How to convert Hex to ASCII in python?
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a character encoding standard used in computers to represent text. It assigns a unique number to each character, and these numbers can be represented in hexadecimal format.
Converting a hexadecimal string to ASCII in Python involves a few steps, but it's a straightforward process.
Here is a step-by-step guide to converting a hexadecimal string to ASCII in Python:
- First, you need to convert the hexadecimal string to a byte string using the built-in fromhex() method. This method takes the hexadecimal string as an argument and returns a bytes object representing the hexadecimal value.
- Once you have the byte string, you can decode it to ASCII using the decode() This method takes an optional parameter specifying the encoding to use when decoding the bytes. In this case, we'll use the "ASCII" encoding.
There are other approaches to convert a hexadecimal string to ASCII in Python. Here are a few alternative methods:
- Using the binascii module: The binascii module in Python provides several functions to convert binary data to different encodings, including ASCII. You can use the unhexlify() function to convert a hexadecimal string to bytes and then decode it to ASCII using the decode() method.
- Using list comprehension: Another way to convert a hexadecimal string to ASCII is to convert each pair of hexadecimal digits to its corresponding ASCII character using a list
- Using the struct module: The struct module in Python provides functions to convert between binary data and structured data types. You can use the unpack() function to convert a hexadecimal string to ASCII.
- Using bytearray.fromhex() method: You can use the fromhex() method to convert a hexadecimal string to a bytearray object and then convert it to ASCII using the decode() method.
- Using codecs.decode() method: You can use the decode() method to decode a hexadecimal string to ASCII.
- Using int.to_bytes() method: You can use the to_bytes() method to convert a hexadecimal string to bytes and then convert it to ASCII using the decode() method.