SN |
Option |
Description |
1 |
activebackground |
The background color of the widget when it has the focus. |
2 |
bg |
The background color of the widget. |
3 |
bd |
The border width of the widget. |
4 |
command |
The associated callback with the widget which is called each time the state of the widget is called. |
5 |
cursor |
The mouse pointer is changed to the cursor type assigned to this option. |
6 |
disabledbackground |
The background color of the widget when it is disabled. |
7 |
disabledforeground |
The foreground color of the widget when it is disabled. |
8 |
fg |
The normal foreground color of the widget. |
9 |
font |
The font type of the widget content. |
10 |
format |
This option is used for the format string. It has no default value. |
11 |
from_ |
It is used to show the starting range of the widget. |
12 |
justify |
It is used to specify the justification of the multi-line widget content. The default is LEFT. |
13 |
relief |
It is used to specify the type of the border. The default is SUNKEN. |
14 |
repeatdelay |
This option is used to control the button auto repeat. The value is given in milliseconds. |
15 |
repeatinterval |
It is similar to repeatdelay. The value is given in milliseconds. |
16 |
state |
It represents the state of the widget. The default is NORMAL. The possible values are NORMAL, DISABLED, or "readonly". |
17 |
textvariable |
It is like a control variable which is used to control the behaviour of the widget text. |
18 |
to |
It specify the maximum limit of the widget value. The other is specified by the from_ option. |
19 |
validate |
This option controls how the widget value is validated. |
20 |
validatecommand |
It is associated to the function callback which is used for the validation of the widget content. |
21 |
values |
It represents the tuple containing the values for this widget. |
22 |
vcmd |
It is same as validation command. |
23 |
width |
It represents the width of the widget. |
24 |
wrap |
This option wraps up the up and down button the Spinbox. |
25 |
xscrollcommand |
This options is set to the set() method of scrollbar to make this widget horizontally scrollable. |