to handle KeyError errors. It streamlines the code and eliminates the need for KeyError tests that are explicit.


Now, we understand some common scenarios in which Python's Keyerror exception may be thrown and several excellent strategies for preventing them from terminating our program. The next time we encounter a Keyerror, we'll know it's most likely due to a faulty dictionary key lookup. By looking at the last few lines of the traceback, we may get all the information we need to determine where the problem comes from.

If the issue is a dictionary key lookup in our code, we may use the safer .get() function with a default return value instead of querying the key directly on the dictionary. If our code doesn't cause the issue, the try-except block is our best bet for regulating the flow of our code.

Exceptions do not have to be scary. We can utilize these methods to make our programs flow more predictably if we comprehend the information presented in their tracebacks and the root cause of the error.