CLEAN Tips to IMPROVE Python Functions


Python is a robust and flexible programming language, and developing maintainable and successful code requires clean and effective functions. This post will examine numerous techniques for enhancing your Python functions without using cumbersome or duplicative code. By adhering to these clean coding practices, you can make your Python functions more readable, maintainable, and performant, making your codebase more reliable and effective. Let's look at these pointers for polishing your Python functions.

The following advice is geared at creating Python code that is clear, effective, and manageable:

1. Make Use of Definitive Function Names

You must name your functions in a way that makes sense and is clear. Only by reading the function's whole code do people (and your future self) find it simpler to comprehend what it does if you give it a good name. For instance, calculate_area_of_rectangle() would be a more informative name for a function than f().

2. Adhere to the SRP (Single Responsibility Principle)

According to SRP, every function should have a clear, distinct purpose. You can maintain and comprehend your code more easily by keeping your functions focused. If a function carries out several tasks, consider dividing it into smaller functions, each with a distinct duty.

3. Utilize Docstrings

For your functions to be properly documented, docstrings are crucial. They list the function's parameters, define what it does, and specify what it returns. Code that adheres to the PEP 257 docstring style recommendation is more readable and consistent.


The area of the rectangle with length 5.0 and width 3.0 is 15.0

4. ype Annotations

Python offers type hints, which can be used to annotate function parameters and return values with anticipated types. This makes your code more self-documenting and is beneficial for using tools like mypy to catch type-related problems.

5. Steer clear of global variables

Utilize global variables in functions as little as possible. Instead, use values as inputs and function outputs to return the outcomes. This lessens dependencies and increases the modularity of your code.

6. Default Values for Arguments

Use default argument values with care. You risk having less predictable operations if you overuse them. Instead, think about addressing None explicitly within the function, as was seen in the prior example, and utilizing it as a default.

7. Keep Arguments from Mutating

If your function affects any mutable objects, it receives as arguments (such as lists or dictionaries), explicitly state that in your documentation. Instead of altering the original objects, consider returning new ones to avoid undesirable effects.

8. Handling Errors

Use try and except blocks for correctly handling exceptions within your functions. Send out clear error messages to help with problem-solving and comprehension.

9. Employ generator expressions and list comprehensions

Lists and iterators can be made quickly using list comprehensions & generator expressions. When working with lists, they can make your code easier to read.

10. Don't Use Hardcoded Values

Don't hard-code constants into your functions. Consider making a value a function argument or a constant defined at the module level if it is likely to change.

11. Refactoring and Code Review

Review your code frequently and refactor as necessary. Colleague input or static analysis tools can be used to find areas that need improvement.

12. Performance Enhancement

To find performance bottlenecks, profile your code. Use the proper data structures and algorithms to improve the efficiency of your code's key areas.

13. Unit testing

To ensure your functions perform as expected, write unit tests for them. Unit tests serve as documentation and aid in detecting regressions when you modify your code.

14. Comments and supporting materials

Use comments in your code to describe intricate algorithms or unusual choices. But make an effort to make your code self-explanatory such that comments are only occasionally required.

15. Regular Formatting

Use a standard code formatting style, such as Python's PEP 8. Consistency enhances developer collaboration and readability.

16. Version Control

Utilize version control tools like Git to keep track of code changes. Collaboration, change rollback, and code history tracking are made easier.


Using the CLEAN concepts to improve Python functions is essential for producing maintainable, effective, and understandable code. You can improve the readability and robustness of your code by implementing techniques like giving functions meaningful names, following the Single Responsibility Principle, utilizing docstrings and type annotations, and avoiding global variables. Additionally, handling default argument values, preventing function parameter mutation, and engaging in effective error-handling practices all contribute to the dependability and user-friendliness of the code. Your software can be more efficient by utilizing list comprehensions and generating expressions, eliminating hardcoding values, and emphasizing code review and refactoring.

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