NumPy. Logical_ or() in PythonTruth values between x1 and x2 elementwise are computed using the NumPy. Logical or() technique. The logical OR function returns true when at least one input is true. It is denoted mathematically by the letter v. A truth table for the OR operation between p, and q is provided here.
Syntax: Parameters:
Get back value: When both x1 and x2 are boolean values, this function returns a single boolean value. It returns a broadcasted boolean Ndarray when both x1 and x2 are boolean Ndarrays. Explanation In the code snippet, lines 4, 6, and 11 will be used to assess the logical OR between two scalar values, two boolean arrays, and two logical conditions. Output: x1 v x2 between boolean values: T x1 v x2 between boolean arrays: [ T T T F T ] x1 v x2 between conditions: [ T F F F T T T ] Code 1: Active Output: Output Array : [ T T T T] Code 2: If the input arrays have different forms, the Value Error Output: Value Error: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (4,) (5,)
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