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Typing Test Python Project

Have you taken a typing test to gauge your accuracy and speed? By regularly practising, you can test yourself and get better at typing. Building your typing test would be amusing, wouldn't it? In this project, we'll create a Python typing test project. Let's get going!

Typing Test Project Introduction

The player can practise typing with this project. The individual will receive random English words for this project. The player must write the English words accurately, taking the letter case into account.

The player's typing speed and the percentage of successfully entered words will be considered as a gauge of accuracy.

Typing Test Python Project

In this keyboard test project, the player will initially see the presentation layer with the start button. When you click Start, a new window appears. For developing the GUI, we'll use the Tkinter module.

The player must enter ten words in this box, which are presented one after another. The English words module will be used to obtain the words. Moreover, the screen will display how many times have passed. The outcomes will appear after typing is complete.

Prerequisites of this Project

Before starting the project, it is recommended that the developer have some familiarity with Tkinter and Python packages. You should also install the Tkinter and English words Packages. The following commands can be used.

Source Code Snippet:

File Structure of this Project

The steps to code the python project are

  1. Importing the Packages
  2. Making the primary window
  3. global variables declaration
  4. Building the game window
  5. Creating a function to manage the game's times and end.
  6. Creating a game-controlling function
  7. Adding panels to the game window

Step 1: Importing the Packages

Source Code Snippet:

Explanation of the above Code:

  1. English words: The collection of English words are included in this module.
  2. Tkinter: This module aids screen construction by adding widgets and their characteristics.
  3. This changes the font style of the text.
  4. Random: This module generates a random list of English words.

Step 2: Create the main window

Explanation of the above Code:

  1. Geometry() function: determines the window's length and width.
  2. configure() function: modifies the screen's backdrop colour.
  3. title() function: This function creates the window's title.
  4. place() function: This moves the widgets to a certain location based on coordinates or relative to the parent component
  5. place() function: This moves the widgets to a certain location based on coordinates or relative to the parent component
  6. Label() function: This facilitates text display.

Step 3: Global Variables Declaration

Source Code Snippet:

Explanation of the above Code:

  1. Scores: It counts the number of words that were typed correctly.
  2. miss: It keeps track of how many words were typed incorrectly.
  3. times: It keeps times in seconds.
  4. It counts the amount of words that are displayed.
  5. words: It keeps a list of the module's English words.

Step 4. Game Window Creation

Source Code Snippet:

Explanation of the above Code:

  1. geometry() function: determines the window's length and width.
  2. configure() function: modifies the screen's backdrop colour.
  3. title() function: This function creates the window's title.

Step 5: Function creation to the end of the game and control times

Every second, this function refreshes the times. The game is over, and the results are displayed once all ten words have been completed.

Source Code Snippet:

Explanation of the above Code:

  1. Configure() function: sets the text on the screen, for example, times.
  2. After() function: The timesr is run every 1100 ms or 1 second.
  3. Recursively call Func() function: until the word count is under 10.
  4. destroy() function: This command eliminates the widget.

Step 6: Writing a function that controls the game

Every time the enter key is pressed, this function is activated. When the game first starts, it

  1. runs the timesFunc1() function to update the times continually.
  2. The system checks to see if the word typed is correct every other time an individual pushes the enter key and modifies the scores accordingly.
  3. After that, it switches the word to one of the listed English words.

Source Code Snippet:

Explanation of the above Code:

  1. The function is random.shuffle() randomly shuffles the entries of the list of "words."
  2. configure() function: The text is displayed on the screen.
  3. delete() function: The widget d's text is cleared.
  4. gets() function: Obtains the text that the widget is presently displaying
  5. Widgets Addition to the game window

Source Code Snippet:

Explanation of the above Code:

  1. Place() function: inserts the widgets in a certain location based on coordinates or relative to the parent component.
  2. Frame() function: builds a widget with several widgets on the screen.
  3. Label() function: This aids in displaying text
  4. Entry() function: This collects player input
  5. Button() function: This generates a button with the specified parameters, and the command parameter denotes the function that will be carried out when the button is clicked.

Consolidated Code:

Python Typing Test Output

An illustration of how the game is played with times running and words displayed.

Typing Test Python Project


Hurray! The typing test Python project has been developed successfully. In the Tkinter module, we discussed the ideas behind numerous widgets and their characteristics. English words and random libraries were also used. I hope you had fun creating with us!

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